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Author Topic: Anyone ever persuade a civvy into P4P?  (Read 4302 times)


  • Guest
I expect that there'll be a few Mid East expats sharing stories of Filipino maids open to some overtime here, but it's a serious question. It's always fun to hear about that one in a thousand pass that works.

Offline standardpostage

P4P = pay for pleasure, I think !

Offline BDiONU

I expect that there'll be a few Mid East expats sharing stories of Filipino maids open to some overtime here, but it's a serious question. It's always fun to hear about that one in a thousand pass that works.
Not just maids and not just filis.  One trick I used over there was to get chatting to girls in shops, then towards the end hand them a piece of paper (better still a plain business card, very cheap to have printed) with your name and punting mobile number on it, ask them if they'd like coffee.  If they contacted you its pretty certain you can bed them.  The money element comes in when they start asking for gifts, or have a sick relative at home.    My 'best' was just chatting to a fili girl on Tagged, she was shy and not the best looking but hot, fit body.   A virgin I eventually persuaded her she needed to do it, so we did, quite a few times.   A lot of women from 3rd world countries working in Dubai want to go out with a white guy and they're happy just to have dinner before you bang their brains out.  I had Filis, Thai, Chinese, Korean, a Nepali once, all for free or a meal.
I lived across the road from the accommodation for the staff from the Atlantis Hotel.   Got talking to a Kenyan woman from there on a dating app.  Eventually the chat came around to how she was looking for some extra cash, we met up and I put a proposal to her, 800Dhm a month for meeting for sex, maybe 2 or 3 times a week or maybe nothing that week.  She agreed and that's how it went until it was time for her to go home.  I asked if she knew anyone else and she hooked me up with another Kenyan, made the same sales pitch and a great working relationship ensued, when she left she introduced me to a third, it was great and very cheap.


  • Guest
Three in the uk, so far!

Placed an ad, get chatting, bring in the subject very slowly, realign the idea they have of how much they are likely to earn, mention that you would be happy to pay X amount, see what she answers.

Mind you, they have all probably had the idea in the back of the mind already. One girl, when I went cold on the idea, said "I'm going to end up doing it anyway, you may as well be the first!".


  • Guest
Not just maids and not just filis.  One trick I used over there was to get chatting to girls in shops, then towards the end hand them a piece of paper (better still a plain business card, very cheap to have printed) with your name and punting mobile number on it, ask them if they'd like coffee.  If they contacted you its pretty certain you can bed them.  The money element comes in when they start asking for gifts, or have a sick relative at home.    My 'best' was just chatting to a fili girl on Tagged, she was shy and not the best looking but hot, fit body.   A virgin I eventually persuaded her she needed to do it, so we did, quite a few times.   A lot of women from 3rd world countries working in Dubai want to go out with a white guy and they're happy just to have dinner before you bang their brains out.  I had Filis, Thai, Chinese, Korean, a Nepali once, all for free or a meal.
I lived across the road from the accommodation for the staff from the Atlantis Hotel.   Got talking to a Kenyan woman from there on a dating app.  Eventually the chat came around to how she was looking for some extra cash, we met up and I put a proposal to her, 800Dhm a month for meeting for sex, maybe 2 or 3 times a week or maybe nothing that week.  She agreed and that's how it went until it was time for her to go home.  I asked if she knew anyone else and she hooked me up with another Kenyan, made the same sales pitch and a great working relationship ensued, when she left she introduced me to a third, it was great and very cheap.

Man, I got to get back out to the Third World, the last time I lived abroad I was dating an American nympho, which was fun, but kept me monogamous; in particular the informal shagging arrangement you had with the string of Kenyans sounds so much less dodgy than some gangster run brothel filled with women from who knows where, run by who knows who.

Got to say, I was impressed with the UK pulling though. I think it is easier for a woman to let herself be pulled in exchange for "benefits" if it's just for one guy and she can keep it on the DL. How long did it take you to ease into it, was this recently, and what kind of agreement did they make in the end - similar or all different?

The closest I have come myself is finding WGs with benefits; still hoping to meet a swinger or two through one, but that's a long game! FYI, more than happy to punt normally; this is just for fun on the side.

