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Author Topic: Is the Cost of escort services going to go up?  (Read 4765 times)


  • Guest
Since there is a very good chance that UK will leave the EU, meaning 1000s of cheap romanian, hungarian, polish, etc....escorts wont be able to travel into country to provide their service. This also means the number of working girls in this country will drastically fall, resulting in higher demand, therefore an increased cost.

Offline rpg

I suppose that might be the case. We'll need to chip in to get Farage a free punt to get him hooked.  :kissgirl:

Rochdull lad

  • Guest
I'm not normally a betting man, but I'd be prepared to put a quid or two on the referendum not taking place.  Just a thought; if "a week is a long time in politics", then it's a hell of a long time to the next General Election.

If I remember rightly, Cameron's promise to hold one has so many conditions which might well not be satisfied.  For example, hasn't he got to have a majority of Conservative MPs in the next Parliament? 

Berks Bloke 32

  • Guest
I would honestly be surprised if a) we get a referendum b) if the vote is anything other than no. Much in the same way that we all know that it would be economic suicide for Scotland to take independence from the rest of the UK the same holds true for the UK leaving the EU. I know there are people who will disagree but that's what opinions are for  :lol:

Offline Jimmyredcab

Since there is a very good chance that UK will leave the EU, meaning 1000s of cheap romanian, hungarian, polish, etc....escorts wont be able to travel into country to provide their service. This also means the number of working girls in this country will drastically fall, resulting in higher demand, therefore an increased cost.

Sadly there is very little chance that we will be leaving the European Union, even if we did it would not stop people from Europe visiting the UK.

Prices will not be rising any time soon, supply currently exceeds demand.    :hi:

Offline Jimmyredcab

I would honestly be surprised if a) we get a referendum b) if the vote is anything other than no.

If we were given a choice tomorrow it would be very close, most sensible people would vote to pull out of this gravy train for politicians ------------thank God that Gordon Brown kept us out of the Euro.   


  • Guest
It seems that many of the EE girls come over for a short period of time and then go back to their own country for a period before returning again. I can't see that this will alter much. There will be an effect on those that want to make the UK their home.  The only problem could be trying to work out whether the constant influx of "tourist escorts" are genuine as the girls will change every few weeks when their "holiday" comes to an end. The other issue being that they will almost certainly be controlled by pimps who will no doubt be providing the accommodation -  so same flat, different girl. Pretty much like it seems to be at the moment!  Possible bait and switch nightmare !  I wonder if this is the reason why I constantly see new profiles from EE girls and others disappearing all the time?

Offline smiths

Since there is a very good chance that UK will leave the EU, meaning 1000s of cheap romanian, hungarian, polish, etc....escorts wont be able to travel into country to provide their service. This also means the number of working girls in this country will drastically fall, resulting in higher demand, therefore an increased cost.

It wouldnt happen for years even if we voted to leave. Not something to worry about in the short-term in my view. I am far more concerned with Labour getting back in in 2015 and Harriet Harridan resuming her agenda of wanting to criminalise punters.

Offline manc36

There'll be no referendum. Too much of a chance that those voting could give the "wrong" answer.

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Offline manc36

It wouldnt happen for years even if we voted to leave. Not something to worry about in the short-term in my view. I am far more concerned with Labour getting back in in 2015 and Harriet Harridan resuming her agenda of wanting to criminalise punters.

God help us, I dislike the Tories but as someone who has only ever voted Labour, I detest them. It really does sadden me that there is no party out there for me, and I think - for the working class to vote for.
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Banned by: daviemac

Offline Lightining Lord

Nah I doubt it would stop work for Eastern European girls and if it did it would be a shame since I love the Hungarians girls.

Offline NIK

Since there is a very good chance that UK will leave the EU, meaning 1000s of cheap romanian, hungarian, polish, etc....escorts wont be able to travel into country to provide their service. This also means the number of working girls in this country will drastically fall, resulting in higher demand, therefore an increased cost.

