Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Why do they do it ?  (Read 3663 times)


  • Guest
Read your message but don't reply  :angry: :angry: :angry: so Annoying lol


  • Guest
Fake profiles or lazy pimps is usually the reason, very few pro$$ies can put credit on their phone let alone own / operate a computer and run a AW profile  :hi:


  • Guest
To me this is one of the most frustrating aspects of arranging a punt. In many cases an girl with an AW profile asks for initial contact through e-mail. So if I have taken the time to do this and they read my message and cannot be bothered to reply I consider it as their way of saying no to me.
If they can't be bothered to send a few words or make a proper reply to my initial message then "FUCK EM" it's as simple as that.

Offline smiths

Read your message but don't reply  :angry: :angry: :angry: so Annoying lol

Because such WGs cant be bothered perhaps because they only think of the short-term so if busy they ignore other punters, perhaps for some for the reasons James gives. Personally I don't waste my time emailing any WG, no number, no business off me.


  • Guest
Read your message but don't reply  :angry: :angry: :angry: so Annoying lol

Has happened to me a zillion times. Feels very insulting.

Offline RedKettle

They are running a business but most of them do not realise that or just do not have the skills/intelligence to do so.


  • Guest
How consistently do members of UKP regard non-responders? Is it all girls or just some? I recently emailed a very well reviewed girl who I've never met before about a potential meet and it's been read but I've heard nowt, not even sorry too busy. Nay bother for me though because I don't want anything enough that I'm prepared to bust a gut, especially when I'm prepared to pay. If they don't respond they will NEVER get another email from me. I won't necessarily write them off and if they do eventually get back in touch before my first heart attack, I probably would see them.

However, it does seem that the pissed off rule is applied disproportionately. A case in point was a recent discussion on one of the regional boards where a punter posted a negative review, which partly related to poor comms and some punters behaved like he'd taken a shit in their baby's cot. Granted there was a little more too it but tearing a punter apart on a punting forum (where the punter surely comes first) for leaving what he believed was a reasonable negative review is unusual.

I don't know the punter or the girl, so I can't offer an opinion either way, but if we get to a stage where punters leave negative reviews for well reviewed girls and get slated for doing so, it will undoubtedly affect future reviews on UKP and the feedback system here may subsequently become as meaningful as AW.

This isn't aimed at the OP and I have no wish to rehash the above review discussion, but should the poor comms beef apply consistently or not at all?
« Last Edit: June 06, 2015, 04:12:00 pm by SirFrank »

Offline hendrix

I don't care :unknown: As others have said, If I get no response I just move on. No need to take it personally :unknown: could be all sorts of reasons from the ones James mentions and plenty of others. I'd certainly never send another message.

Regarding Sir Frank's point about consistency, comms is one the things that even some of the best girls are shit at. And, it's entirely valid in my view to treat that particular aspect as a negative. However, sending a message and not getting a reply at all is entirely different to exchanging several messages which then may or may not result in a punt in my view. I can't honestly see why anybody would be bothered about no response at all from a prossie :unknown:
« Last Edit: June 06, 2015, 04:19:07 pm by hendrix »


  • Guest
What I find more annoying is when you've met a WG and she tells you to phone or text in future cos she can't always access her emails, but never answers. Same result; no more business.

Offline The_Don

Responses take time (and that's is limited, as in all part of life) but with any service related business. Customer service is an important part of that. People tend to remember those, that did the little bit extra. Even if they didn't use or spend on a service at that time.

That for me, pushes them up the list. When I next want something that, they may offer.

I found in some cases, that the amount people spend P/H (+ extra's) on a punt. Some of these W/G (or people we deal with) are lacking some basic professionalism. Found with people that earn 10 - times less,  P/H

Offline Daffodil

Read your message but don't reply  :angry: :angry: :angry: so Annoying lol

Not as annoying as guys who use ambiguous titles for their threads.

Offline Silver Birch

I would rather find out their communication skills are shit while I am sitting at my computer rather than when I am sitting outside their flat!

Reading, then ignoring emails is very frustrating but most of the time probably not personal.

I am pretty brief with my initial email, stating date, time & how long, and not much else. Even if I have flexibility time-wise, I usually pick a specific time because my theory is that if you say you are free all morning, they will delay replying waiting to see what other offers they get, intending to fit you in with the time left (and are probably so disorganised forget to reply altogether or can't be arsed once they have another booking).

I would estimate I get 80%+ replies even if they are not available  :thumbsup:

Offline Horizontal pleasures

I find it most with new ladies just arrived on AW.
Sometimes their profile goes soon.
Sometimes they do not seem to log on for ages.
Sometimes they get more emails than they can handle.
Sometimes they change location without replying and then they are too far away.
All of these happen to me every month.
And then there are scams.
Other reasons?

Offline Horizontal pleasures

Not as annoying as guys who use ambiguous titles for their threads.
+1 and why do they do it?

