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Author Topic: Punting Vs Tinder: pros and cons  (Read 9026 times)


  • Guest
never used tinder, but i am in an open relationship living with my girlfriend. how reliable is tinder if you don't live in a city like London or another large city?
i tend to meet most women i sleep with in supermarkets or approach them on the street etc, but tinder has been something i am thinking of as work hours are increasing due to putting time into a small business and haven't had time to get outside and meet women in the day time so ease of access to online dating would be good. i tried plenty of fish and badoo, slept with a couple of women on there but in real life they were not as hot as their pics.

Rampant Devil

  • Guest
never used tinder, but i am in an open relationship living with my girlfriend. how reliable is tinder if you don't live in a city like London or another large city?
i tend to meet most women i sleep with in supermarkets or approach them on the street etc, but tinder has been something i am thinking of as work hours are increasing due to putting time into a small business and haven't had time to get outside and meet women in the day time so ease of access to online dating would be good. i tried plenty of fish and badoo, slept with a couple of women on there but in real life they were not as hot as their pics.

what makes you think women from Tinder will resemble their photos any more than those on badoo OR POF?

Offline time_to_play

Offline HappyandLucky

5 pages and it goes on. This is a punting site  :dash: :dash: :dash:
As posted earlier enough of this bollocks  :hi:

Offline Marmalade

Quote from: OP'n'Wannabes SuperHot Instant Scoring Method Ltd
Hey wanna know how to score with hundreds of beautiful women beyond your wildest dreams? Just read only another TEN pages of this shite, mostly about how AMAZING I am, and I'll tell you my incredible SECRETS that dumb guys like you would happily pay thousands of dollars for but I'll give it to you for FREE if you just send me a cheque for a mere fifty bucks.

  :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Offline Kensal

It's nothing like that, what's separate tinder from the rest is by a combination of their own style (not overtly about hooking up) and timing it has come at a time when the ingredients are rife for woman to join up, some want a realationship, many want a shag and many want a relationship but will settle for a shag.

Tinder is the app you'll hear woman talking openly at the office or in a bar, it's socially expectable. There have been many articles mainly where the journalist (female) has given it a go and these are main stream national spreads.

I've punted a lot less since tinder but still enjoy it as a variation on a hobby, plus there's a lot less bagged. Buy you'll get to a point where there are woman you may not approach on account of you thinking their out if your league messaging you and you don't even bother replaying because you've got enough to work on and they're a bit too far given the choice. That's not to say they are all stunners, sometimes some jump the queue by being the type who say can you come over right now, I've drank wine and want a fuck.

As I said I'm not hear to show off, simply give another viable option because I considered the likes of adult friend finder snd it just didn't seem right for me. There are tons of birds on there, what have you got to loose? If it's not for you fair another, and no it's not punting but I'm sure it us of interest to many who do snd you're essentially getting your end away, it's typically cheaper and is under different circumstances. As I said originally, pros and cons; both have their merits and pitfalls.

I did have a lovely and extreamly horny American / German /  indonisian mixed the other night, was like a top punt only desperate for it a free.

Offline Dicky

I have had mixed success off Tinder. Firstly I use Tinder only in other cities and not where I live in.  I have seen that girls in London are more up for meeting cool people than in other parts of the world I travel to (maybe only surpassed by Israel and Turkey). In most of Asia, Tinder is the new place to find a unless you're really sneaky and lying, it would not work very well. In London, I have met with 5-6 stunners for a drink over the last 1.5 years and ended up shagging one - she wasnt half as good in bed as most WGs.

The best way to get successful on Tinder is to swipe right to as many women as you can since that increases your chances of getting a match...then you can be selective and ignore the dogs you match with. For this, there are many other apps you can install that will keep running in the background and swipe right automatically to every single girl in the city, lol. You pay like 2-3 quid but well worth it if you're after a good civvy encounter.  However you do need to look reasonably good looking and have a gift of the gab to keep the girl interested.

It does take a fair bit of time to pull off Tinder, which puts me off, so I only use it for pulling birds I am really interested in...maybe 1-2 at the most. 

Offline GMontag

I'm generally skeptical of dating sites and apps. Seeing this thread spurred me to try Tinder. Well all I can say is its definitely not punting. I matched with 4 ladies, 2 ebonies, 1 American student and a white British nurse. Took a while but happy to say by year close I've shagged all of them. The impression I get from them and a view I have myself is that a lot of civvies just want to meet someone they can get along with THEN have sex. So its not a one night stand meeting point, unless you choose to just block them, or they block you. It takes some effort though to convince them you aren't a "weirdo". But it isn't punting in anyway or form. Interestingly I did come across 3 wgs in my area. Never punted with them before. Swiped right, not been matched yet. Probably I'm not their type.

Offline Kensal

That's exactly it mate, glad to hear it and agree it aint punting but still and easy alternative to get a shag, particularly with the type of woman you may not meet day to day. Having had a few I've got an urge for a punt now. If you're seeing a few birds who only know part of the truth it can be tiring keeping up if you've bullshitted them. I got cornered and told one I have a kid which is bollocks but calmed her down when she got heavy.

It's not as straight forward but it's fun to me, the novelty and work you put in seems to be in cycles for many, myself included.

Agree re the swipe right tactic, I paid for the 'Bonfire' app but too scared to auto match of fear of being matched with my sister!

Anyway, good to get some first balance. To those who though it appropriate to tell me to fuck off unprovoked can go feltch their gran for all I care.

It works.


  • Guest
I did have a lovely and extreamly horny American / German /  indonisian mixed the other night, was like a top punt only desperate for it a free.

We wouldn't know what your top punt is as you have never reviewed one, I suspect though I would be USH style reviewing yourself.

Offline HappyandLucky

We wouldn't know what your top punt is as you have never reviewed one, I suspect though I would be USH style reviewing yourself.
Initially I thought school is out, but now just a fantasist IMO. Areed after a few reviews I may have a new perspective but I expect not to be suprised. It's a New Year, so maybe Kensal will start punting and stop being an employee of Tinder.  :wackogirl:

Offline Marmalade

Hey! there's a great app called whydon'tyougofuckyourself. All you need is a twelve inch floppydong and something to ram it into the arsecrack. My mate on mumsthewordnet has had amazing success with it to and says it's enabled him finally to give up paying money to get laid!!! (ps just now there's a free buttplug for every gobshite review!!!)



  • Guest
Tinder is guys swiping 90% of the girls in the area and girls swiping on the "top tier 10%" guys. Once a while you'd get a break through but if you are average looking, you are better of working and using that money on a WG in my opinion. After all, we are on a punting board so I may be a wee bit biased. :)

Offline Pennine Rover

No good for married guys. My step daughter and her pals are on Tinder and have met their current b/fs that way.
I think SA is safer


  • Guest
I gave Tinder a go and I immediately received hundreds of invitations, from real women who actually existed and were all gorgeous, to have NSA sex with them at once. They were all desperate because they hadn't even slightly given up any hope of meeting a genuine guy as a result of being sent hundreds of explicit messages and cock pics every day from the hordes of sexually frustrated married men who outnumber women ten to one on casual dating websites. They all found me so irresistible that they wanted me to fuck them a.s.a.p. and they had no interest in any kind of intellectual or emotional relationship, or the most rudimentary security measures when meeting a complete stranger from the Internet. Heck, some of them actually offered to pay ME for it.

Unfortunately, I found it impossible to enjoy any of that because for some reason my pants were on fire the whole time.

 :lol: :lol: :lol:
Easily the funniest thing I've read in a long time