That should be amended to since there is NOT a good chance of the UK leaving the EU.
I am old enough to remember the last referendum, although was just too young to vote, and the weight of pro EU propaganda wheeled out overwhelmed the anti. I know had I been old enough to vote it would have made me change my mind, as it did with thousands who were originally going to vote to leave.
It will be the same if there is another referendum.
For a start America won't want us to leave and they have massive influence over our leaders regardless of which party is in power here.

Offline Jimmyredcab

That should be amended to since there is NOT a good chance of the UK leaving the EU.
I am old enough to remember the last referendum.

That referendum was about us having a trading agreement with Europe, we did not vote for a European superstate, that is what we now have.    :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:

Offline rpg

That referendum was about us having a trading agreement with Europe, we did not vote for a European superstate, that is what we now have.    :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:

I tend to agree with Nik that ways will be found to ensure we remain in Europe. I also agree with Jimmy though. The really good idea which was the "common market" has grown into a monster.


  • Guest
What people also have to remember that even with a 'NO' vote (or exit from EU), doing so would not be an overnight change. If on 5th September we voted to leave the EU, it wouldn't mean that on the 6th all the EE's would leave as the country would grind to a halt.   

Even if supply does drop, prices may in the short-term go up, but the extra money would tempt more women into the market to reduce prices.

Offline farquhar

Could the cost of punting go up if we leave the EU.

The supply of EE girls will dry up, and the laws of supply and demand mean that the local girls will bump up prices?

Just something I thought about last night.

Any opinions on this?

Offline ProtocolDroid

Prices will not be rising any time soon, supply currently exceeds demand.    :hi:

Really? What's your evidence for this? In situations of excess supply one sees prices falling and/or goods remaining unsold. I'm not aware that rates are getting lower at the moment at all. As for goods remaining unsold, I for one don't have the psychic ability to spy on WGs' schedules and mobile phones.

Offline ProtocolDroid

Could the cost of punting go up if we leave the EU.

The supply of EE girls will dry up, and the laws of supply and demand mean that the local girls will bump up prices?

Just something I thought about last night.

Any opinions on this?

With 3 reviews to your name I wouldn't have expected an attempt at trolling from you, but perhaps you simply haven't read the OP's post? :rolleyes:


  • Guest
demand isn't going to change but if supply decreases it would be expected 'in theory' for price to increase

but ultimately what really determines price is what collectively buyers is willing to pay. If as a result prices were increased due to the decreased supply of prostitutes but punters were not willing to pay these higher prices then the demand will fall reducing prices
« Last Edit: June 02, 2016, 01:14:30 pm by punther »

Offline Happylad

Even if the vote is for BREXIT the EU citizens already here are certainly not goin g to be bundled off back to Europe, any more than the British citizens at present in Europe would ell be immediately bundled back here.

The more likely result is that the Romanians, Bulgarians etc at present here (and doing very well out of it) would simply stay on, and forgo their usual "holidays" back home rather than risk not being allowed back in again.

I`m sure that among the hundreds of thousand of immigrants already "lost" in  the population a few thousand Eu wgs wouldn`t be particularly noticed.

Offline The_Don

Since there is a very good chance that UK will leave the EU, meaning 1000s of cheap romanian, hungarian, polish, etc....escorts wont be able to travel into country to provide their service. This also means the number of working girls in this country will drastically fall, resulting in higher demand, therefore an increased cost.

There 2 sides to this:

Like I said before, it up to the W/G what price she set/charges. Some punters will pay, others will not and move on.

At a point, punters will just move on because the cost (of a certain W/G) out weighs any benefits (IMO)

« Last Edit: June 02, 2016, 02:48:13 pm by The_Don »

Offline palatino

Actual migration rules are unlikely to change in case of Brexit. The UK will want to retain access to the EU market, which comes with the condition of accepting free movement of labour, just like Switzerland and Norway had to accept free movement of labour despite never joining the EU.

