Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Angel Sam from manchester  (Read 3293 times)


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A nice clean discreet apartment about a 10-15 walk from Old Trafford Cricket Ground, set back from the main road.
Not too sure if the parking in the grounds is residents only but there is a big Tesco`s a couple of hundred yards away to park in.

She was as described on her profile and was dressed in a way that didn`t leave much to the imagination

On entering her apartment, she gave me a friendly kiss and a big hug, then proceeded to put the kettle on and had a few minutes chatting.
Very warm and friendly and chatty, and she complemented me on turning up clean, well dressed and smart which is something I always do anyway

On her list of services, she offers a whole host of things, but i`m just after the basics so can`t really go into detail but i`m sure if you ask when making the booking, wouldn`t think there would be a problem, just got to read her comprehensive profile to get an idea

Not really going to go into detail here, but if you read her profile properly and ask questions about what she is offering before you make the booking, it just saves any awkward questions when you actually turn up. You both know what to expect.
I was offered a shower but had already told her I had just had one before I arrived, was offered one before I left but didn`t need one.
If there was any clock watching going on, it was me that was doing it because it`s unfair to over-run your booking unless there is some sort of agreement beforehand, it saves the lady the embarrassment of asking you to hurry up or asking for an additional fee.
I was originally trying to book her and one of her friends for a threesome, but it was a bit of a last minute thing and wasn`t available, so just asked her if I could just book with here, and i`m glad I did.
If you want the more mature lady, you can`t go wrong with Angel Sam

Online frankc

So, I can park at Tesco......She'll make me a brew, then... 
can`t really go into detail
Not really going to go into detail here
it`s unfair to over-run your booking unless there is some sort of agreement beforehand, it saves the lady the embarrassment of asking you to hurry up or asking for an additional fee.

Very helpfull, but thanks for pointing me to her AW page... :dash:

Offline MrMog

My trusty WG detector is going off big time with this post.

I would say more as to why but I can't go into detail.

No idea why but this post sounds like a cross between a cheesy advert and a WG wish list for punting.

I think what is confusing me is how in this post at 11:01am

You stated that she was on your todo list...

Thanks for the info.
I already have angel sam on my to do list but good to see a good review, gives you a bit more confidence and saves wasting your money and time

And then on the very same day just 26 mins later you claim to have had a punt with her.

Now I am not saying you're not the Flash or anything but even the fastest man alive would struggle with that one, especially considering the time taken to write out the fictional fantasy punt above.

Do you girls think us blokes are so thick?
« Last Edit: December 29, 2016, 05:55:26 pm by MrMog »

Offline cueball

Mog makes some valid points in his post above....

What's that all about then g wing?

Offline Titi

Mog makes some valid points in his post above....

What's that all about then g wing?

Yep Mr Mog raises some valid questions. There's really no need for Sam (or her mate) to post fake reviews as her positive reviews are testament to her top notch service. But as ever you never know with SPs sometimes.

Offline Golovkin

 :lol: it did amuse me this review!


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Not really going to go into detail here,

You mean you haven't made that part up yet  :dash:

Offline MrMog

If it is not her personally then it is obviously someone touting for her as they seem to know the specifics of where she is based etc..

The error made was just plain stupid as on one post he claims he has added her to his todo list and then just 26 mins later he claims to have seen her and had a positive punt, even the legendary FrankC is not that fast at getting a booking.

Personally I think its either her or most likely someone she knows touting on her behalf who has come on here to check out for mentions of her and to add to the positive posts, either that or someone who spent 26 mins reading her reviews and completely fabricating the whole meeting based on info gathered from genuine punters posts for no real reason whatsoever.

General rule of thumb is if you are going to make a post about a specific girl (in this case 2 within 26 mins) then you do so for a reason.

A shame really as this has kind of put me off meeting her and she was going to go on my list based on her genuine feedback.

Offline Angel Sam

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Mr mog if you read the post properly he answered cueballs post at 11.01Am the review went on at 11.27PM I have no intentions of writing my own reviews I have no need to he is new on here and I don't think he knows what to do with reviews I think you should of gone to spec savers mog ha

Happy punting sam xxx

Offline MrMog

And you JUST happened to be passing the forum and notice this post.

