Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: WGs putting down other punters  (Read 3798 times)


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Weird cos most of the girls on UKE say they love the sex and arent acting..hmmm  :lol:
And that's completely true, Rodders. There are some members on here experience that all the time and even if they didn't give them large chunks of their money at all there's no doubt some of these 25 year old tasty babes would still go out with a stinky old uncle twice their age  :sarcastic:

Offline SamLP

A weird incident happened not too long ago when I was visiting a WG. Her phone was going off non-stop during the punt. At the end when I was getting dressed she complained it was a punter who was in love with her and she stopped seeing him because he became obsessive. He still continued to call so she told him he can if he paid £400 and they guy agreed. Then he called again right then so she took permission to answer and quoted him that price when he was confirming how much it would be  :wacko:

As for girls who despise punters, I once had one mid-sex look at me and say she hated me. I asked her why and she said I made her cum twice, so I told her she's gonna hate me even more when she cums the third time  :lol:


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Bullshit. A quick one line text and it's all done and dusted.
No one is forcing this pro$$ie to take his money, but she takes it anyway. Why? because it's a 1000 times easier than getting a proper fucking job.

The real answer to why she takes the money is because punters like us desperate for a shag offer it. I'm sure if we could get paid for shagging, we would give up our proper fucking jobs.

If you were a woman, working double shifts at minimim wage to bring up a family, you might have some credibility to be cynical to WG's, but as a punter who funds them, it makes you sounds like a hypocritical cunt when you say it.

Offline Ali Katt

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The real answer to why she takes the money is because punters like us desperate for a shag offer it. I'm sure if we could get paid for shagging, we would give up our proper fucking jobs.

If you were a woman, working double shifts at minimim wage to bring up a family, you might have some credibility to be cynical to WG's, but as a punter who funds them, it makes you sounds like a hypocritical cunt when you say it.
Prossies should still be scrutinised for their lack of ethics the same as any other occupation.


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Prossies should still be scrutinised for their lack of ethics the same as any other occupation.
Agreed and UKP plays a big part in assisting that scrutinisation through reviews.

What a WG or any other business person may indirectly say about a customer or client after they have left, should be scrutinised based on what exactly? Hearsay? Some form of unwritten ethical code? Or do we take the freedom of speech stance that people can say what the fuck they want, as long as it doesn't cross the boundaries of discrimination under the Equality Act?

If I had a customer who stinks and was boring as fuck, but he was coming to my shop every week to buy something, would I tell him to stop coming?  Probably not.  Would I tell someone else at work about him after he left?  Probably yes.  I don't think that is a lack of ethics, its just not denigrating someone to their face. 

Most WG complaints I read about are related to basic human ideals, of hygiene, respect and morals.  If every punter followed those ideals, there would be very little left to complain about.

How fucking difficult is punting?

1. Find a WG
2. Agree a price, date, time, location and list of services.
3. Arrive on time and clean.
4. Re-confirm services and hand over the money.
5. Treat her like a human being with respect.
6. Fuck her
7. Get dressed and fuck off.

Offline uutarn

How fucking difficult is punting?

1. Find a WG
2. Agree a price, date, time, location and list of services.
3. Arrive on time and clean.
4. Re-confirm services and hand over the money.
5. Treat her like a human being with respect.
6. Fuck her
7. Get dressed and fuck off.



  • Guest
Prossies should still be scrutinised for their lack of ethics the same as any other occupation.

Oh for fuck sake, I'm convinced some of you have not been fucked in a long time you are so uptight. Do yourself, make a booking and get all the frustration out!

Offline Marmalade

Just something that was on my mind after a meet the other day...

Had a good time with a certain WG who I was seeing for the first time. As I was getting dressed to leave she mentions she's got to head out to see a regular for a drink and wasn't particularly looking forward to it. She said usually he just wants to go out for a drink with her and talk, and they rarely fuck which is good as he stinks. She added that "he's in love with me" and all she has to do is take his money and pretend to be interested in what he has to say, and that she couldn't wait until it was over each time.

I couldn't help but think that this guy would absolutely stop seeing her if he knew what she'd said about him. I told her I was surprised she said all that to me, and she just shrugged and said it was the truth.

So is this poor form on the WG's part and is it OK to leave it as a case of "ignorance is bliss" for the punter in question? Not that I'm looking to expose this girl or anything, but I don't particularly like the idea of WGs talking shit about me once I'm gone either and I certainly wouldn't go back to one if I discovered that was the case.

Anyway, just something I was thinking about today

He probably would never have known if you hadn't posted. Why not rat out the WG? I know, maybe cos you want to see her again or at minimum don't particularly want her to blacklist you.

If the poor bastard really does stink then maybe he's lucky to get anyone. Some prossies slag off other punters to make their current client feel 'special'. Some punters do the same about WGs. Sloppy business but hardly a crime.

Offline Marmalade

Buyer and seller both agree a deal that is mutually acceptable. Either can refuse. Some shopkeepers are fucking cunts but I don't give a fuck as long as they honour the sale. They often mumble a load of shite. If they slagged off my mates I'd probably warn them and give them the chance to shop elsewhere. At least the guy now probably knows a) he stinks, and b) his friendly loving prossie is actually a bit of a fucking cow.

« Last Edit: November 13, 2015, 09:23:13 am by Marmalade »

Offline HighlyMotivated

He probably would never have known if you hadn't posted. Why not rat out the WG? I know, maybe cos you want to see her again or at minimum don't particularly want her to blacklist you.

Yep, pretty much.