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Author Topic: Taking gifts for WG's  (Read 7264 times)

Offline Horizontal pleasures

giving gifts just makes you think of delusional old men,
I am not a delusional old man, I am a dirty old man with insight, and it is my experience that a bag of cherries or a bar of dark chocolate or some other not expensive little treat makes a male-female transaction more fun. Even business can be fun.
It can make even a surly foreign born lady brighten up or a jolly matron give me a slurpy kiss.

Online Derrick101


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In the past I’ve got chocolates or wine But that’s only if it’s near Christmas or I’ve cocked up and needed to cancel and she’s been happy to book me in again. Talking £6/£7 nothing major and I have noticed that the ones that I have turned up with a small token have put more effort in than the previous times (if it’s someone I’ve seen before )


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I’ve no objection to giving a girl a gift. Give some perspective though few years ago I saw an agency girl in Leeds guess several girls used the flat. She opened a kitchen cupboard rammed with boxes of chocolates then showed me the kitchen bin rammed with ‘thank you’ cards from daft men.
Just don’t forget what this is..

Offline Brighton-Belle

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What's a fluff? Sorry, I saw this word mentioned and don't know what it refers to!

Any gift - whether it's a bottle of wine, a toy/clothing to use in the booking or something more personal like a book or perfume - is lovely and sweet but very unnecessary. The best gift a client can give is to be nice, polite, clean and good company. My favourite clients and best bookings are from guys who don't (necessarily) tip or bring presents, but were so much fun to be with. 

Someone I know once set up an exhibition based around the various gifts WGs have received from clients: External Link/Members Only
External Link/Members Only

Some crazy stuff in there.

Offline dynatron

only small thimgs like box of chocs or cheap flowers-does it improve the punt in future no way in my opinion also some dont realy appreciate a  bunch of fowers o0r small box of chocs if they are earning in much more than the average punter

Offline Lema

I bought a bottle of perfume (her favourite) according to her interview page. In a fancy bag and everything! I gave it to her when I arrived, she took it off me , said "thanks " and put it on the floor in the corner of the room. After the punt I said "are you going to open it" she said "I'll open it later " so I left a bit pissed off. Never heard from her to say thanks or fuck all.  ... Never again.  :thumbsdown:

Offline Littlefoot

What's a fluff? Sorry, I saw this word mentioned and don't know what it refers to!

Fluffy: Often derogatory term to describe a punter who sees all prostitutes through rose tinted glasses, thinks she can do no wrong, and can become too emotionally attached.  :hi:

Offline JonasG

I bought a bottle of perfume (her favourite) according to her interview page. In a fancy bag and everything! I gave it to her when I arrived, she took it off me , said "thanks " and put it on the floor in the corner of the room. After the punt I said "are you going to open it" she said "I'll open it later " so I left a bit pissed off. Never heard from her to say thanks or fuck all.  ... Never again.  :thumbsdown:

It's utterly pointless and a waste of time.

People who think it gets them a better service don't realise the next guy who doesn't give them a gift but is simply nice and clean gets the exact same service as them.

Offline OakTree

It's utterly pointless and a waste of time.

People who think it gets them a better service don't realise the next guy who doesn't give them a gift but is simply nice and clean gets the exact same service as them.

Who knows but I’m more inclined to view it the same way HP does.

I am not a delusional old man, I am a dirty old man with insight, and it is my experience that a bag of cherries or a bar of dark chocolate or some other not expensive little treat makes a male-female transaction more fun. Even business can be fun.
It can make even a surly foreign born lady brighten up or a jolly matron give me a slurpy kiss.

A bottle of wine here or there isn’t going to break the bank and it is meant to be all about fun.


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Years ago a saw an agency girl in Leeds she showed me the kitchen cupboards full of boxes of unwanted boxes of chocolates and a bin full of unwanted thank you cards.. just saying

Offline Chorley

Years ago a saw an agency girl in Leeds she showed me the kitchen cupboards full of boxes of unwanted boxes of chocolates and a bin full of unwanted thank you cards.. just saying
This post sums up why taking gifts to WG's is a load of bollocks.  :thumbsdown:

It really is as basic as shitit, shave and shower, turn up on time, pay the funds, be polite, don't be a weirdo, fuck 'em, then fuck off. Rinse and repeat. Simples.  :hi:
« Last Edit: April 30, 2018, 10:36:25 pm by Chorley »

Offline NigelF

Who knows but I’m more inclined to view it the same way HP does.