OK love.

Offline MrMog

Look even if there was a 12 hour timeframe between the posts I would ask why the OP has not personally responded in this post and instead seemingly gone running to you within the few hours since I posted.

Even taking that away the whole post review sounds like some kind of cheesy advert.

If there was any clock watching going on, it was me that was doing it because it`s unfair to over-run your booking unless there is some sort of agreement beforehand, it saves the lady the embarrassment of asking you to hurry up or asking for an additional fee.

Seriously? like seasoned punters really need to be lectured in basic etiquette?

Not really going to go into detail here, but if you read her profile properly and ask questions about what she is offering before you make the booking, it just saves any awkward questions when you actually turn up. You both know what to expect.

Its almost like he is giving a step by step guide to booking when he himself has just 1 apparent booking himself?

Look Sam I will leave it at that as tbh you have cracking feedback and its pretty obvious you are certainly no scam artist of rip off merchant, you feedback on here speaks for itself. I would not suggest you were personally involved as tbh you seriously don't need to put fake feedback on here. Some of the best punters on here have given you cracking reviews.

This bloke seriously needs to learn to write a review though.

Have a Happy New Year x


Offline cueball

Whoops... There's a 12 hour difference in the two posts

Still a shit review though and op hasn't come back neither. It's rare for a reviewer to just drop a review in and bugger off.

When goldy returns he'll need to do better than that.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2016, 09:05:33 pm by cueball »

Offline Angel Sam

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Mr mog
I am always lurking on here I'm on it every day sometimes 3 times a day I enjoy reading all the posts and reviews on here so I wasn't just passing I'm in here more than you probably anyhow hope you all have a lovely new year

Kisses Sam xxxx

Offline MrMog

I might have to meet her now just to give her a proper review that she deserves. None of this half ass stuff. :)

I just have umpteen Thai lasses in my list thanks to Frank

Offline cueball

 None of this half ass stuff. :)

Half ass?  :lol: I put my heart and sole into my epics  :lol: and the gory bits too  :lol:

Offline MrMog

You reviews are part of the punting bible Cue, a guide to living a wholesome spiritual punting life. I was meaning the posts that are 'Not really going to go into detail here' lol

Although I have to admit some of TCM's have made me have to attend therapy again lol, I am sure that bugger is hugh hefner.

Offline MrMog

I punted with a lass in Spain a month or so back, she was recommended by a m8 of mine who lives over there and she is stunningly drop dead gorgeous, 24y jet black hair, size 6 waist and stunning tits and curves you would have to see to believe, she reminded me of much fitter and younger Gloria from Modern Family. an absolute bloody goddess.

2 hours for the equivalent of less than £200 and she was like an animal in the sack, sadly a few weeks later she moved to live in Italy with her girlfriend :(. She has fkin ruined me lol, I cant look at another woman at the moment without thinking about her and considering moving to Italy myself lol.

I was going back for seconds when I discovered she had been planning to move for a few months and had finally gone :( Gutted was not the word, so if you know of any that look just like her then let me know lol

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What is all this nonsense about me and my review that is being commented on
I`ve never written a review on here before, all I did was write the same that I put on a field report on adultworks.
Everything I said is the truth and Angel Sam gave me some excellent feed back on adultworks.
In fact, I`ve already made another booking with Angel Sam and her friend Kirsty for a threesome.
If anyone is unsure, just go on adultworks and read all the feedback, it`s all good

Offline cueball

I`ve never written a review on here before, all I did was write the same that I put on a field report on adultworks.

Well, I'll answer you.

You're review basically tells us fuck all. Read it back to yourself and imagine you'd not seen her or any other reviews.

Would you be confident booking her on the spec of what you wrote.

This isn't AW field reporting, we want details and facts. We don't care if the lasses like the review or not, we don't write em to  seek approval from/please the lasses. We write em to share all the facts with other (male) punters.

There's no room on here for toe kissing or filtered reviewing.

