Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Popping to early  (Read 1088 times)


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Hi all
Recently (last 6 months ) I've started to suffer from premature ejaculation. It never used to happen before. I used to have decent control and could hold out until the end (most times). Now I'd be lucky to hold out for 5 mins. I know it's mental but it's properly pissing me off now and as I'm a one pop punter generally it's costing me. Could any of you offer tips ?


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Do you think this can be cos of lot many WG's have tried their best techniques to make you cumm sooner recently so your little johnny had adapted it?  :dash: :dash: even I feel my control and ability to last longer has diminished recently but its too recent or soon to come to a conclusion for me.


  • Guest
trouble is once its on your mind you cant not think about it and makes it worse

maybe crack a few off before the meet ?  go with a empty gun


  • Guest
Do you think this can be cos of lot many WG's have tried their best techniques to make you cumm sooner recently so your little johnny had adapted it?  :dash: :dash: even I feel my control and ability to last longer has diminished recently but its too recent or soon to come to a conclusion for me.

Who knows. Maybe it's getting older too. Although at 32 it shouldn't be the reason.


  • Guest
trouble is once its on your mind you cant not think about it and makes it worse

maybe crack a few off before the meet ?  go with a empty gun

Am an instinct punter. Otherwise couldn't agree more. I'd be going with the tank empty.

Agree with the on your mind comment as well.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2016, 06:10:27 pm by Jackjizzy »

Offline boredtryst

or shoot twice? i know a lot of guys only shoot once and then they are done, but i prefer to shoot fairly early and then let the girl get me hard again. makes for a more relaxed punt i find

Offline Steely Dan

Does the blue pill make a difference for you - either for delay or faster 2nd erection?  If you don't know, might be worth an experiment.  Literature says the effect on everyone is different.

Other idea is to have a reliable regular as an ally. Get her to help you.

Offline ShyGuy.

Mental image: Margaret Thatcher; diarrhoea; toilet. Works for me :D

But in all seriousness, maybe give priligy a try -> easily available online and worked nicely for me to get through a rough patch and stop my mind thinking too much.

Side effects are virtually non-existent, especially when compared to anti depressants which also made it virtually impossible to finish.


  • Guest
Talk to your doctor / pharmacist about it and try Sildenafil (not only keeps me hard but helps me to last). There's actually no magic solution though - you have to practice. Slow down when you feel like cumming or do a bit of muff diving before getting stuck in again. Doesn't always work out for me but after many, many 30 minute punts I can usually make it til the end before shooting my jizz.


  • Guest
Go 15% and stop when you feel the finish line approach, wait till the wood turns flexible, then start back at 15%

Offline shagbambi

You can try Priligy which is a tablet that delays ejaculation.  It is expensive though at around 15 pounds a tablet.


  • Guest
I find counting prime numbers in my head works, as it takes enough mental effort to distract me from coming, but not so much that I lose wood. YMMV though.

Offline iwtc

I believe it is mostly a mental thing.  In your head you become so pre-occupied with getting to the edge too fast and then it's all you can think about.