A bottle of wine here or there isn’t going to break the bank and it is meant to be all about fun.

I don't see how giving her gifts is "fun". It is a decent way to get rid of crap bottles of wine that you get given yourself (although they likely won't appreciate it either) but nothing more.

Offline OakTree

I don't see how giving her gifts is "fun". It is a decent way to get rid of crap bottles of wine that you get given yourself (although they likely won't appreciate it either) but nothing more.

I could of made that a bit clearer. I was referring to the meet as a whole as fun not just passing her a bottle of plonk. 

Personally I don’t give out gifts apart from on occasion I’ve taken a bottle of wine of which I’ve enjoyed also. The term that many on here keep quoting “It’s just a business transaction” in my view is ridiculous. The last thing on my mind as I trot off to fuck a far younger than me hottie, is business. To me it is a selfish indulgent pleasure. How she might view it is her problem, for me it’s pure fun. If some get pleasure giving chocolates, flowers and even bottles of plonk who am I to criticise.

That said I’m totally against tipping. A tip is given after the event and has nothing to do with perceived enhancement of the meet by giving a gift at the beginning.

Offline Midori

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Not all WG's are ungrateful to be given gifts. Maybe some, who project a certain kind of image, maybe get a lot of expensive gifts and it therefore has become meaningless to them, but not all are like that.

Gifts shouldn't be required for good service and in my case, aren't required but that doesn't mean that a thoughtful gesture doesn't put a smile on my face. Sometimes you can make someone happy for very little - for example I had a repeat client who visited me later on on a hot day and brought me a cold 500ml bottle of Pepsi max because they thought I might appreciate a cold drink. 2 for £1.50 at the corner shop, but it was very thoughtful and I did appreciate it.

Never been tipped, not sure I would know how to handle that, I know it makes no sense but that would feel a bit cold after the fact?


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Ive only bought gifts for one wg who was a particular favorite at the time.

She was very appreciative, you can it heightened her mood and it certainly improved the service.


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Never been tipped

That sounds like a plot for a Drew Barrymore film.   :sarcastic:

Jerry Standing

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Had a regular 10+ years ago where I always brought a bottle of red to the meeting. We shared it (so not sure this constitutes a gift), this always went down well. She was great company a with bookings timed for end of her working day often ment had a great extended time with her.
The thought of any gift just getting chucked in a cupboard is a no no for me . Fully understand why punters wouldn't be wanting to tip/ give gifts if there's no mutual benefits


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Seriously Nigel4498 you report my post because I have "issues".

I certainly do not thank you very much, I only gave my thoughts on the topic of discussion.

And he was 100% correct

Offline Marmalade

Offline Marmalade

Well I am "fluffy" so have done a few presents but usually only with those that are regulars. As mine are mostly outcalls, then bottle of wine, odd box of choccies and once a bottle of Chanel no 5, but only because I didn't have to pay for it.

 :unknown: How did that work? Did one of your regs donate some of her unwanted fluff-wrapped gifts to you first?
Yes I know I am paying a lot of money

and yes I know this is a financial arrangements but even so, sometimes politeness and courtesy go a long way.

You don’t say!

I offer any guest to my house a cup of tea or probably an alcoholic beverage of their choice. Even a prossie. I’m polite and courteous.

I don’t give them bottles of Chanel no 5 though.  :dash:

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Guaranteed to help if a prossie smells bad.

Go on. Give ‘er a big ‘un.  :D

Offline Analist

Once a WG practically demanded I bring her a bottle of wine. It was annoying and meant I had to stop at Tesco before seeing her. Punt itself was pretty unmemorable except for her request.
Other than that, I'm not particularly the gift giving type. On some occasions, I've left a cash tip when I've enjoyed the service. Abroad, there have been instances when this was forced too, they think every foreigner is made of money and can afford to give them more than the quoted price.
I might consider a gift for a regular that I get on at a social level and not just the fucking, but am usually too disorganised to get around to it.


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@Analist - I’ve had condoms demanded, a bottle of wine and best of all,  once a Big Mac Meal   :wacko:

A few times I’ve been “gifted” I’ve been offered to share a bottle of wine that they’ve supplied and I’ve even asked for one before and been supplied it. Another time I got home after a punt and found that my punting bag contained her massage oil and a box of condoms, a bonus I guess :hi:

I’ve had one try to swap my tablet for an overnight, I’ve been offered the Right stuff and another try to pay me for my iPhone.

Offline Azucar D Artagnan

Not meaning to be condescending to those have have gifted Whores previously or that these reminiscing tales are meant to take the piss  :thumbsup: The 3 occasions that i have taken gifts to WGs are a bunch of Tulips ( approx value £2.50 ) done that twice , a cadbury's creme egg and took two can's of Brahma ( cold ) on a session recently offered her one , she declined then said you don't mind if i drink mine whilst i bang you to which she was comfortable about - even offered her a swig from my can mid session to which again she declined . It seemed on all these occasions but its hard to make comparissons when i had not had previous sessions with the WGs that they were more relaxed and less restrictive than other SPs . Whether i got more "Bang for my Buck " i do not know .

My point is that psychologically there is some thing very deep with in most of us that when we are given a gift it does change the way that we interact with the giver of that gift . It's not the value of the gift its the giving of it . This discovery has made me re-think my many years of punting and the re-action and experiences with those many different Whores  ;) I always viewed gifting as a role of the noble fluffy white knight  :sarcastic:  In conclusion i am now a regular at my local pound shop searching out bargains !!!

Offline Azucar D Artagnan

Not meaning to be condescending to those have have gifted Whores previously or that these reminiscing tales are meant to take the piss  :thumbsup: The 3 occasions that i have taken gifts to WGs are a bunch of Tulips ( approx value £2.50 ) done that twice , a cadbury's creme egg and took two can's of Brahma ( cold ) on a session recently offered her one , she declined then said you don't mind if i drink mine whilst i bang you to which she was comfortable about - even offered her a swig from my can mid session to which again she declined . It seemed on all these occasions but its hard to make comparissons when i had not had previous sessions with the WGs that they were more relaxed and less restrictive than other SPs . Whether i got more "Bang for my Buck " i do not know .

My point is that psychologically there is some thing very deep with in most of us that when we are given a gift it does change the way that we interact with the giver of that gift . It's not the value of the gift its the receiving of it . Whether that releases endorphins make us feel more worthwhile ( ego ) or whatever else it does to us subconsciously . This discovery has made me re-think my many years of punting and the re-action and experiences with those many different Whores  ;) I always viewed gifting as a role of the noble fluffy white knight  :sarcastic:  In conclusion i am now a regular at my local pound shop searching out bargains !!!

Offline Daffodil

I have taken gifts, and would do so again, but purely out of personal interest.

A pretty straight forward example was a girl who did anal for an extra £20 or for a bottle of wine. £3 bottle of wine it was  :thumbsup:

In terms of just getting a better overall experience I think it can probably help. If the prossie likes you she will more likely give you a better service. We might like to think a professional prossie would give the same service to all, but I never expect a prossie to be professional. After all, if they where, they probably wouldn’t be a prossie.

Offline Horizontal pleasures

Cherries are in season again at my corner Turkish grocer/greengrocer. I have bought some for a punt tomorrow and put it in a cool place ready to go! Yippee.

Offline workinallweek

pickled onion monster mash to take on my next punt as long as she eats them after
Banned reason: Offering glowing positive reviews for free bookings.
Banned by: daviemac


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  My point is that psychologically there is some thing very deep with in most of us that when we are given a gift it does change the way that we interact with the giver of that gift . It's not the value of the gift its the giving of it . This discovery has made me re-think my many years of punting and the re-action and experiences with those many different Whores  ;) I always viewed gifting as a role of the noble fluffy white knight  :sarcastic:  In conclusion i am now a regular at my local pound shop searching out bargains !!!

Thank you for this. This makes good sense. I suspect it would help soften some but not all hardened SP’s somewhat and result in a slightly better punt.

Offline redtill

If that's what u feel like doing then go ahead.I have,but not with the intention
of trying to get a better service.Guess I'm just one of lifes givers  :crazy:

Offline Cuntminion

My advice if your going to bring a gift don't follow status quo of wine, flowers etc

Bring something you like as well as what you'd like to gift

So if booking falls through no sad smacked arse face as your still £100+ up but you've got a tickle me Elmo and pack of mars bars too

Offline webpunter

Milk Tray or Terrys Chocolate Orange ? :lol:
Hookers like folding & can make do with alcohol
Was said burd a BBW ? In which case chocolates would see you treated like a prince  :lol:
Otherwise 99% of hookers will either bin em or give as a present to someone else