We want all the gory details so we can make an informed decision on whether to go and podge em for ourselves.

That's why your review has been bounced out of the review board and into the regional board, it's basically not a review anymore but is now just a discussion.

You'll more than likely not like what I've just posted to you but I'm just telling you how it is.

Offline MrMog

I would reply to you listing the reasons your review is crap and sounds like a blatant fluffy plug but I am 'Not really going to go into detail here'.

No disrespects but this place has seen and BOOTED many many *blokes who have turned up and done generic glowing reviews of working girls giving them 10 out of 10 for everything like you have done and so is it any wonder when you turn up with your first review and at the time 4 posts it sets alarm bells ringing? We have seen it all before many many times and I am sure there will be many many more too.

I will give you the benefit of the doubt and I will take your review for what it is.

Some advice for you would be to take a look at some of the reviews the other lads on here put up and try not to make yours sound like the holy scriptures of how to treat a WG, most of us have the basic concept already and don't need to be told to get our arses out of the door when a punt is over or even a guide to reading a girls profile so we know what to expect. Its not like we just pick them with a pin in a map.

Anyhow look, you have seen a few other girls on AW and a couple have not really been well reviewed on here so now is your time to make a huge come back with some cracking reviews of them.

Oh and for god sake one final tip, NEVER EVER use the words, 'She could charge a lot more' or 'Treat her well guys' etc as I know one bloke on here (not me) who hits his head off a table when he reads that lol

Take a look at some of TCM's (woooahhhh ok baby steps) take a look at some of Cue's reports or even those of Frank etc to give you an idea of just what info folks are looking for. And seriously not every punt is 10 out of 10, its ok to note any little issues like a hairy butt crack or a cock stuffed between their legs etc..

« Last Edit: December 30, 2016, 12:19:39 am by MrMog »

Offline MrMog

Oh and I know you don't like going into detail but most if not all of us on here are looking for the detail, we want details so we can make informed choices in our bookings.

It's what this site is for and the reason its so much better than the other ones out there. Including AW feedback which tbh most on here would not even consider as being realistic.

Offline supersub1961

Lancashire Minx who does "doubles" with Angel Sam was linked with doing something similar not too long ago . 2.45 am is not however the time for researching the matter further .........


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First time i`ve written a review on this website, so don`t have a pop, seems that people write reviews a bit diferrent here than on adultworks field reports.
If you are unsure about a lady, see the feedback on adultworks to see what other people have said.
I was more than happy to see angel sam, thats why i`ve already booked a threesome with her and her friend kirsty

Offline cueball

i`ve already booked a threesome with her and her friend kirsty

We'll look forward to the review (I think  :D)


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We'll look forward to the review (I think  :D)
I`ll post it on adultworks

Offline cueball

Offline MrMog

First time i`ve written a review on this website, so don`t have a pop, seems that people write reviews a bit diferrent here than on adultworks field reports.
If you are unsure about a lady, see the feedback on adultworks to see what other people have said.
I was more than happy to see angel sam, thats why i`ve already booked a threesome with her and her friend kirsty

Even your replies seem to be a constant plug for her, we get it that's she's a nice lass. Her previous feedback spells that out clearly. We don't need shitty AW feedback as we have good solid reviews on her filled with real details. Your constant insistence that we check out her feed back and your reassurance that you would see her again and have booked a 3 some are borderline fluffy.

Good luck with your threesome, I really hope it turns out well and look forward to not reading the review on here.

Offline mexicola

On entering her apartment, she gave me a friendly kiss and a big hug, then proceeded to put the kettle on and had a few minutes chatting.

Boiling kettles, making cups of tea and chatting are time wasting tactics.

Offline threechilliman

Boiling kettles, making cups of tea and chatting are time wasting tactics.

I've seen Sam a few times and never felt she was trying to waste time. Quite the reverse in fact.


