Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Anyone seen Umi @ Siam, Horton Heath?  (Read 1285 times)

Offline FecklessCumShedder

Hi all,

long time lurker, first time poster.
Apologies if this post is in the wrong place.

Has anyone seen Umi at Siam? She looks very pretty. Been there a couple of times and always had a decent experience.

Offline nigel4498

Not seen her myself but She seems to be on the rota this week with Lisa.
Sceptical if she is Japanese though.

Offline FecklessCumShedder

Not seen her myself but She seems to be on the rota this week with Lisa.
Sceptical if she is Japanese though.

yes, I'm alittle sceptical too but do like the look of her.

Thanks for the reply, if I take the plunge I put up a review.

Offline Doormatt

Same question ,she appears to be back after many years, unless the name is being recycled. Any reviews,experiences or photos appreciated. Nothing on website yet. Thanks DM.

Offline ReginaldPerrin

That's a stock photo. No pics of her (umi) yet I think.

Offline abc--123

Funnily enough I was just on the website and thought I'd check here first to see if anyone has seen her. It's too susp that there isn't a photo.

Offline Doormatt

Yes, she indeed. this is the end of 3 weeks and still no photo, despite web site saying "photos coming soon".