Supply of fresh prostitutes however may still diminish, as the pound is likely to fall and the UK economy weakens.


  • Guest

Brexit will see less European unskilled workers coming in. Prossies around Europe would simply be deterred and migrate to other European countries. With the increased border controls/security we would have in the UK many would not get through the net. Prossies do not pay tax and I am sure there would be a clamp down a long the lines somewhere...

This would mean less European bargain prices. The market would change. I believe prices would increase. We see in places like America/Australia/Japan which have the most home grown working girls that prices remain high.

The strength of the pound is another argument. There is a lot of speculation as to what would happen but honestly I have no idea about that.  I personally enjoy visiting European countries without having to need a VISA. I enjoy Thailand holidays where I get a lot for the pound. t is quick and easy. If the pound were to diminish due to BREXIT it would influence my decision to remain or to stay however you also have to think about your future and not just your punting desires.

That argument aside there is a lot of debate for the advantages/disadvantages of Brexit. Although the debate is quite simple - when you have MORE coming in then going OUT in excessive amounts problems are created. We have to build houses every 7 minutes. The NHS and schools are on their knees due to no spaces. Businesses are preferring to hire European workers because they can hire them for less which creates less jobs for British people. You also have to look at these unskilled workers that are coming in. The Muslim ghettos that have formed in Birmingham and Luton.

I think whoever decides to vote just needs to find out what is more important to them.


  • Guest
Ffs, don't give them ideas , some will take a grip of any excuse to put them up !

Offline ProtocolDroid

If the pound were to diminish due to BREXIT it would influence my decision to remain or to stay

It's not a question of if; that's External Link/Members Only already. Of course in the long term there might be a recovery again. Many other factors come into play then (importantly, including factors completely unrelated to the UK itself), which is why the negative assessment of the economic consequences of a possible Brexit by people like Mark Carney focuses on the short to medium term.

Offline Juilius_Sneezer

But the strength of the pound while being a salient point is less important than the projected cost of living with said pound.

If today 100 quid gets you your weekly shop but next year with BREXIT gets you only 70% of that shop then of course the prices will go up.

If the EE girls have kept prices down then sure we may be in for a shock but at the same time sooner or later they would go up naturally due to the inevitable increase in cost of living in the world.

We could see some of the more...native?... girls filling the cheaper gap while others keep themselves on a higher rate but on an overall rise.

We are about as good speculating on this here as the politicians are in the commons. Imo nobody knows what will happen. I am willing to hedge my bets on bugger all.

slow and low

  • Guest
Yep and quality won't get any better.


  • Guest
who can say costs in punting will change as in germany where there are less laws punting is much cheaper
ie a cut price party girl  may earn 50 euro for a 5 hour shift and shag 10 men cost per shag £4
in england same girl 1 hour booking 1 man £100  a shag
a 2500% or 25 time higher cost in england !

Offline The_Don

who can say costs in punting will change as in germany where there are less laws punting is much cheaper
ie a cut price party girl  may earn 50 euro for a 5 hour shift and shag 10 men cost per shag £4
in england same girl 1 hour booking 1 man £100  a shag
a 2500% or 25 time higher cost in england !

In the UK some charge less than £100 and much more.  Pimps may also take a share

fat willy

  • Guest
Much as I would like to see us leave the Eu, if only to see the back of "Dodgy Dave", I dont think it will happen, Ukip only got 2 million votes in the last election, and during B-liars self-serving picnic over
 2 million private landlords were created when the bank gave away free mortgages,(to be paid back later) if we do come out the Eu, they know due to demand house prices-and private rents, and prices, will drop like a whores drawers, and its high rents, that is partly to blame for high prices in prostitution, I can remember fifteen years ago, average price round me was #50 for an hour for english girls, but rent on a flat was #50 a week, so do the sums.