Offline titton

Hey Goldwing don't feel like people are having a go.
We get all sorts coming on here, some honest, some trying to cause negative PR and some dreamers writing reports on people they have never seen. Cueball and MrMogg were just saying what most regular readers on here may have thought about your report for the reasons that have pointed out to you. If they were wrong then so be it.
Cueball was also saying that on here we are friendly bunch but it is not another Northern Angels (from when it was popular about 15 years ago) when all of the reviews were like hero worship led by a couple of high spending forum dictators (Beau and Colin spring to mind) who would not permit any review that wasn't pure arse licking; totally and utterly useless to any punter checking what's what with a potential shag and is she fits our needs.

Funnily enough, and to make some sense of this post, I met with Angel Sam probably about 8 or 9 years when she was on Northern Angels when I was member there. The meeting was a threesome with Amber (Sweet Petite) one of the better known ladies of the day. It was at an hotel in Warrington. I can't give a "review" as such as it was so long ago but I do remember that Sam was the more genuine lady of the two in my opinion and seemed more friendly and up for it. Amber, whilst being nice seemed more clinical and wanted to get on with it whereas Sam wanted me to have a nice time.
Had they not come as a team (rather than individually booked by me) I would have asked Sam to stay on alone. She sucked and fucked with enthusiasm and although I came in Ambers mouth Sam told me she would have took it swell.
One memory that stays with me is the two of the them sucking and licking my cock at the same time. They had that off to a fine art. That slow, coordinted running up and down your cock with the licking the end, alternating between taking in deep and then kissing each other over the top of and engorging my bell end. I still have that stored in my bank bank for consideration at times of relaxing in a gentleman's way! . In nearly 30 years of this little hobby and hundreds of paid encounters (despite only review on here to date ("We won't see you if you have no reviews" Who's the bloody client here??) ahem, yes in all that time it was the best 2 girl blowjob I have ever had with Sam and her mate.
I have had several 3 comes, usual from a Manchester agency that I have used for what seems like forever, although they get few reviews on here. The 2 girls in my experience either try to work together or, there is one Alpha female who seems to dominate and scare the other and it buggers up the experience.
I'm over In Blackpool now (yes I know) and most Manchester agencies won't send someone over here. I used to be based Chorley/Bolton ways so I could either shoot over to The Worsley Marriott or, if it was from the agency who knew me and the ex wife was away I would sometimes get her to come to the house for a coupe of hours. I have fancied a 2 girl with Paige and A.N Other from Manchester Elite but they won't even come to bloody Preston.
Trying to plan around work these days is difficult and my opportunities for podging often present themselves with little notice making to difficult to arrange to meet the best girls who are busy.  I am still trying to coordinate a meet with Jessica Joy or Lucy Lux.
Anyway, I digress. Just wanted to welcome to new poster, Goldwing (Of the 2 wheeled Honda variety I would guess) I defend and support Cueball and MrMogg in their reasonable questions regarding your post and, for what it's worth from years ago, commend Angel Sam, at least from mine and my nicely sucked cocks memory.
Happy new new to you all.


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I've seen Sam a few times and never felt she was trying to waste time. Quite the reverse in fact.

No time wasting, full hour in the bedroom with 5-10 minutes either side for a brew and a chat


  • Guest
Hey Goldwing don't feel like people are having a go.
We get all sorts coming on here, some honest, some trying to cause negative PR and some dreamers writing reports on people they have never seen. Cueball and MrMogg were just saying what most regular readers on here may have thought about your report for the reasons that have pointed out to you. If they were wrong then so be it.
Cueball was also saying that on here we are friendly bunch but it is not another Northern Angels (from when it was popular about 15 years ago) when all of the reviews were like hero worship led by a couple of high spending forum dictators (Beau and Colin spring to mind) who would not permit any review that wasn't pure arse licking; totally and utterly useless to any punter checking what's what with a potential shag and is she fits our needs.

