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Author Topic: Brothel owner made 16 million pounds using trafficked girls  (Read 2164 times)

Offline Brazilian Martian

Im very surprised he's British I expected him to be a sergei
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Offline punk

Im very surprised he's British I expected him to be a sergei
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A show about the met police was on itv at 9 and he was one of the criminals featured.

Offline Brazilian Martian

A show about the met police was on itv at 9 and he was one of the criminals featured.

Yeah that was crazy, he had over one hundred thousand pounds cash in one of the properties that the police raided.

Offline punk

Yeah that was crazy, he had over one hundred thousand pounds cash in one of the properties that the police raided.

He got caught because he was greedy.

Offline Jimmyredcab

I remember saying some time ago that these pimped prostitutes have to hand over 50% of the fee, one big mouth on here told me that I had no idea if that was right ---- appears I was right, yet again.

Offline sir wanksalot

Im very surprised he's British I expected him to be a sergei
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I wonder how much Sandys made over the years.........

Offline Brazilian Martian

I wonder how much Sandys made over the years.........

I don't follow  :unknown:

Offline DrGFreeman

typical Mail article
so he ran brothels, doesnt necessarily mean hes a pimp

Offline Jimmyredcab

typical Mail article
so he ran brothels, doesnt necessarily mean hes a pimp

You obviously didn't read the article in full ----------

Archer, who changed his name from David Grant in 2012, ferried some of the victims between the brothels, and also trafficked women into the UK to work as prostitutes.

What the fuck should we call him if not a pimp.     :dash: :dash: :dash: :dash: :dash:

Offline Brazilian Martian

You obviously didn't read the article in full ----------

Archer, who changed his name from David Grant in 2012, ferried some of the victims between the brothels, and also trafficked women into the UK to work as prostitutes.

What the fuck should we call him if not a pimp.     :dash: :dash: :dash: :dash: :dash:


Offline george r

Offline smiths

typical Mail article
so he ran brothels, doesnt necessarily mean hes a pimp

Anyone who runs a brothel and takes a cut of a WGs fees agreed or not is a pimp, or if female a madam if you prefer.

Offline DrGFreeman

the definition of trafficking includes those who knowingly consent to be transported for prostitution
to my mind there is a difference between putting an ad in backpage bucharest saying 'come to uk make lots of money call me on XX' and buying a girl off her family and beating her when you feel like it
so he ran a brothel and charged girls 50% to cover rent adertising etc and his profit, that might be exploitative but short of pimping to me
« Last Edit: May 25, 2017, 12:06:08 pm by DrGFreeman »

Offline DrGFreeman

Anyone who runs a brothel and takes a cut of a WGs fees agreed or not is a pimp, or if female a madam if you prefer.
if the girls were free to leave, I wouldnt call him a pimp

Offline Jimmyredcab

if the girls were free to leave, I wouldnt call him a pimp

Well you are wrong.     :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Offline Jimmyredcab

Definition of pimp from the Oxford dictionary --------------

A man who controls prostitutes and arranges clients for them, taking a percentage of their earnings in return.

Offline DrGFreeman

Definition of pimp from the Oxford dictionary --------------
A man who controls prostitutes and arranges clients for them, taking a percentage of their earnings in return.

fair enough
a lot of tabloid newspapers like splashing the word 'trafficked' all over the place, where I suspect a lot of the girls know exactly what they're getting in to
doesnt mean this dude is an evll man he just made money running brothels

Offline smiths

if the girls were free to leave, I wouldnt call him a pimp

You can call him what you like, he is legally a pimp and I view him as a pimp like anyone who takes a cut of a WGs fees agreed or not. Loads of WGs work for pimps willingly, that doesn't mean the pimp isn't a pimp, it may mean he or she isn't also an evil cunt who forces women to be WGs though.


  • Guest
Other Brothel owners must be on alert now . Maxes Angels...House Of Divine...etc etc

Pimps days are numbered .