Having recently gone over time with a girl, as a small token of appreciation I took a box of chocolates to my further booking with the girl, which was gratefully received

PS -xxCarixx looks FAF.  HL is +1  :thumbsup:
Get your shit together with EAS & you'll be fine


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Having arranged to meet an escort in a restaurant, I decided to place the fee envelope inside a book in order to be more discreet. The book was also chosen as a gift because she stated on her profile that she likes receiving them as gifts. Perhaps our reading tastes are different as I did notice that she never thanked me although I wonder whether that had anything to do with the fact that the fee was inside. :unknown: :unknown: Anyway, that was first and last booking, and we never got beyond desert!    :dash:

Offline Horizontal pleasures

Having arranged to meet an escort in a restaurant, I decided to place the fee envelope inside a book in order to be more discreet. The book was also chosen as a gift because she stated on her profile that she likes receiving them as gifts. Perhaps our reading tastes are different as I did notice that she never thanked me although I wonder whether that had anything to do with the fact that the fee was inside. :unknown: :unknown: Anyway, that was first and last booking, and we never got beyond desert!    :dash:
interesting, how about a link? 'Beyond dessert', so did you punt or did she desert you? A review?
« Last Edit: May 19, 2018, 06:53:09 pm by Horizontal pleasures »

Offline OakTree

Having arranged to meet an escort in a restaurant, I decided to place the fee envelope inside a book in order to be more discreet. The book was also chosen as a gift because she stated on her profile that she likes receiving them as gifts. Perhaps our reading tastes are different as I did notice that she never thanked me although I wonder whether that had anything to do with the fact that the fee was inside. :unknown: :unknown: Anyway, that was first and last booking, and we never got beyond desert!    :dash:

Are you saying you paid her but just had dinner?


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Yes, "dessert" rather than "desert".   :blush:  I also think I blew it in the first couple of minutes when I handed her a small bag of home grown veg from my garden! To say she was unimpressed would be something of an understatement.
I haven't posted a review as it didn't go beyond lunch, and as a newbie I divulged rather more personal details than I should have- easily done over 2 hours of chat. It was my choice not to retire to a hotel despite a couple of subtle hints from her. The experience was aimed at testing the water to see if meeting an escort was for me or not. Although she came across as a lovely woman, the whole experience left me feeling empty inside and no doubt the dismissive response to my gifts didn't help! LOL. Strangely 9 months later I planning on having tea with her one afternoon. Pointless, I know!   


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Yes, "dessert" rather than "desert".   :blush:  I also think I blew it in the first couple of minutes when I handed her a small bag of home grown veg from my garden! To say she was unimpressed would be something of an understatement.
I haven't posted a review as it didn't go beyond lunch, and as a newbie I divulged rather more personal details than I should have- easily done over 2 hours of chat. It was my choice not to retire to a hotel despite a couple of subtle hints from her. The experience was aimed at testing the water to see if meeting an escort was for me or not. Although she came across as a lovely woman, the whole experience left me feeling empty inside and no doubt the dismissive response to my gifts didn't help! LOL. Strangely 9 months later I planning on having tea with her one afternoon. Pointless, I know!   
I'm not sure what you are trying to achieve, you pay an escort for sex, you're not dating them to try and get them into bed, that's what the money is for. 2 hours of chat I'm sure your bound to reveal some personal details, but why 2 hours of chat, you must have known whether you wanted to go through with it.
I've taken escorts for meals but they've always been regulars I've seen a few times we've shared the cost and kept the "business" (sex) separate


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I'm not sure what you are trying to achieve, you pay an escort for sex, you're not dating them to try and get them into bed, that's what the money is for. 2 hours of chat I'm sure your bound to reveal some personal details, but why 2 hours of chat, you must have known whether you wanted to go through with it.
I've taken escorts for meals but they've always been regulars I've seen a few times we've shared the cost and kept the "business" (sex) separate
:hi: Good points for sure. However, the reason I paid for a social lunch booking (lunch was the gift she seemed to enjoy most!) was that I wanted to test the water to see if punting was for me which it doesn't appear to be. And for 9 months it worked but I find myself tempted again. Yes, paying £150 just to have lunch with an escort is totally bizarre but the memory of her/the meeting has raised quite a few smiles and that can't be too bad!