Funnily enough, and to make some sense of this post, I met with Angel Sam probably about 8 or 9 years when she was on Northern Angels when I was member there. The meeting was a threesome with Amber (Sweet Petite) one of the better known ladies of the day. It was at an hotel in Warrington. I can't give a "review" as such as it was so long ago but I do remember that Sam was the more genuine lady of the two in my opinion and seemed more friendly and up for it. Amber, whilst being nice seemed more clinical and wanted to get on with it whereas Sam wanted me to have a nice time.
Had they not come as a team (rather than individually booked by me) I would have asked Sam to stay on alone. She sucked and fucked with enthusiasm and although I came in Ambers mouth Sam told me she would have took it swell.
One memory that stays with me is the two of the them sucking and licking my cock at the same time. They had that off to a fine art. That slow, coordinted running up and down your cock with the licking the end, alternating between taking in deep and then kissing each other over the top of and engorging my bell end. I still have that stored in my bank bank for consideration at times of relaxing in a gentleman's way! . In nearly 30 years of this little hobby and hundreds of paid encounters (despite only review on here to date ("We won't see you if you have no reviews" Who's the bloody client here??) ahem, yes in all that time it was the best 2 girl blowjob I have ever had with Sam and her mate.
I have had several 3 comes, usual from a Manchester agency that I have used for what seems like forever, although they get few reviews on here. The 2 girls in my experience either try to work together or, there is one Alpha female who seems to dominate and scare the other and it buggers up the experience.
I'm over In Blackpool now (yes I know) and most Manchester agencies won't send someone over here. I used to be based Chorley/Bolton ways so I could either shoot over to The Worsley Marriott or, if it was from the agency who knew me and the ex wife was away I would sometimes get her to come to the house for a coupe of hours. I have fancied a 2 girl with Paige and A.N Other from Manchester Elite but they won't even come to bloody Preston.
Trying to plan around work these days is difficult and my opportunities for podging often present themselves with little notice making to difficult to arrange to meet the best girls who are busy.  I am still trying to coordinate a meet with Jessica Joy or Lucy Lux.
Anyway, I digress. Just wanted to welcome to new poster, Goldwing (Of the 2 wheeled Honda variety I would guess) I defend and support Cueball and MrMogg in their reasonable questions regarding your post and, for what it's worth from years ago, commend Angel Sam, at least from mine and my nicely sucked cocks memory.
Happy new new to you all.

Thanks, my user name is after the motorbike.
Angel Sam is worth visiting, a few days later, I went back to see her with her friend Kirsty Blonde, something that should be on everyone`s " to do " list.
Think there is around 5 or 6 who work as individuals within a mile or so of each other but can sort out a threesome if you want.

Offline cueball

I went back to see her with her friend Kirsty Blonde

Now.... Will we be seeing a review of this encounter?

Offline bolster3

Don't think that pig of yours will be flying somehow CB  :D

Offline cueball

Don't think that pig of yours will be flying somehow CB  :D

 :sarcastic: maybe not pal... I've podged both Sam & kirsty together, you'll maybe just have to read my gory report  :D


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Now.... Will we be seeing a review of this encounter?
field report submitted on adultworks

Offline RocknRollStar

I have seen Sam around 6 months back. Generally had a good hour with Sam with no clock watching (I think we ran over without a mention). If I had one minus it would be she looked older in the flesh than her photos suggest - I think some of her pics are quite old?

Offline scutty brown

field report submitted on adultworks

"On entering her apartment, she gave me a friendly kiss and a big hug, then proceeded to put the kettle on"
WTF?????  Fucking expensive pot of tea!
Guess what? She scores 10/10 on all points. What bollox

If you actually read the review, there's no indication that anything sexual actually happened
« Last Edit: February 06, 2017, 09:21:35 pm by scutty brown »

Offline softlad25

Goldwing using same name near enough on here and adultwork
how the fuck can he give a bad review  :dash:


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"On entering her apartment, she gave me a friendly kiss and a big hug, then proceeded to put the kettle on"
WTF?????  Fucking expensive pot of tea!
Guess what? She scores 10/10 on all points. What bollox

If you actually read the review, there's no indication that anything sexual actually happened
Nah, just sat on the bed discussing knitting patterns, then went back a few days later when her and kirsty blonde was there and did pretty much the same thing

Offline scutty brown

Nah, just sat on the bed discussing knitting patterns, then went back a few days later when her and kirsty blonde was there and did pretty much the same thing
from the lack of info in your report I can fully believe you are telling the truth when you say that