Offline hamchang

Only one in the UK. 19 yrs old. Still lived with her parents. She was crazy hot and I'd added her to my hooking FB account never expecting her to accept. But she had 1000 FB friends so clearly didn't censor it. Anyway I dropped her a note about something, started chatting on sunday afternoon, and she said she was broke and working part time job only paid her housekeeping to her folks so simply said "3 hours in a hotel for £250 - offer is there anytime you want it". No response. Then a few days later she got angry with me send a load of abuse about how bad i was. I said sorry, but reaffirmed i could help her if she helped me. Then I felt horrible. Remorseful and apologised properly. A week later she sent a message "OK, I'll do it". But it was at a time when in the area that she lived, there were no hotel rooms available due to a massive event. So she said her folks were on holiday.... and well it ended up doing the deed in her older brothers room in the attic who was at Uni. Instantly after launching a huge load onto her face and body, remorse struck in again so we ended up having a chat about escorting and my   experience as a punter. I advised her how she should approach it if she was interested, how to safe guard her self, her identity, stay in control, keep pimps away etc and maximise return for limited investment. Because of that frank  conversation where I was emphasising her  well being (more to assuage my guilt about turning her into a whore)  it all became rather emotional, and we fucked two more times, but it was very intense after that with her really into it.

Never saw her, and apart from the odd message, spoke to her after that and cut ties completely. I did happen to see her Dad in the street though on visiting that town and luckily he passed me without a flicker of recognition. She's not   on the game as far as I can tell and working full time in a sports shop in between her studies.

Offline bhudda

Only one in the UK. 19 yrs old. Still lived with her parents. She was crazy hot and I'd added her to my hooking FB account never expecting her to accept. But she had 1000 FB friends so clearly didn't censor it. Anyway I dropped her a note about something, started chatting on sunday afternoon, and she said she was broke and working part time job only paid her housekeeping to her folks so simply said "3 hours in a hotel for £250 - offer is there anytime you want it". No response. Then a few days later she got angry with me send a load of abuse about how bad i was. I said sorry, but reaffirmed i could help her if she helped me. Then I felt horrible. Remorseful and apologised properly. A week later she sent a message "OK, I'll do it". But it was at a time when in the area that she lived, there were no hotel rooms available due to a massive event. So she said her folks were on holiday.... and well it ended up doing the deed in her older brothers room in the attic who was at Uni. Instantly after launching a huge load onto her face and body, remorse struck in again so we ended up having a chat about escorting and my   experience as a punter. I advised her how she should approach it if she was interested, how to safe guard her self, her identity, stay in control, keep pimps away etc and maximise return for limited investment. Because of that frank  conversation where I was emphasising her  well being (more to assuage my guilt about turning her into a whore)  it all became rather emotional, and we fucked two more times, but it was very intense after that with her really into it.

Never saw her, and apart from the odd message, spoke to her after that and cut ties completely. I did happen to see her Dad in the street though on visiting that town and luckily he passed me without a flicker of recognition. She's not   on the game as far as I can tell and working full time in a sports shop in between her studies.

Why would her dad have recognised You?

Offline hamchang

Why would her dad have recognised You?

"Daddy, when you were away, some dirty bastard tricked me into be a hooker and fucked me in bros bedroom. I don't know his name, but I still have a picture I took without him knowing through the window before I let him in"

Something like that?

I recognised him from all the family pictures on her FB...

Offline Widescreen

Why would her dad have recognised You?

Yes, that was my thought too.....


  • Guest
I remember reading many years ago about so-called Kittens many years ago, in I think "Diary of a Manhattan Call Girl". That's the WG yank term for women who kind of, sort of sometimes get paid for sex.  Sounds like you met one of those in that 19 y.o.; maybe she wanted to know more about her fallback options for when she gets tired of shitty minimum wage retail gigs  :drinks:

I can't say how legit it is, but one escort who blogs did say her first gig was when she house sat for an engineer who came back from his trip early. He started putting some moves on her and she let him, but only after making sure she got her full house sitting fee lol.

Personally I think that some women really get off on the fact that guys want them so badly they will part with cash to do it (not the sex with your boring fat ass, but the power it signifies they have); I expect it's a small but not insignificant number of escorts who first got into the business that way. Then of course if they stay it becomes about profitability etc (which is fair enough).

Personally I like it when a WG has a "real job" myself; I think it makes them less jaded and burnt out when they aren't on the receiving end of men's collective sexual desires all day. Plus it's always funny/interesting to see what professions end up represented. So far I have met teachers, uni students, nurses, chefs, customer service people, strippers, an accountant, a PA and a receptionist. Strangely enough never a cleaner or a hotel maid.

Offline dubhcarr

interesting thread.......more interested in Uk........talked to a girl in a chinese restaurant no work permit and she would come on a trip up north no strings.....never followed through sorry as schedule changed but still remember the situ........