Offline smiths

fair enough
a lot of tabloid newspapers like splashing the word 'trafficked' all over the place, where I suspect a lot of the girls know exactly what they're getting in to
doesnt mean this dude is an evll man he just made money running brothels

I agree with here, loads of brothel raids reported by the media have said suspected trafficking but when its gone to court no mention of trafficking in the charges, the charges are often running a brothel, controlling prostitutes for gain and money laundering or a mixture of the three.

Offline smiths

Other Brothel owners must be on alert now . Maxes Angels...House Of Divine...etc etc

Pimps days are numbered .

The male Divine pimp was old bill himself so presumably has protection by greasing his mates palms. Pimps have always been involved in punting, I cant see that changing anytime soon in reality.

Offline Trex

Other Brothel owners must be on alert now . Maxes Angels...House Of Divine...etc etc

Pimps days are numbered .

If Brothels paid taxes then it should be fine and still be in business.

Offline Jimmyredcab

If Brothels paid taxes then it should be fine and still be in business.

Not really, under current legislation brothels are illegal.    :hi: :hi: :hi:

Offline Sir Lance-a-lot

We don't yet know how he made that much money.  If he coerced or tricked women into prostitution, then he is scum.  But he might not have done that.

According to the UK's mingbogglingly stupid trafficking laws, consent is not a factor IIRC: arranging the transportation of willing WG's is still a crime.  And as I've pointed out elsewhere, taking 50% of her earnings is not unreasonable if Sergei is paying for all expenses out of that, including hotel bookings: many British independent WG's would probably be happy to make a guaranteed profit of 50% of all takings after expenses.  On a good day, she'd make a few hundred: on a bad day, Sergei is the one who loses out.

Offline smiths

If Brothels paid taxes then it should be fine and still be in business.

It will only be fine if the police decide its fine and they can change their minds at any time. POCA may also take an interest. I very much doubt many if any brothel pimps pay tax, they are in the system then of course.

Offline Brazilian Martian

We don't yet know how he made that much money.  If he coerced or tricked women into prostitution, then he is scum.  But he might not have done that.

According to the UK's mingbogglingly stupid trafficking laws, consent is not a factor IIRC: arranging the transportation of willing WG's is still a crime.  And as I've pointed out elsewhere, taking 50% of her earnings is not unreasonable if Sergei is paying for all expenses out of that, including hotel bookings: many British independent WG's would probably be happy to make a guaranteed profit of 50% of all takings after expenses.  On a good day, she'd make a few hundred: on a bad day, Sergei is the one who loses out.

I believe that he did make this much as he was featured on the BBC show about the met police. They raided one of his properties and found lots of money, from what I saw they alluded to that it was one of many stash houses.

Offline Jimmyredcab

  And as I've pointed out elsewhere, taking 50% of her earnings is not unreasonable if Sergei is paying for all expenses out of that.

I tend to agree ------------------------ however, Sergei often sets the rate low to get the maximum amount of clients through the door, that means the £80 that you pay will only result in £40 for the girl --------------- hardly surprising that they try to charge extras or offer a shit dervice.   

Offline LarryPab

The guy is scum no doubt about it, he even pled guilty to trafficking.  The bit I find sensationalist is the £16 million mentioned in the headline but in the article the period involved was 2013-16 and the annual turnover was £1.6 million.  Even if that was pure profit it's still nowhere near £16 million.

Anyway, hope they all get locked away for a very long time.

Offline punk

if the girls were free to leave, I wouldnt call him a pimp

Most were not.He used violence and manipulating tactics, including locking the prossies in their rooms.

Offline punk

On a good day, she'd make a few hundred: on a bad day, Sergei is the one who loses out.

A lot of Sergei's don't lose out.Some women have to give / make a certain % per day or if they are under make that loss up.

Offline HKS15

I wonder how much Sandys made over the years.........

Apparently they had 1500 punts a week, so you can do the maths on that.

Either way, we'll find out when the trial comes around, whenever that may be.

Offline Azucar D Artagnan

Apparently they had 1500 punts a week, so you can do the maths on that.

Either way, we'll find out when the trial comes around, whenever that may be.

He pleaded guilty .... doubt there is going to be much of a trial  :lol: