Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Vivastreet in Cambridge-any gold in the dross?  (Read 1367 times)

Offline randyrobert

Although many of us use AW to locate service providers there are other sources of prozzie advertising-in our region Vivastreet is prominent. My own limited experience has been that Viva street has been a major source of B&S and inaccurate profiles and other scams so I thought I would take a closer look.

It took only six weeks to collect just over 200 profiles for women advertising in Cambridge (that’s over 33 new prozzies a week -which itself should raise eyebrows for those who see the same old same old on AW). Are these figures remotely plausible when 76% of the Vivastreet ads do not correspond to an AW ad.  A reason that has been suggested is that AW runs a much stronger verifying system than Vivastreet. (

At the top left of a Vivastreet ad you will see “posted by” and then a clickable link, which pulls out current ads posted by the same poster. Then other information is the prozzie phone number, the pictures and the blurb of the ad as well as the url for the ad itself. By collating all these patterns emerge.

Firstly the same “poster” may be responsible for large numbers of profiles-so for instance “Tabitadreagnea” is responsible for 51 of the entries and “jessypornista” for ten, Alexandra for eight and there were a number of other posters with multiple profiles. Examination of the phone numbers however showed that profiles from seemingly unrelated “posters”  shared the same  phone number on occasion so were in fact linked so Tabitadreagnea, Alexandra, Anays, Jessypornista and evelin23 are all related and together this super group were responsible for over half the total ads. Whether this represents a trafficking or pimping group or a huge B&S operation is unclear.

Of 208 profiles there were 117 separate phone numbers, many supposedly independent profiles shared the same phone number suggesting extensive B&S. Google searches using the phone numbers not infrequently turned up profiles on other sites for completely unrelated girls.
The same phone number was not infrequently used by several ostensibly independent posters, so for instance 07498773128 is used by three different “posters” one of whom (using google reverse image search) pinches pictures from German escort sites, 07505427612 pinches pictures from Alina Malin, 07475245911 from an Italian escort site, image searches show several cases of pictures pinched from Instagram or (surprise) Romanian sites.

Examination of images also show seemingly unrelated profiles are linked by backgrounds in the photos-a distinctive wallpaper or bed cover is a giveaway.

So is there any gold in the Vivastreet dross and how to find it? Well firstly check on the “poster”, if they are running several ads then beware. Are the rates 60/100 for the half hour/hour-then these may be a come-on-higher rates may are more likely to be genuine.

Does the phone number bring up profiles for unrelated girls on Google search? Are the photos obvious professional glamour shots, often a sign they are lifted from other sites such as Instagram-do a reverse image search to check-but this is not infallible. Is there a corresponding AW advert-then more likely to be genuine-i.e. passed AW verification for what it is worth.

In the end-if the ad. has passed all the tests and you are still tempted then TOFTT and report on UKP but don’tsay you have not been warned.

Offline Foxtail17

Interesting bit of research. I have only been punting just over 18 months so stuff like this is an eye opener for me.
Thanks for taking the time to post.

Offline oohermrs

Very useful Rob - thanks.  It confirms what I had thought, namely that you might find a gem on vivastreet, but you'll have to wade through an awful lot of crap first.

The other thing I look at, when trying to assess whether or not it'll be a shit punt, is the quality of the photos.  Broadly, if they're good/photoshopped etc risk levels are increased and if they're slightly out of focussed/badly lit selfies taken in dodgy surroundings risk levels are probably reduced!

Offline dingledongle

Thanks for the info :thumbsup:

I've looked a few times on viva and most of them seem too good to be true so never took the risk. There are a few on there that also have AW profiles.

Vivastreet really needs to get some proper vetting system in place, I don't really know why they don't. AW isn't foolproof either, but at least if they are verified with feedback you stand more of a chance!