Offline hamchang

Yes, that was my thought too.....

never said he would, only expressed thanks that he didn't. If he did, then a whole raft of trouble could have come about, not least solicitation charges and the publicity that would accompany. Local rags always print these stories....


  • Guest
I expect that there'll be a few Mid East expats sharing stories of Filipino maids open to some overtime here, but it's a serious question. It's always fun to hear about that one in a thousand pass that works.

I've only been offered it once by a maid (Philippines) who came in once a day for 2 hours to do the cleaning, I said NO my reasoning.... it could get clingy or complicated given she knows who you are, the other reason was that in my books she was OK but nothing special to look at. I did find out later she was offering it to the other expats in the same building none of whom experienced any problems with her. Apparently she did the cleaning in the nude for one of them.


  • Guest
Yeah, there was an escort where I grew up who went in and out of the profession depending on her £££ situation. This is sort of the reverse of what I was talking about, but she told me that one of her gigs on the side was as a part time barmaid/cleaner at one of the local boozers.

Apparently the landlord knew she was one of the girls "who did", so she got the job with certain "conditions" (my part of the UK, its cash in hand in these places, and a lot of the hookers there are officially on state benefits). Anyway at the end of the night it was her job to walk around cleaning the place up in the nude, before kneeling in front of him and err, letting him fuck her face, as she put it. She was a bit of a weird one that WG, but very kinky in bed: to this day I wonder if she was making that up for a credulous client or if we should all be hiring part-time sex workers as employees.

Anyway, nude maid cleaning is going on the bucket list.


  • Guest
Not strictly a civvy but a care worker who worked in a home where I had a relative used to escort on the side. So I ended up fucking her a few times. Eventually had a few freebies as I used to give her a lift home after her shift when i'd been to see my relative.

Never actually paid a genuine civvy though i'd feel a bit awkward about attempting that. It's basically like being a pimp.


  • Guest
Not strictly a civvy but a care worker who worked in a home where I had a relative used to escort on the side. So I ended up fucking her a few times. Eventually had a few freebies as I used to give her a lift home after her shift when i'd been to see my relative.

Never actually paid a genuine civvy though i'd feel a bit awkward about attempting that. It's basically like being a pimp.

I reckon that under the principal of a ride for a ride, that one counts for something. Maybe we should start a new thread about freebies from escorts?

Offline banquet1

Yeah, there was an escort where I grew up who went in and out of the profession depending on her £££ situation. This is sort of the reverse of what I was talking about, but she told me that one of her gigs on the side was as a part time barmaid/cleaner at one of the local boozers.

Apparently the landlord knew she was one of the girls "who did", so she got the job with certain "conditions" (my part of the UK, its cash in hand in these places, and a lot of the hookers there are officially on state benefits). Anyway at the end of the night it was her job to walk around cleaning the place up in the nude, before kneeling in front of him and err, letting him fuck her face, as she put it. She was a bit of a weird one that WG, but very kinky in bed: to this day I wonder if she was making that up for a credulous client or if we should all be hiring part-time sex workers as employees.

Anyway, nude maid cleaning is going on the bucket list.

Where in the UK was this? Is she still working, and if so do you have a link? She sounds good!


  • Guest
I reckon that under the principal of a ride for a ride, that one counts for something. Maybe we should start a new thread about freebies from escorts?

If you search there's probably been one already.

Another one is chance meeting with girls that actually turned out to be up for whoring. So not strictly civvys but basically sluts who when a bit short of cash might put out for a few quid. I've had a couple of those.  :D

Offline shagmore

Interesting read, some guys have all the luck  :lol: :lol:

Offline manc36

Yes a few years ago. Fucked her a few times.
Banned reason: Abuse
Banned by: daviemac

Offline catweazle

I didn't actually persuade her, she offered, but......

A few years ago, had to be in Glasgow on business. The hotel l normally used was full, so ended up at the Premier Inn out by the zoo.

The bar was packed (they had a pensioners special meal offer on - "mince with tatties" - and dozens of oldies were slurping up the slop). The restuarant, however, was deserted - literally, l was the only customer.

The waitress, a pleasant chunky Scots lass (think Jodie Prenger) was friendly, and kept loitering by my table to chat. At first l thought she was just bored, with there being no other customers.

Then her chat turned to "are you here on your own?" And then she said her shift finished shortly and would l like to buy her a drink.

