Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Samantha Louise..whereabouts  (Read 928 times)

Offline Westernmail23

Does anyone know of or where Samantha Louise is now.? Based in Pontypridd/  Hawthorn for last few years...
Not been able to contact in last few months  and love to meet again

Offline Westernmail23

She was from and probably is from bargoed...can anyone she'd light ?


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I'm guessing probably not.

If you cant get hold of her then she has more than likely retired or is avoiding you. Leave it alone and find someone else.

Offline Punting_Mad

7-0 post-review count
Always makes me suspicious..


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There's plenty of female service providers in Wales to visit. Not exactly a shortage. As STT says, just take a look around and find one that tickles your fancy.

Offline Westernmail23

All good ... she has changed name and kept low profile after an incident with rouge punter

Offline Punting_Mad

Rouge Punter.. Red? What you been up to?


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« Last Edit: March 03, 2018, 08:33:18 am by np500 »

Offline Steelworker

Think he meant ‘rough’ not ‘rouge’. PM was associating rouge with red, Red  :)


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Think he meant ‘rough’ not ‘rouge’. PM was associating rouge with red, Red  :)

Or a rouge punter.

 Bloody stalkers ruining it for everyone else.


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Offline Punting_Mad

Sorry Red.. no evil intended... Ill curtail my attempts at humour in future


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Still needs explaining ?

A "Rogue" is pretty much a dishonest or sneaky person, with tricks up his sleeve,  e.g. a pickpocket or someone who cheats at playing cards.    :(

Rouge is a red powder or cream used as a cosmetic for colouring the cheeks or lips.  :dancegirl:

Punting_Mad is just yanking your crank for shits and giggles.  :)

« Last Edit: March 03, 2018, 11:49:20 am by STAR-LORD »

Offline Punting_Mad


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rouge is French for Red.....

All good , I may have French ancestry and recently saw alizee 21  :bomb: but like most , would not have a skiddadle what you meant ? Some may read and assume things that are far from the truth, but humour is a personal thing , that some times gets lost in translation.

Offline Punting_Mad

sorry mate.. as I said no malice or mischief intended....
thanks for understanding :hi:


  • Guest
sorry mate.. as I said no malice or mischief intended....
thanks for understanding :hi:
