Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Emotional Attachment Syndrome  (Read 114146 times)


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Tacky?  How much pride do you have left once you've started dating someone who sucks cocks for a living!?

Very true. I couldn't. That is why I was going to enjoy what we have and look for no more.
It was only after reading this thread I started wondering if I already was emotionally involved.
If feelings grow much stronger then we will have a problem.


  • Guest
Tacky?  How much pride do you have left once you've started dating someone who sucks cocks for a living!?

Presumably about the same as a woman dating (or married to) a man who has been paying WGs to suck his cock.  Except of course they probably never know about that.  I can't stand the hypocrisy of blokes who use the services of WGs and value what they get, but despise the girls for providing it.  Don't you think WGs can live a normal life too, or do you think once they've spent time on the game they're condemned forever?


  • Guest
Very true. I couldn't. That is why I was going to enjoy what we have and look for no more.
It was only after reading this thread I started wondering if I already was emotionally involved.
If feelings grow much stronger then we will have a problem.

I think you should be open with her now. If she is wanting to be with you without payment, then Pandora's box is already open. You need to decide now whether you want to be with her or not. If you can't stomach it because she's a prossie, then at least be fair to her and let her know what you are thinking.

Maybe she just needs casual good sex and then you're in and lucky!  ;)


  • Guest
Presumably about the same as a woman dating (or married to) a man who has been paying WGs to suck his cock.  Except of course they probably never know about that.  I can't stand the hypocrisy of blokes who use the services of WGs and value what they get, but despise the girls for providing it.  Don't you think WGs can live a normal life too, or do you think once they've spent time on the game they're condemned forever?

Here here. :thumbsup:

Rochdull lad

  • Guest
Very true. I couldn't. That is why I was going to enjoy what we have and look for no more.
It was only after reading this thread I started wondering if I already was emotionally involved.
If feelings grow much stronger then we will have a problem.

Can I offer a possible amendment to this post, hornylad?  You might have a problem.

I only say that because in your post outlining your situation earlier, you said that she was a Part-timer.  Which says to me that she won't be as dependent on her WG earnings as many of the girls who have been talked about in this thread.  If she isn't, it won't be as hard for her to see you "off the meter" as it would be for the woman with whom I blurred the boundaries earlier this year.  She's now completed the degree course she was funding via AW but hasn't yet sorted out a job [other than as a WG].  She has a teenager who's about to start his GCSE year and she seems to enjoy being a prossie so I can't see her retiring any time soon.

The girl you're seeing, however, might be different.  I hope so for your sake.

PS: I was typing this as Hyborean was making broadly the same point.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2013, 11:42:57 pm by Rochdull lad »


  • Guest
Presumably about the same as a woman dating (or married to) a man who has been paying WGs to suck his cock.  Except of course they probably never know about that.  I can't stand the hypocrisy of blokes who use the services of WGs and value what they get, but despise the girls for providing it.  Don't you think WGs can live a normal life too, or do you think once they've spent time on the game they're condemned forever?

A very fair point.
I am not married or dating though.
Can they live a normal life afterwards - I don't know
wouldn't you be wondering if they are missing fucking others or missing the money?

Rochdull lad

  • Guest
A very fair point.
I am not married or dating though.
Can they live a normal life afterwards - I don't know
wouldn't you be wondering if they are missing fucking others or missing the money?

I think only a WG  could answer that for you, hornylad.  I was recently discussing the industry with one of my Regulars and she implied that she'd miss the regular sex as much as the money.   Although she has on another occasion said to me that, if she fancies [say] a new pair of shoes, all she has to do is accept another booking.


  • Guest
I can't stand the hypocrisy of blokes who use the services of WGs and value what they get, but despise the girls for providing it.  Don't you think WGs can live a normal life too, or do you think once they've spent time on the game they're condemned forever?
I don't know how on earth you could deduce all that about me based on one comment.  I'm no fucking hypocrite.  As you said yourself, you're new here.  You may have read misogynistic opinions on here but certainly not any that were written by me as I don't "despise the [working] girls".  My point was that it's not a good situation to be in a relationship with a WG who is still working.  And if you're in that situation you're hardly going to be worried that asking the girl for your money back might be seen as "tacky".  On the contrary it would be a good test of her true feelings towards you as I said before.


  • Guest
Before I discuss any of this with her I need to get my own head sorted.

I enjoy her company and the sex is great but I don't know if I want more.

Will seeing her more help get my head sorted or hinder this - fuck knows
Even if I did know it would hinder could I stop seeing her - probably not or at least not yet

Just being honest


  • Guest
Just be careful and don't get yourself into the same state as I have done.
I have spent the evening trying to sort my brain out.
Just to get to me I received a couple of nice texts from my regular.
As I said, be careful


  • Guest
Just be careful and don't get yourself into the same state as I have done.
I have spent the evening trying to sort my brain out.
Just to get to me I received a couple of nice texts from my regular.
As I said, be careful

I know what you mean and it is such a head fuck.
I just wish I knew what I wanted and what she wants. 

I have received over 80 texts from her today alone.
Texting her whilst posting on this thread.
Hope she doesn't read this forum.


  • Guest
I know what you mean and it is such a head fuck.
I just wish I knew what I wanted and what she wants. 

I have received over 80 texts from her today alone.
Texting her whilst posting on this thread.
Hope she doesn't read this forum.

80 texts?

Sorry but she sounds like a fruitcake. The more you respond the more you're encouraging her.

Bail out now before this gets out of hand.


  • Guest
I know what you mean and it is such a head fuck.
I just wish I knew what I wanted and what she wants. 

I have received over 80 texts from her today alone.
Texting her whilst posting on this thread.
Hope she doesn't read this forum.

I don’t think the problem here is that Hornylad is becoming emotionally attached to a WG. It sounds to me like he has a girlfriend, who is an ex WG, who he isn’t emotionally attached to, and is looking for a way out of the relationship.


  • Guest
This thread started with punters falling for WGs who have no intention of starting a relation, Which I think is a common situation,

The thread has moved onto guy’s having relationships with WGs which if you do the mathematics must be uncommon from the guy’s side. There are far more punters than WGs.

Punters reading the thread who are falling for a WG may be thinking “these guys managed to start a relationship, maybe I have a chance”, This would be fatal thinking.

My reg once told me that she mainly sees regulars and she has a few guy who visit every week. I was pleased by this because I think it is safer for her, and I do care about her, however, this does mean that I am a long way from being her most regular regular. (I see her every 3 to 4 weeks). I suspect quite a number of these regulars of hers will be besotted with her.

I think lonely punters are falling for the same WGs, i.e. the few WGs who create intimacy with their clients. Most of the married punters would find these WGs boring sexually, too much kissing, too much cuddling, too much chatting, not enough porn style sex.

Rochdull lad

  • Guest
This thread started with punters falling for WGs who have no intention of starting a relation, Which I think is a common situation,

The thread has moved onto guy’s having relationships with WGs which if you do the mathematics must be uncommon from the guy’s side. There are far more punters than WGs.

Punters reading the thread who are falling for a WG may be thinking “these guys managed to start a relationship, maybe I have a chance”, This would be fatal thinking.

My reg once told me that she mainly sees regulars and she has a few guy who visit every week. I was pleased by this because I think it is safer for her, and I do care about her, however, this does mean that I am a long way from being her most regular regular. (I see her every 3 to 4 weeks). I suspect quite a number of these regulars of hers will be besotted with her.

I think lonely punters are falling for the same WGs, i.e. the few WGs who create intimacy with their clients. Most of the married punters would find these WGs boring sexually, too much kissing, too much cuddling, too much chatting, not enough porn style sex.

+1. Specially the bits I've high-lighted.

Offline akauya

I think lonely punters are falling for the same WGs, i.e. the few WGs who create intimacy with their clients. Most of the married punters would find these WGs boring sexually, too much kissing, too much cuddling, too much chatting, not enough porn style sex.

Exactly that. Emotional attachment/intimacy I get from my wife and sometimes lovers. From WGs all I want is sex pure and simple.


  • Guest
Exactly that. Emotional attachment/intimacy I get from my wife and sometimes lovers. From WGs all I want is sex pure and simple.

This just goes to highlight the different needs and styles of punters as everyone needs to get something different whether it is the intimacy of another human which they are missing or the satisfying sex that doesn't happen at home.

One not is not better than the other but as has been mentioned, if you are looking for a PSE rather than a GFE, you are a lot less likely to run into emotional entanglements!  :hi:

Rochdull lad

  • Guest
Indeed, Hyborean.  It also helps if you're seeing experienced WGs who know how to deal with any cases of E.A.S. though.