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:hi: Good points for sure. However, the reason I paid for a social lunch booking (lunch was the gift she seemed to enjoy most!) was that I wanted to test the water to see if punting was for me which it doesn't appear to be. And for 9 months it worked but I find myself tempted again. Yes, paying £150 just to have lunch with an escort is totally bizarre but the memory of her/the meeting has raised quite a few smiles and that can't be too bad!
But how do you know punting isn't for you, you weren't "punting", you were having lunch costing £150 + (more like a paid date) if she was in the bedroom with her kit off would you still have said no, or as the journalists say "made my excuses and left"

Offline Marmalade

... the thread IMO is getting a tad ridiculous ... interesting story and all that ... but more suited to the Metro newspaper than the UK’s No.1 punting forum ...

The whole thread about buying gifts for a service provider is a bit fluffy and vomiting inducing, even if some people find it ‘cost effective’ or ‘enjoy watching a prostitute eat’. But a story of leaving after the dessert just sounds like freshly warmed up troll tales — whether it happened or not, personally I think the guy should take it to Mumsnet, not UKP.


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Anyone ever given a sex toy as a gift, i sometimes have when lovehoney has a 50% off sale

Its always a fun session and i let the wg keep the toy afterwards

Offline Marmalade


(To all the zero-review posters fluffing their feathers to prossie-suckingly keeping this thread alive)


Honestly, the balls to come on here and talk about what you give to prossies and give fuck all back to fellow punters! if your balls were any smaller they’d be a cunt.  :dash:

Offline Azucar D Artagnan


(To all the zero-review posters fluffing their feathers to prossie-suckingly keeping this thread alive)


Honestly, the balls to come on here and talk about what you give to prossies and give fuck all back to fellow punters! if your balls were any smaller they’d be a cunt.  :dash:

+1  :hi:  :lol: :lol: :lol:

Went on a session recently with my 2 cans of Brahma ( one for her one for me ) which she declined so that was a great start to the session as immediately my beer supplies had doubled  :yahoo: She even declined a gulp from my open can mid way through the OWO . Thought she might want to freshen her tonsils  ;) Reaching over and grabbing a vibrator from my bag the batteries had gone flat  :thumbsdown: Looking very concerned she said don't worry i got new spare ones for you  :yahoo: Probably bores everyone reading this to death but i could not stop laughing for the remainder of my £40.00  :D

Used to have another BYO WG who never battered an eye when i got my Brahma out . Sadly she has moved to Belgravia and her prices have moved Northwards .

« Last Edit: May 20, 2018, 11:37:47 pm by Azucar D Artagnan »

Offline Horizontal pleasures

+1  :hi:  :lol: :lol: :lol:

Went on a session recently with my 2 cans of Brahma ( one for her one for me ) which she declined so that was a great start to the session as immediately my beer supplies had doubled  :yahoo: She even declined a gulp from my open can mid way through the OWO . Thought she might want to freshen her tonsils  ;) Reaching over and grabbing a vibrator from my bag the batteries had gone flat  :thumbsdown: Looking very concerned she said don't worry i got new spare ones for you  :yahoo: Probably bores everyone reading this to death but i could not stop laughing for the remainder of my £40.00  :D

Used to have another BYO WG who never battered an eye when i got my Brahma out . Sadly she has moved to Belgravia and her prices have moved Northwards .
what is Brahma?

Offline webpunter

Here you go
To save you going to the library this morning to find this out  :lol:

what is Brahma?

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After reading all the positive comments about gifting pro$$ies, I took a bottle of wine to an old regular a couple of weeks ago. It brought a smile to her face and the session was as good as ever.

Went to see her yesterday and she'd double booked me! I received a message en route asking if I could delay my arrival by two hours. 

Offline Marmalade

Drinkable Brazilian beer, a shekel or two cheaper than Skol and vastly superior to our Scottish shite like McEwans or Tennents.

Offline Daffodil

What the fuck have I just read? A prossie was paid to come to lunch, had her lunch paid for, received a gift and didn’t get fucked? I despair for mankind sometimes.

Offline Azucar D Artagnan

What the fuck have I just read? A prossie was paid to come to lunch, had her lunch paid for, received a gift and didn’t get fucked? I despair for mankind sometimes.

+1  :hi: Can't argue with your reasoning and your summary . That's how the Marbella Boiler Rooms make a living .... Off the Naive  :scare:  but those contributions did sound like " fairey tales "  :lol:  If travelling in Brasil we do not sell our diamonds at 1/2 price on National Holidays in case anyone is thinking of making the investment of a life time  :D

Offline Marmalade

What’s a Marbella Boiler Room?