Offline Analist

I don't know about Cambridge but I recently contacted an English wg in Norwich through adultwork. It took her a while to reply and she apologised saying most of her bookings come from vivastreet and she seldom checks adultwork.
She's an attractive girl in her 20s so there are some good ones in vivastreet that may prefer advertising there.

Offline randyrobert

If you look on escort forums such as SAAFE there are extensive threads on where and how to advertise. I would say the consensus is that relying on AW is not enough, although some say it provides 90% of their work others that they would starve just relying on AW.

So prozzies use in addition other sites, Vivastreet, Backpage/Cracker, Friday ad etc, as well as their own websites. What works best for them depends on where they are working.

The reason is that (surprisingly) many would be punters do not know about AW-so they will Google “escort + their location”. The first hits are not AW-but mostly Vivastreet-so that explains the sites popularity. The downside as far as escorts are concerned is that Vivastreet produces even more timewasters than AW-possibly as the less or non-experienced punters do not know how the prozzie-punter contract works so ask stupid questions.

The wise prozzies will have a separate phone number for Vivastreet or other sites which produces a message directing punters to their own websites-this weeds out the majority of Timewasters-in addition it provides the prozzie with market research as to which ads are more effective.

From what you are saying Analist it seems you are using AW email to message prozzies-or to make bookings. Apart from phone phobic prozzies who prefer initial contact to be made by email this is IMO a waste-if there is no displayed phone number then no booking.

 Most prozzies will want to speak to prospective clients so they can use their spidery senses to see if they will accept a booking-many reject a large proportion of those who phone as they feel that punter is weird or not for them. So this is why many reject contact only by AW email or booking system-and why many “ seldom check AW”

I am sure there are some Vivastreet gems-but by golly they are hard to find amongst the crap-but you as an experienced punter know all this.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2018, 09:22:03 am by randyrobert »


  • Guest
Most prozzies will want to speak to prospective clients so they can use their spidery senses to see if they will accept a booking-many reject a large proportion of those who phone as they feel that punter is weird or not for them. So this is why many reject contact only by AW email or booking system-and why many “ seldom check AW”

Strange. Most of my punts have been through only AW email. Only using phone for texting or a possible call right before the meet.  :unknown:

Offline WASA38

Strange. Most of my punts have been through only AW email. Only using phone for texting or a possible call right before the meet.  :unknown:

+1.  Dozens of times. But in the first emails I present a full CV, warts and all ! Am rarely ignored and never by SPs with lots of positive ratings. Only by iffy TOFTTs..

Offline Watts.E.Dunn

And.. apart from all the greif that follows Viva street do beware some of them using 070 numbers which are charged at a god awfull rate;!

Offline JayEZ2K

Really great work, randyrobert. I have been going through the same dilemma, getting bored of the same limited selection on AW, which seems to have shrunk even further recently. I just started looking into AW alternatives, not realizing you already performed such an extensive analysis. And I even checked SAAFE as well to see if real WGs used Vivastreet and other sites.

If it helps, I have seen some positive reviews of girls on Vivastreet who are not on AW. One of which was a highly rated girl who had a dispute with AW so didn't use them. Unfortunately I have found some Vivastreet ads were old, with the girl having moved on to another city. So all in all, it seems that Vivastreet might increase options, but takes a bit more time to verify girls, and is a bit riskier of a B&S and/or shite punt.

The other option I have been looking at is to expand my search a bit farther.

Offline randyrobert

According to a Vivastreet ad (and Google reverse image search) External Link/Members Only other than model Anya Sugar External Link/Members Only has turned up in Cambridge.

Also we have Mary External Link/Members Only who is in fact according to reverse image search none other than Vera Bambi External Link/Members Only

Now it is just possible that they are both here-after all  Busty Pam whose image search revealed to be Amanda Torres-and was in fact the real deal (

 but two stars in lil' ole Cambridge-who would have thunk it?

Message to scammers-if you are going to use images of models to spice up your profiles perhaps best not to use those with distinctive tattoos