My other Regular, for example, also provides GFE but with absolutely no strings attached and therefore no danger of E.A.S. developing.  As a result, each session is a really good experience as we both know we're there for nothing but the sex.  Another side-result is that we've become friends [she's given me both her work and her personal mobile numbers]; seeing her makes it feel like I've got a good fuck-buddy.


  • Guest
I had a relationship with a working girl for the first six months of this year. It started normally enough as I started seeing her as a regular and then it developed into something else when she said that she loved me and I reciprocated! At the time however being rather cynical I thought it was all part of the gfe but in reality it wasn't and she really did. It was nice for a while but very very difficult for both of us. I had periods of extreme jealousy and she would also sometimes feel that being in love and working was just too difficult to do. I tried to come to terms with it by convincing myself that when she was working it was just simply that she was working. She was playing a role and providing a service. However, I just couldn't help myself from reading her reviews and that was really bad. But what can you say if she wanted to stay independent and she wanted to save the money for her future plans. We ended recently mainly because of the age difference (I'm 47 and she's 23) and because of a slight language barrier. We're still in touch and still "friends". She now says she loves me as a friend and that she misses me. I suggested that we meet up to go out for a meal or something but she didn't want to as she was afraid that seeing me would make it more difficult for her. So there I have a no win situation. Now almost anyone can book her on aw but I cant even see her to just say hello. She had an incident last week with a nutty client and the first person she got in touch with for help was me. I spoke to her and sent her numerous emails and texts and offered to go see the client to explain to him not to see her again and all is good.
So now I have a situation. I punt just for fun, always have. Just for fun. Now I have a former lover as a friend who loves me but wont see me. Would I do it all again? Of course!! It was a great experience and I one I shall certainly never forget. So my advice at the end of all this: just do it!! Lifes too short..

Offline punk

We ended recently mainly because of the age difference (I'm 47 and she's 23)

  Sorry to sound shitty but thats a major problem the age difference.


  • Guest
  Sorry to sound shitty but thats a major problem the age difference.

It was a big difference and to be honest always made me feel more uncomfortable when out and about. I bought her some nice jewellery in a well posh shop and felt like a right dirty old man even though the sales assistant was very good about it. Also, we booked into a hotel once at the same time as a hen party and those girls who were obviously Brits (and sober) were giving me the evils and I would imagine having a bit of a chuckle after too. So yes, big difference and when you're not a Hollywood star (which by the way I am not) the difference looks very big. In one sense more acceptable during a punt but less acceptable on a date.

Offline punk

It was a big difference and to be honest always made me feel more uncomfortable when out and about. I bought her some nice jewellery in a well posh shop and felt like a right dirty old man even though the sales assistant was very good about it. Also, we booked into a hotel once at the same time as a hen party and those girls who were obviously Brits (and sober) were giving me the evils and I would imagine having a bit of a chuckle after too. So yes, big difference and when you're not a Hollywood star (which by the way I am not) the difference looks very big. In one sense more acceptable during a punt but less acceptable on a date.

i know how it feels went out with a 25 year old i am 37 and some of the looks at a hotel we stayed in, she did not look 25 by the way,about 22.i think some people thought she was an escort, she was not!!!


  • Guest
i know how it feels went out with a 25 year old i am 37 and some of the looks at a hotel we stayed in, she did not look 25 by the way,about 22.i think some people thought she was an escort, she was not!!!

I can imagine that I must have looked like a right old perv. And she must have felt really awkward too.

Offline punk

yep mostly it was people outside and a couple of her friends, whereas a lot of my mates thought i was a lucky sod.


  • Guest
That is the biggest part of my issue.
I am 50 and she is 24 I think.
Though she is a lovely woman and provides the best that I have ever had.

Offline punk

That is the biggest part of my issue.
I am 50 and she is 24 I think.
Though she is a lovely woman and provides the best that I have ever had.

prickly issue


  • Guest
Just found this on SAAFE.
It is quite interesting to see what the WGs think about this.
External Link/Members Only

Offline punk

Just found this on SAAFE.
It is quite interesting to see what the WGs think about this.
External Link/Members Only

to be fair it must get on these girls nerves, i mean linking your facebook page to a wg bit over the top. :wacko: :crazy: :thumbsdown:


  • Guest
I just looked at my calendar and the last time I saw my friend was on 24.05.2013. Since that time we've been in touch constantly mainly by email. I now know her much better than I did before. I've looked at the emails and the longest period of not hearing from her has been 4 days. Other than that its been on average every other day. I think I must be mad. Or at least on the verge of madness.


