Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Courier Drivers  (Read 2210 times)

Offline ian cognito

Just accepted parcel delivery from a courier. EE girl, mid-20's, petite, dirty-blond (bleached) hair, sexy accent - what a waste - she could be earning £100 per hour easy  ;)


  • Guest
Did you offer her that option?  :rolleyes:

Offline David1970

When I was 16 I had a job as a delivery boy, got a great shag from a lady I took the parcel to.
Turned down a smelly on fatty once, I had standards then.
Being a courier can be fun,

Offline threechilliman

Just accepted parcel delivery from a courier. EE girl, mid-20's, petite, dirty-blond (bleached) hair, sexy accent - what a waste - she could be earning £100 per hour easy  ;)

I always think it's amusing when I see some hotty doing a dead end job and think '£100 an hour to drop your knickers and your doing this, you must be mad!'



  • Guest
This is how I feel about my cleaner.

Polish, young 20s, acceptable face but stunningly hot body.

I asked her if she likes what she does the other day. She looked up from the ground (cleaning under the kitchen appliances), shrugged, and just said 'I need the money'.

She could do so much better than £15/hr (transport not included).

Offline nigel4498

Ever thought of offering her a little extra when she's cleaning in the bedroom?

Offline RedKettle

I was thinking the other day (after being served in a shop by a particularly fit young woman) that it is a shame that it is not socially acceptable to make an offer for paid sex with no upset, either from the girl for you asking or from the man if she declines.

Offline od13218

I was thinking the other day (after being served in a shop by a particularly fit young woman) that it is a shame that it is not socially acceptable to make an offer for paid sex with no upset, either from the girl for you asking or from the man if she declines.
Wouldn't that be civilised! Brings to mind this old joke:
A man asks an attractive woman, "Would you sleep with me for a million pounds?"
She ponders it for a while and eventually says, "Well, I suppose for a million, yes, why not?"
"Ok", he replies, "what about £10?"
"You've got to be kidding, what do you think I am?!", comes the outraged response.
"We've already established that- now we're just haggling over the price!"

Offline dirkdiggler583

This is how I feel about my cleaner.

Polish, young 20s, acceptable face but stunningly hot body.

I asked her if she likes what she does the other day. She looked up from the ground (cleaning under the kitchen appliances), shrugged, and just said 'I need the money'.

She could do so much better than £15/hr (transport not included).

your paying your cleaner to much !

Offline iPad3

This is how I feel about my cleaner.

Polish, young 20s, acceptable face but stunningly hot body.

I asked her if she likes what she does the other day. She looked up from the ground (cleaning under the kitchen appliances), shrugged, and just said 'I need the money'.

She could do so much better than £15/hr (transport not included).

£15 an hour!! Fuck that, get a Romanian in, £10 an hour and works like a horse (she looks like one too)


  • Guest
This is how I feel about my cleaner.

Polish, young 20s, acceptable face but stunningly hot body.

I asked her if she likes what she does the other day. She looked up from the ground (cleaning under the kitchen appliances), shrugged, and just said 'I need the money'.

She could do so much better than £15/hr (transport not included).

Is she thru an agency? If so they'll be pocketing a large cut of that ... make her an offer to cut out the agency and you'll both benefit  ... you still won't get to shagging her though. The day you shag them is the day they stop cleaning properly.
Ps ours in Bulgarian and takes £9 an hour ... but did say she didn't think she had to declare it to the inland revenue because she was self employed.