  • Guest
Much as I would like to see us leave the Eu, if only to see the back of "Dodgy Dave", I dont think it will happen, Ukip only got 2 million votes in the last election, and during B-liars self-serving picnic over

Actually was 3.8 million votes External Link/Members Only

And many didn't vote as a referendum was promised by the tories so people voted to keep the left away from responsibility


  • Guest
whole thing based on figures  some true/ some false /some misleading
take your favorite .and quote that !!

Offline tazz

Norway which isnt in the EU has free movement of people, also switzerland has high levels of migration. UK seems to get people from all over the world, tons of brazillian prossies here. I expect lots of eastern europeans will still come here, they can just pretend to be tourists or students. UK is a joke country which allows no end of gangsters, thieves and terrorists to come and go when they like.

Offline Hobbit

One thing I have noticed that a lot of escorts are doing now every year is that at the beginning of every financial year i.e. April, these girls are increasing their prices. I understand that many of us that work in the corporate sector do get pay rises every year but others that work in the public sector don't. So why should these girls give themselves pay rises every year? To me it seems like greed. Nevertheless, I understand it is their right but many of us are having to work extremely hard and not get pay rises even with the increase of food prices etc.

Offline tazz

Maybe because they work in the private sextor that their prices rise. Also good and energy costs and petrol been falling.

Offline Hobbit

Maybe because they work in the private sextor that their prices rise. Also good and energy costs and petrol been falling.

Either way, they get paid more than enough! They don't need pay rises.


  • Guest
has the price of knickers gone down ??


  • Guest
If we leave the EU the price of pro$$ies should fall by between 20% - 30% as English girls will fill the vacume left by the EEs & their pimps  :hi:

Offline ProtocolDroid

If we leave the EU the price of pro$$ies should fall by between 20% - 30% as English girls will fill the vacume left by the EEs & their pimps  :hi:

Excellent logic, based on a firm command of basic economics! :rolleyes:


  • Guest
Back to the basic question, it's "no" in my experience.  :hi:


  • Guest
If we leave the EU the price of pro$$ies should fall by between 20% - 30% as English girls will fill the vacume left by the EEs & their pimps  :hi:

I disagree. English girls are 'priviledged' and always want to charge more than EEs. I think they think it is some kind of 'tax' for being so 'perfect' although we all know the answer.

You only have to look at English girl prices compared to EEs and the other British girls who are priced lower will just raise their prices to match. With less EEs punting will become more expensive as time goes on. We would have fewer girls and yes more British girls might come out the wood work but don't expect them to be £80 an hour.

I believe punting is becoming more mainstream as the years go on. The demand is certainly increasing. With fewer girls on Adultwork it makes economical sense for a price increase to happen.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2016, 05:36:40 pm by Ben4454 »

Offline ProtocolDroid

Back to the basic question, it's "no" in my experience.  :hi:

Oh, and what "experience" would that be, given that most of us haven't been through a Brexit before?

Hidden Image/Members Only


  • Guest
The pound is getting stronger against the euro again and the referrendum hasn't come yet.

I don't see prices changing in the event of a brexit, or EE people being sent back. If EE girls were no longer allowed to stay, they earn cash in hand so they still wouldn't be easy to trace and deport.

Offline palatino

The fall in the pound will obviously also make punting abroad more expensive.

The pound is sliding this morning after a string of opinion polls gave the Brexit campaign a lead in the 23 June EU referendum.

Sterling tumbled in early trading, shedding more than 1.5 cents against the US dollar. It has hit a three-week low of $1.4355, down 1.1%.

It is also losing ground against other developed currencies. Against the euro, the pound is down 1 eurocent at €1.2661.

Traders are reacting to yesterday’s Observer/Opinium poll, which gave the Brexit campaign a three percentage point lead. And aYouGov poll for ITV’s Good Morning Britain has put Leave in front on 45% and Remain on 41%.

Many analysts have predicted that the pound would tumble if Britain voted to leave the EU, possibly as low as $1.20 against the US dollar.


  • Guest
The pound abroad has never been really strong
and is tumbling agaisnt the euro
Cheap holadays away may have vanished ?