Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Best original excuses  (Read 2050 times)

Offline Horizontal pleasures

this came in at 0345 this morning after a week of silence, while I booked someone else.

hi babes sorry ain't been in touch . I moved house couple of days ago. and it's all topsy turvy. not been working as well cos I was on period. also my dog chose to give birth in my cupboard in my room. so she's in there. could meet u in hotel.>

Offline sublimetoridiculous

So the dog has been shagging bareback ...

Offline shagmore

Looks like gave a very full and informative excuse. Only thing missing is the colour of the carpets and paint!!

Offline nigel4498

" I've had a flat tyre and had to change it myself. When I got home to shower I couldn't because the boiler broke down, about to call the plumber but the landlord has arrived."

Offline itk

Many, many years back before AW turned up at a door after ringing a number, she answered the door wearing stockings and a bra. She obviously didn’t like me and said I had the wrong address and when I questioned why she was dressed as she was, got told she was expecting her bf home from off the rigs.  :lol:
Strangely I phoned her two days later and punted with her.

Offline 381stBG

They’ve clearly watched Blues Brothers.

I ran out of gas! I got a flat tire! I didn’t have change for cab fare! I lost my tux at the cleaners! I locked my keys in the car! An old friend came in from out of town! Someone stole my car! There was an earthquake! A terrible flood! Locusts!

Big Guy

Offline munterhunter

Oh and by the way the dog ate my homework!!!

Offline WhackDaddy

3 for 1 not bad really, though I am a bit bemused by the last one where you going to fuck her in the cupboard? :crazy:

Offline MilleMiglia

"Terrible news! The person that was covering for me at work has been involved in a car crash and will be off work for three weeks. I've got to be back in work tonight or I get fired. I'll see you soon to make it up to you."

Famous last words...

Offline Titti Tatti

I bet there's a thread on SAAFE, best excuses to give.

Most popular "Sorry my showers broken and I'm waiting for it to be fixed.

Every one will believe you if you say the showers broken. "

Offline JonasG

Got this one recently with 3 hours to go until the booking time.

"hi i have to cancel. the flat doesnt have light and the land lord is gonna fix it tomorrow.x"

lol whatever.

Oh well.


  • Guest
I bet there's a thread on SAAFE, best excuses to give.

Most popular "Sorry my showers broken and I'm waiting for it to be fixed.

Every one will believe you if you say the showers broken. "

Alas no, but we could probably come up with some cracking good ones. Better than the "my landlord just popped round unexpectedly". Granted I think a couple of my same day cancellations would top most excuses you've heard.


  • Guest
A few years ago , 20 mins before our meet  time SP texted me to say she had decided to give her relationship with her feller another go so she couldn’t work any more , phoned her number on another mobile number later the same evening and she said she was available so I made a booking for that evening , I texted her 5 mins before our meet and told her that I had decided to try and give my Mrs another go so I wouldn’t be there , karma feels good

Offline rocket88

this came in at 0345 this morning after a week of silence, while I booked someone else.

hi babes sorry ain't been in touch . I moved house couple of days ago. and it's all topsy turvy. not been working as well cos I was on period. also my dog chose to give birth in my cupboard in my room. so she's in there. could meet u in hotel.>

Certainly more imaginative than the usual kid/sister/mother ill ........

Offline tantric talents

How about this one from a very well known “darling” here.
“My air conditioner’s packed up, I can’t open the window and I don’t like getting sweaty” :dancegirl:

Offline myothernameis

When I got home to shower I couldn't because the boiler broke down, about to call the plumber but the landlord has arrived."

Had something similar; boiler has broken, and plumber in right now fixing the heating system, should be fixed with in 2 hours, rebooked for later, and told later on boiler still not fixed

The boyfriend has just turned up at her flat


  • Guest
'My grandmother is in hospital and have to go and visit her' - she then proceeded to be on direct chat for the remainder of the day.

Offline Jim-Beam

Best excuse i had was when i rocked up at the address when working away from home for a last min punt, all booked and decent comms . Door opened, shown to bedroom, very sexy girl but could tell she was nervous, pulled out my cash to pay and she said sorry I cant take Scottish notes, we'll need to cancel!

No idea to this day if she just didn't like the look of me or if she was serious lol.