Offline Gordon Bennett

How consistently do members of UKP regard non-responders? Is it all girls or just some? I recently emailed a very well reviewed girl who I've never met before about a potential meet and it's been read but I've heard nowt, not even sorry too busy. Nay bother for me though because I don't want anything enough that I'm prepared to bust a gut, especially when I'm prepared to pay. If they don't respond they will NEVER get another email from me. I won't necessarily write them off and if they do eventually get back in touch before my first heart attack, I probably would see them.

However, it does seem that the pissed off rule is applied disproportionately. A case in point was a recent discussion on one of the regional boards where a punter posted a negative review, which partly related to poor comms and some punters behaved like he'd taken a shit in their baby's cot. Granted there was a little more too it but tearing a punter apart on a punting forum (where the punter surely comes first) for leaving what he believed was a reasonable negative review is unus
I don't know the punter or the girl, so I can't offer an opinion either way, but if we get to a stage where punters leave negative reviews for well reviewed girls and get slated for doing so, it will undoubtedly affect future reviews on UKP and the feedback system here may subsequently become as meaningful as AW.
This isn't aimed at the OP and I have no wish to rehash the above review discussion, but should the poor comms beef apply consistently or not at all?
Maybe AW should use a system like Ebay's star ratings. 1 - 5 stars for say: Booking/comms'; Accuracy of profile/services described; The punt itself. This would nudge reviews towards being factual about key elements without forcing anyone into making a broad brush positive/negative verdict.


  • Guest
Maybe AW should use a system like Ebay's star ratings. 1 - 5 stars for say: Booking/comms'; Accuracy of profile/services described; The punt itself. This would nudge reviews towards being factual about key elements without forcing anyone into making a broad brush positive/negative verdict.

But that would benefit the punter, which isn't really what AW is about.

It's frustrating, especially since if we did it we'd no doubt be labelled timewasters and given grief, but that's our lot in this relationship.

Offline Watts.E.Dunn

I often wonder just how many lady's espically forign ones can even read and write english or more likely does Sergi.

Most of them you call them get no answer then a TXT follows saying "PLS TXT BBY". Its I think as much as they can cope with..


  • Guest
Profiles who do not display a number I take with a pinch of salt and look for other indicators of a timewaster. If the working girl is not a timewaster and does not respond to a reasonable booking request then that is not my problem but hers. If she cannot respond to a E-mail what are her services like and attitude? If she is choosing to respond randomly to the top of the list booking requests just shows her effort-levels.

If I ever recieve a non-reply I thank fate that i dodged a bullet and move on.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2015, 10:28:50 pm by Ben4454 »

Offline Sonny Crockett

Glad you asked this question...... In the last week I had an absolute nightmare trying to book an escort for my punt today (6th June). I must have tried 5 girls (never before have I had to contact 5 girls just to arrange an hour long punt), where two of them which I e-mailed never even bothered to read my e-mail, and yet they log in to their AW page (WTF do they do when they log in???? It certainly isn't to read e-mails!!!!!). I wonder how in the world these two ladies ever get bookings???? That has to be one of life's great mysteries!!!!!!  :dash:

Offline peter_bungee

I think most of the time they read and they are either not working that day, or fully booked and not available in your given dates and too lazy to reply back.  Personally how many of us when not forced to dont reply to an email/ texting thinking we'll do it later and then its forever forgotton!

However the best girls on aw sill always reply, but that doesnt mean best service who i found with indian nisha recently, the communications and organisation post punt was the best part of the punt!

Offline The_Don

Sometimes their profile goes soon.

Sweet_Anna x (Polish, speculation on my part  :) )

External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only

For those, who may know  ;)   you may have visited this External Link/Members Only before  :unknown:

Post punt munch in Hendon.
Gone just like her profile :timeout:

Sometimes they do not seem to log on for ages.
And then there are scams.

I've watching this A/W profile and it logged in every few days but no number. I would guess the credits (from PG) are being transferred out  :unknown:

Sometimes they get more emails than they can handle.

I know from Lindsey's case she was getting over 100+ emails A DAY for meetings and also questions about her services. I know this as I saw her AW email box and there was literally at least a 100 in her in box on that paricular day and that was a 9pm.

Sorry to say that in any market where there is a strong demand for a particular service there will always be some winners and losers


Punters wasting credits on PG/RB (etc) that don't really offer anything (scammers, time wasters looking for your credits)

Sometimes they change location without replying and then they are too far away.
Other reasons?

Its because the pimp thinks it will lessen his or her risk of the police taking an interest.

All of these happen to me every month.


Offline AnthG

They are running a business but most of them do not realise that or just do not have the skills/intelligence to do so.

Agree 100%. When it happens you immediately think "private gallery scammer".

What is worse though is when it happens with someone who you know is genuine. As you start thinking "what have I said wrong, have I appeared creepy, or could she have misconstrued what I asked or said" And you start running your head through the worst things.

When really its probably just a case of the girl read your message seconds before she was going to start a punt so thought I will reply later. And then forgot about it and never bothered. Or she thought I will wait till this guy phones to ask. Or any other usual - what she thinks is - innocent reasons.