  • Guest
to be fair it must get on these girls nerves, i mean linking your facebook page to a wg bit over the top. :wacko: :crazy: :thumbsdown:

I have my friend linked on facebook. She's foreign and I'm the only person with a British name on there. The risk for her must have been huge but she asked for the link and not me. Its something that sort of meant a lot to me mainly because the trust involved is massive.


  • Guest
Michael-C, as you know I see her friend so I understand your position.

The age thing is not really an issue, with WG or girlfriends.  A friend of mine married a 43 year old when she was 21 so I don't see it as an issue.  If other people do, it's their problem.

One of my regulars have contacted me a few times when she had a problem.  I see her 3 - 4 times a month, we are both single and we get on well and I do get 'treats' as she puts it such as an hour for half hour rate or a free session if she wants her needs seen too.

I put this down to that she trusts me and after seeing 30 odd guys in a week, it's a bit of a relief for her to see a familiar face and let off steam. (Though I don't pay when she wants a chat!)
I'm also a big part of her income so I guess she does want to protect that as well.

She would make an ideal GF, but she has one simple rule. - No boyfriends whilst she's prostituting.  And when she thinks I'm getting too attached, she sends me to see her friends who are also WG's!

I know where I stand which makes it more fun! A lot of guys who punt are married or attached, so being single puts a different angle on things.

Offline punk

I just looked at my calendar and the last time I saw my friend was on 24.05.2013. Since that time we've been in touch constantly mainly by email. I now know her much better than I did before. I've looked at the emails and the longest period of not hearing from her has been 4 days. Other than that its been on average every other day. I think I must be mad. Or at least on the verge of madness.

 hard thinking about what to do.


  • Guest
hard thinking about what to do.

There is no answer. Anything could happen. And that's what I like about it. Absolutely anything could happen.

Rochdull lad

  • Guest

The age thing is not really an issue, with WG or girlfriends.  A friend of mine married a 43 year old when she was 21 so I don't see it as an issue.  If other people do, it's their problem.

With respect, dj, I disagree with this.

Like both Michael & Grumpy, there's a significant age gap between me and the WG [67 - 43: before anybody asks, I'm the 67-y-o!] with whom I blurred the boundaries and it was much more of an issue for me than it was for her.  When we had Overnights and went for a meal in a restaurant first [and when we went for a pub-grub after a late morning punt], although she said it wasn't an issue for her, I felt uncomfortable.


  • Guest
With respect, dj, I disagree with this.

Like both Michael & Grumpy, there's a significant age gap between me and the WG [67 - 43: before anybody asks, I'm the 67-y-o!] with whom I blurred the boundaries and it was much more of an issue for me than it was for her.  When we had Overnights and went for a meal in a restaurant first [and when we went for a pub-grub after a late morning punt], although she said it wasn't an issue for her, I felt uncomfortable.

Very good point, maybe as I'm 34 I don't see it as much of a problem as maybe the order generation do, my last girlfriend was 26 and have met women from Match around the early-mid twenties.
Rarely do I date women older than 30.

I have seen an older WG once, I think she was 53 but was not for me. I tend to stay between 18 to 35 range for punts.

I only punt when single, and my big fear is when I find a nice GF, I won't be able to stop punting.  I think I punt as I have a fear of settling down.

Offline Daffodil

Just found this on SAAFE.
It is quite interesting to see what the WGs think about this.
External Link/Members Only

The odd thing is that despite many punters saying don't fall for prossies and the girls themselves (as evidenced in the saafe thread) showing such contempt, many punters will still suffer 'emotional attachment syndrome'  :rolleyes:


  • Guest
Just found this on SAAFE.
It is quite interesting to see what the WGs think about this.
External Link/Members Only

It is interesting. There's only one that appears to really get it. Backed up a little by another. The rest have nothing but contempt.

I guess they are not trying to be social workers, but even so.

I supposed if a cash machine jumped out of the wall and hugged me when I'd just used it, I'd be a bit non-plussed as well. That's about where the mentality of most of them is at, it appears.


  • Guest
Just found this on SAAFE.
It is quite interesting to see what the WGs think about this.
External Link/Members Only
That was interesting.  I like how they refer to fluffy punters as "clingons".  Charming!


