Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: JLC Working Today - 9th July  (Read 1940 times)


  • Guest
Yep, I went a couple of weeks ago for my first b j , first class, short and sweet but well worth it, only down side for me is the time of day as I had to finish work at about mid day rush home for a shower, rush to canton so by the time I'd seen Jodie no point going back to work so the experience cost about 130 plus I had a few hours to my self and found my self in Costco and did another 200 notes ! But definitely go back, but not every week .

Offline pork sword

Have they got working girls in Costco??? :D

Offline mr big

seen jlc a few times 1st class service you always want to go back

Offline sharpshoes78

Now you tell me  :(
My punts need planning so no can do

Offline Corus Boy

Now you tell me  :(
My punts need planning so no can do

Sorry, I only noticed her profile change this morning.


  • Guest
She's been doing a couple of days a week for about a month ish, she is so damn good, and I find her very attractive, ( weak knee time ) but she can only do a couple of hours around mid day so very difficult to fit around work, would visit a load more if it was in the evening, but it is what it is and we're lucky she's back, I do pray she will make a full come back and offer the hour service, now that would be worth taking a day off work for, but we can always live in hope .

Offline darkvamp

She's been on my to do list for a while. Just no chance of getting there on a week day for a couple of months. So fingers crossed she'll still be about when my set of leave comes around


  • Guest
And I'm self-employed , you'd think I can swan around at will, but it don't work like that, just very difficult and a £40 punt turns in to a 100 plus punt, but that's not her fault, just happy she's there to visit. Just a case of fitting her in.

Offline sharpshoes78

Anyone know why she stopped?

Offline Corus Boy

Anyone know why she stopped?

She hasn't announced it or commented on it, so IMHO it's best left at that on a public forum.

If it really concerns you, why not email her and ask?

Offline sharpshoes78


  • Guest
Her personal life is nothing to do with us, just be pleased she does what she does and enjoy it while on offer.

Offline HughJardon

Shes always available when im not  :angry:
ive well and truly taken the hint now good n proper tooo :thumbsdown:

Offline odynsfee

HJ, What do you mean, is must be coincidence surely ?

Offline HughJardon

HJ, What do you mean, is must be coincidence surely ?

Yes OD whenever shes available im busy with work etc as was the case this week.
If her mouths available next week Im in  :P


  • Guest
Hugh j best get a move on , she's available two days next week then off for summer holidays.


  • Guest
Her personal life is nothing to do with us, just be pleased she does what she does and enjoy it while on offer.

Oh the fucking irony  :lol:

Hugh j best get a move on , she's available two days next week then off for summer holidays.


  • Guest
Irony of what ? She offers a service to which we gladly participate, Hugh would like to visit her next week, on her profile heading she states that she is working two days next week then is off due to summer holidays, just a heads up for Hugh I case she gets fully booked and he misses out again . the previous statement was made because she stopped working at all due to some thing that is nothing to do with me you or any body for that matter, hope I made that clear sir .

Jodie loves cock x

  • Guest
Its no secret why i stopped for a while - i started my own business to run alongside JLC, took time out to get it up and running....mystery solved  :P


  • Guest
There you go, from the lady her self, I had no idea why so no need to speculate on something that may have been very personal and nothing to do with us, any way good to hear it was for good reasons and will visit in six weeks time ish.


  • Guest
My head is working overtime wondering what her business could possibly be ! Very intriguing ? Time will out .

Offline ampersand

Yes OD whenever shes available im busy with work etc as was the case this week.
If her mouths available next week Im in  :P
Is it possible that HughJardon and JLC are in fact the same person - could the clue be that they are never in the same place at the same time? Could the business that JLC refers to in fact be her HughJardon alter-ego????


  • Guest
Have they got working girls in Costco??? :D
You have to bulk bye them though !

Offline Corus Boy

Is it possible that HughJardon and JLC are in fact the same person - could the clue be that they are never in the same place at the same time? Could the business that JLC refers to in fact be her HughJardon alter-ego????

I do hope note!!!!!

I have had no problems with JLC sucking my cock, but the though of HJ doing it is scarey!  :D

Mind if it was B & S and he sent the girl in his avatar...  :D

Offline HughJardon

Is it possible that HughJardon and JLC are in fact the same person - could the clue be that they are never in the same place at the same time? Could the business that JLC refers to in fact be her HughJardon alter-ego????

Come you really believe that, all ive done on here is help people not make the mistakes ive made in my 16 odd years of punting, I may not have all the answers but im a tryer nontheless

To quote the great wordsmith Jay z " I got 99 problems but being a bitch aint one"

Offline ampersand

Offline HughJardon

Only joking HJ!!!!! :D

No harm no could of been much worse " Helen of Troy"

Offline ampersand

Ugh! How that woman finds anyone to go anywhere near her is the eighth wonder of the modern world.

Offline Corus Boy

Ugh! How that woman finds anyone to go anywhere near her is the eighth wonder of the modern world.

You do mean Helen of Troy and not JLC?

Offline ampersand