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Author Topic: When a WG cancels on you?  (Read 1145 times)

Offline Micky5633

This may be better on UKE so apologies if so but thought I would gage everyone's thoughts here.

I was meant to be meeting with a WG last night, of whom I had met once before and had a good time. I messaged her about 30mins before the meet to see if all is good, only for her to message 10mins later cancelling. Now she knew I was based near where she was working so that isn't as bad for me but some poor punter could of travelled a fair bit and been in the lurch.

If a punter were to cancel on a WG with 20mins till the meet, some may be OK with it but I know a lot of others that would be instant blacklist material. She did apologise, I'm not one to rant and rave just get on with it.

But my question is if this happened to you would you expect some kind of goodwill gesture ie a reduced rate as she cancelled so late?
« Last Edit: July 19, 2017, 12:28:46 pm by Micky5633 »

Offline auldie63

Been my experience that even if they let you get to the venue then just ignore txts/calls you just have to suck it up and live with it. She won't be the slightest bit bothered by any critical messages you send, the double booking cows are used to it and any promise of compensatory reductions etc. never seem to materialise.
Do come on here though and name and shame her to save any other guys the hassle.

Offline Micky5633

Cheers for the reply auldie. I didn't take that into consideration about the double bookings etc, probably happens a lot so me thinking about goodwill gesture could of been on the cards was silly in hindsight.

I know this won't go down well but I'm not one for naming and shaming,  especially since the first meet was good.

Offline Micky5633

You can't make this up! I'm just at the train station and I have had a different girl cancel on me! Cursed

Offline Jock D

This may be better on UKE so apologies if so but thought I would gage everyone's thoughts here.

Why would posting on UKE be better? This is the Punter's forum and this is exactly the right place to post this... and the next correct response would be to post a Negative review...or 2 as is the case warn fellow punters...who may be travelling considerable distances to get to a punt...of the abysmally shite behaviour...late cancellations like that are not on and the culprits should always be named and shamed. :angry:

Offline Micky5633

First of all I said I didn't know if UKE would be better as you can get advice from both punters and WGs on there to see what the would do. Secondly I did state my first meet with her was good, this was arranged on the same day and a more late night booking so rather than go for your harsh approach surely the decent thing to do is give her the benefit of the doubt on this occasion? If she was to do it again I would have no qualms letting people know.

Offline Jock D

Of course it's your call...but I'd be willing to stake a large amount of money that you won't have been the first punter she's cancelled on late in the day...and you won't be the please keep to your word and name her us if she does it again.

What about the one that cancelled on you when you were at the station?...not worth warning fellow punters by naming her either? :unknown:

Offline Clattypats

You can't make this up! I'm just at the train station and I have had a different girl cancel on me! Cursed
Someone up there doesn't want you to get your hole this week mate...  :P :D

Offline solway

This may be better on UKE so apologies if so but thought I would gage everyone's thoughts here.

I was meant to be meeting with a WG last night, of whom I had met once before and had a good time. I messaged her about 30mins before the meet to see if all is good, only for her to message 10mins later cancelling. Now she knew I was based near where she was working so that isn't as bad for me but some poor punter could of travelled a fair bit and been in the lurch.

If a punter were to cancel on a WG with 20mins till the meet, some may be OK with it but I know a lot of others that would be instant blacklist material. She did apologise, I'm not one to rant and rave just get on with it.

But my question is if this happened to you would you expect some kind of goodwill gesture ie a reduced rate as she cancelled so late?
This happened to me with xgirlnextdoorx on AW ( Glasgow) - offered discount next day.Didn't risk wasting my time again. Her loss.

Offline paul1829

Saw Amelliex last year in Edinburgh, she was still with a guy when I turned up at her place. Very apologetic, but no special discounts or anything. Was an annoyance.

Offline Juilius_Sneezer

I am a softie in so far as I believe in second chances. Especially if they offer an apology (even if it is bullshit, it's the polite thing to at least try and apologise).

Thing is if they show a history of this or blow you off more than once, arguable twice depending on how they treat it then the rest of us shouldn't bother.

Feel free to keep plugging away if you really want to see her but chances are it won't match up to your efforts.

Offline Harrymetsally

That's fairly standard.  Even off regular girls I see.  They're fairly chaotic people at times and cancel on a whim/just don't feel like working.  Hence why they probably didn't do well in the traditional lines of work and chose this profession. 

It's flakey women in general - you'll get it on dating sites too where no money is changing hands.  Women just change their mind.

Offline Micky5633

The second girl today has offered to make it up to me with a discounted rate which is decent. The first I can't see on AW so I dont know if she has taken her page down or maybe seen this and blocked me!

Offline auldie63

Someone up there doesn't want you to get your hole this week mate...  :P :D
:D :D :D

Offline auldie63

The second girl today has offered to make it up to me with a discounted rate which is decent. The first I can't see on AW so I dont know if she has taken her page down or maybe seen this and blocked me!
Don't be holding your breath until these compensations materialise.
Could it be they are promising this to stop you putting a negative review somewhere?
They can't block you seeing their ad on AW just communicating with them. We are about to get another Dr. Who and these girls are masters at the regenerating game too. Expect her to perhaps re-appear as a whole new whore.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2017, 09:43:56 pm by auldie63 »

Offline Micky5633

Again Jock D, don't really see the point of naming and shaming unless it becomes a constant. We can all have a day off work or go home early or something comes up, doesn't mean we are constantly going to do it. You have ur way of doing things and I have mine, but I'm not one for just outing someone when there could be a genuine reason and like clatty said, maybe the hole gods just aren't geeing me any this week. I will review the lady in question who is offering the discount next week and like I say if any other cancellations came up with the same girl on more than one occasion I will inform all my friends here  :drinks:
« Last Edit: July 19, 2017, 09:45:29 pm by Micky5633 »

Offline auldie63

You actually have friends on here?
These are the people you should be n & s ing!

Offline Micky5633

You actually have friends on here?
These are the people you should be n & s ing!

Haha we are all friends auldie with the same common goal.  No need for agro

Offline Juilius_Sneezer

You actually have friends on here?
These are the people you should be n & s ing!
Again I disagree with a 1 off gaining shaming as we are all human with other lives to lead/fuck us up. Twice or more however then we get into a different game...