  • Guest
That was interesting.  I like how they refer to fluffy punters as "clingons".  Charming!

That's the reality I'm afraid.

I think prostitution is as brutal a business as you're ever likely to find.

I don't like the way they get treated by a small minority, but when it comes down to it, they are much worse.

Offline punk

It is interesting. There's only one that appears to really get it. Backed up a little by another. The rest have nothing but contempt.

I guess they are not trying to be social workers, but even so.

I supposed if a cash machine jumped out of the wall and hugged me when I'd just used it, I'd be a bit non-plussed as well. That's about where the mentality of most of them is at, it appears.

as i see it most like £ and if you want to fuck them than you pay £ for the pussy, they dont want nor need blokes clinging to them.


  • Guest
Just found this on SAAFE.
It is quite interesting to see what the WGs think about this.
External Link/Members Only

They must come across their fair share of weirdos who turn quite obsessive so a degree of contempt is expected. However the prossies there do come across as very bitter and angry individuals.

Maybe its their way of letting loose cos they've fucked up in life.

Offline punk

They must come across their fair share of weirdos who turn quite obsessive so a degree of contempt is expected. However the prossies there do come across as very bitter and angry individuals.

Maybe its their way of letting loose cos they've fucked up in life.

of course some hate men or become man haters, just like some non escorts are as well.


  • Guest
They must come across their fair share of weirdos who turn quite obsessive so a degree of contempt is expected. However the prossies there do come across as very bitter and angry individuals.

Maybe its their way of letting loose cos they've fucked up in life.

Yeah. Who hasn't.

Paying for sex is for me an admission of having fucked up in life.


  • Guest
Yeah. Who hasn't.

Paying for sex is for me an admission of having fucked up in life.

Maybe for you.

But for many guys with good jobs and careers its just part of the thrill and fun.


  • Guest
of course some hate men or become man haters, just like some non escorts are as well.

Yeah, there are a lot of those.

I've got talking to one completely out of the business. Never been with her, or anything, she doesn't know I've punted. I just happened to discover she does it, and got talking. She's rabid. Really contemptible of men who pay, yet she makes a fortune from it. An incredible fortune actually.

I think it warps their judgement of people, especially men (they only see them in one setting), and I wonder if they can ever relate to guys normally. To hear some of the views they have and some of the things that go on is quite amazing. I'm talking about someone who is not in the UK btw, but it is a western country.

Offline punk

Yeah, there are a lot of those.

I've got talking to one completely out of the business. Never been with her, or anything, she doesn't know I've punted. I just happened to discover she does it, and got talking. She's rabid. Really contemptible of men who pay, yet she makes a fortune from it. An incredible fortune actually.

I think it warps their judgement of people, especially men (they only see them in one setting), and I wonder if they can ever relate to guys normally. To hear some of the views they have and some of the things that go on is quite amazing. I'm talking about someone who is not in the UK btw, but it is a western country.

yep they think we are all a bunch of(perverted) c**ts.


  • Guest
This is really quite a simple problem.
BOTH prossies and punters know it is a mistake to get emotionally involved.
Neither is going to argue with this.

However,  it can happen to either.
When it does it is incredibly hard to fight it.
99% of the time at least one party will get hurt.

Wont stop it happeneing to both prossie and punter.
It is so easy for both a prossie and punter not emotionally involved to see the car crash coming.
For those involved it is hard and feels impossible to stop even when they know it will end badly.

Offline punk

This is really quite a simple problem.
BOTH prossies and punters know it is a mistake to get emotionally involved.
Neither is going to argue with this.

However,  it can happen to either.
When it does it is incredibly hard to fight it.
99% of the time at least one party will get hurt.

Wont stop it happeneing to both prossie and punter.
It is so easy for both a prossie and punter not emotionally involved to see the car crash coming.
For those involved it is hard and feels impossible to stop even when they know it will end badly.



  • Guest
Maybe for you.

But for many guys with good jobs and careers its just part of the thrill and fun.

+1 on that

Is is fun.  Seriously, you can be browsing AW at 10.00 and 'blowing your beans' into your choice of WG before lunch.

Come on it's the best kind of shopping there is :)

Offline punk

+1 on that

Is is fun.  Seriously, you can be browsing AW at 10.00 and 'blowing your beans' into your choice of WG before lunch.

Come on it's the best kind of shopping there is :)