By then the pensioners offer had ended and the bar was quiet.  We sat and had a bottle of wine. Then she asked if i would like 'her company' in my room. She said that if she came to my room, l would need to give her some money as the buses would have stopped running and she'd need to take a taxi home.

I offered £25, which she accepted happily. I went to the room, and she slipped through the staff doors through to the hotel part.

She turned out to be a right filthy slut..... ended up face fucking her and cumming down her throat.

Gave her the 'taxi' money....... then watched through the window as she got into her Micra in the car park and drove away.

Offline Kingy28

I didn't actually persuade her, she offered, but......

A few years ago, had to be in Glasgow on business. The hotel l normally used was full, so ended up at the Premier Inn out by the zoo.

The bar was packed (they had a pensioners special meal offer on - "mince with tatties" - and dozens of oldies were slurping up the slop). The restuarant, however, was deserted - literally, l was the only customer.

The waitress, a pleasant chunky Scots lass (think Jodie Prenger) was friendly, and kept loitering by my table to chat. At first l thought she was just bored, with there being no other customers.

Then her chat turned to "are you here on your own?" And then she said her shift finished shortly and would l like to buy her a drink.

By then the pensioners offer had ended and the bar was quiet.  We sat and had a bottle of wine. Then she asked if i would like 'her company' in my room. She said that if she came to my room, l would need to give her some money as the buses would have stopped running and she'd need to take a taxi home.

I offered £25, which she accepted happily. I went to the room, and she slipped through the staff doors through to the hotel part.

She turned out to be a right filthy slut..... ended up face fucking her and cumming down her throat.

Gave her the 'taxi' money....... then watched through the window as she got into her Micra in the car park and drove away.
Brilliant  :thumbsup:

Offline hamchang

Then she asked if i would like 'her company' in my room. She said that if she came to my room, l would need to give her some money as the buses would have stopped running and she'd need to take a taxi home.

So you fucked a part time prossie then lol

Offline catweazle

So you fucked a part time prossie then lol

Well, her main job was waitress.... we had sex and i paid her but whether it was a one off on her part or whether she did this regularly with restaurant patrons i have no idea.


  • Guest
Let's not bash the guy, a romp in a hotel bed for £25 is not really hooker rates. Maybe she was trying snatch for cash on for size, and OP caught her eye as the only non-pensioner bloke in the room  :D

Offline hamchang

No bashing from me. Just reminds me of that classic conversation

Me - Heh sexy, would you sleep with me for a million quid
Girl - Why yes sure I would, Handsome
Me - How about for a fiver?
Girl - Five measly quid? What sort of girl do you take me for?
Me - We've already established that, and now we are negotiating the price.

Was offered BJ for 8 quid once in Bristol. 6am in the morning by someone who needed the money for a taxi. Apparently.


  • Guest
And did you take them up on their kind offer?

Offline hamchang

No, because I thought on balance that the taxi was actually heroin, and the journey was going to be into her arm.

Offline BlueRock

I placed an ad on gumtree for woman's weight loss. I put in loads of innuendos about breaking a sweat, horizontal activity etc.
What did I get, a load of bloody women stating all the things they had tried to lose weight. They asked what my plan involved and how much they had to pay. I gave up!

Offline hamchang

I placed an ad on gumtree for woman's weight loss. I put in loads of innuendos about breaking a sweat, horizontal activity etc.
What did I get, a load of bloody women stating all the things they had tried to lose weight. They asked what my plan involved and how much they had to pay. I gave up!

Didn't you write back saying

"20 quid per session to pay for condoms, lube, water and Swarfega to wash you down with and a blind fold in case you are really ugly. "

Offline BlueRock

Haha no maybe I should of been more blatant. I did ask for photos but got none. Only one sussed it and said oh you're looking for a woman.

Offline hamchang

Haha no maybe I should of been more blatant. I did ask for photos but got none. Only one sussed it and said oh you're looking for a woman.

hahaha and you replied what? "Certainly am fatty. So how about it?"

Online sparkus

So you fucked a part time prossie then lol

Fair play to him, I'd have done the same. 

I'm always on the lookout for such opportunities, paid or otherwise.

Online sparkus

Friend of a friend (or someone I know told me about someone they heard about) who advertises on Craigslist as 'Win a £1,000' where the girl has to play a rigged card game and agree to sleep with him afterwards if she loses (not sure how that's enforced).

As they send their pic beforehand he can screen out the munters.

The best part of the story is that apparently some keep going back, determined to get the £1,000. 

Offline BP96

some keep going back, determined to get the £1,000.

Either that or he's got a massive schlong.