As an example, if I am going out and someone even just sends me a PM on a forum and I read it, I always reply back and say "just dashing out, will be back at likely 2pm will reply after that".

This one sentence I believe makes the person feel acknowledged and not ignored, or whatever.

And yet no WG does such a thing. And yet if they did they'd appear more professional and interesting, and most importantly avoid any misunderstandings taken in by the punter.
Banned reason: To much drama, account closed
Banned by: Iloveoral


  • Guest


Some of the comments here compound my original question and highlights the fact that certain punters appear to regard non responses differently, depending on the girl and situation. Quite why a punter would want to view a girls AW email account (or she would even want to show him) is beyond me. However, one comment here in particular and some other threads in general do demonstrate that some members of UKP perhaps regard non responses as acceptable/justifiable for certain girls and/or in certain situations. It is hypocritical, especially when they slag off other members for largely moaning about the same thing. That's the kind of churlish shit you might expect to see on other forums but surely not on a punting forum.

For me it further highlights what a funny old game this is and how blurred some of the lines are for some punters.

Offline Roth

If you run a business and ignore enquiries from existing or new customers then they will act with their feet and eventually go elsewhere.  :(.  Same for prossies businesses.   :(

Offline Sonny Crockett

If you run a business and ignore enquiries from existing or new customers then they will act with their feet and eventually go elsewhere.  :(.  Same for prossies businesses.   :(



  • Guest
No ones mentioned the point that you could come across as a cunt / time waster.  some girls get a shit load of emails and its just not worth their time to reply to every one.  They'll reply to the ones they think are genuine or the proposition is suitable to them.

Just because they are a service provider doesnt mean they have to take on every job.  I'm a tradesman and get enquiries about all sorts of work, some i have no interest in doing.  I dont waste my time with dead ends, that doesnt make me unprofessional or a bad tradesman

Offline AnthG

No ones mentioned the point that you could come across as a cunt / time waster.  some girls get a shit load of emails and its just not worth their time to reply to every one.  They'll reply to the ones they think are genuine or the proposition is suitable to them.

Just because they are a service provider doesnt mean they have to take on every job.  I'm a tradesman and get enquiries about all sorts of work, some i have no interest in doing.  I dont waste my time with dead ends, that doesnt make me unprofessional or a bad tradesman

I did

What is worse though is when it happens with someone who you know is genuine. As you start thinking "what have I said wrong, have I appeared creepy, or could she have misconstrued what I asked or said" And you start running your head through the worst things.

So these jobs that you think are non starters for you, do you just completely ignore those customers inquiring?

If a guy is coming off as a 'bit of a cunt' I think the girl should say so in a response email. This will allow that person to refine how they communicate. Or know for booking someone else that their manner of inquiring for a booking is wrong.
Banned reason: To much drama, account closed
Banned by: Iloveoral


  • Guest
No ones mentioned the point that you could come across as a cunt / time waster.  some girls get a shit load of emails and its just not worth their time to reply to every one.  They'll reply to the ones they think are genuine or the proposition is suitable to them.

Just because they are a service provider doesnt mean they have to take on every job.  I'm a tradesman and get enquiries about all sorts of work, some i have no interest in doing.  I dont waste my time with dead ends, that doesnt make me unprofessional or a bad tradesman

Without a "thanks but I'm not interested" reply yes it does.

Offline Sonny Crockett

If a guy is coming off as a 'bit of a cunt' I think the girl should say so in a response email. This will allow that person to refine how they communicate. Or know for booking someone else that their manner of inquiring for a booking is wrong.

I agree. However the reality is that many of them just give you the silent treatment. This is what I worry about when I do not get a response from WGs regarding their availability!!!!!

Offline Roth

Without a "thanks but I'm not interested" reply yes it does.

+1. Only cunts don't reply to genuine queries.  :thumbsdown: :bomb:

Offline AnthG

+1. Only cunts don't reply to genuine queries.  :thumbsdown: :bomb:

+2, this really is one of the most frustrating things about punting, the whole the girl reads your email and doesn't reply to it, situation.

It is the sheer height of insult, bad manners and just out and out contempt to you. As it makes you panic as you start to think if you have said something wrong to cause it  - feelings you really should have to endure as a customer.

You then worry about sending another, or telephoning the number of the profile incase you appear creepy by doing it. Or if its a case of there was something wrong causing her to ignore the email.
Banned reason: To much drama, account closed
Banned by: Iloveoral


  • Guest
TBH what WG do is indicative of wider society at large. Like applying for jobs... silence is the norm now if you don't get it. I always remember the ones who said back sorry we've filled it but good luck anyway. It might be generic email sent out but it gives me a much better opinion of the company in question.

Same thing with other service providers: piano tuners, mechanics, plumbers. Phone them leave a message can't be arsed to get back to you.

I mean fuck man some people in my network. I spot a job and pass it on to them. Many of them don't bother to say thanks. Do I send them future jobs? Nope and what do they do they bitch and moan about work being scarce. While the ones that do communicate and say thanks for the job info we're always employed.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2015, 11:34:00 pm by galcom666 »

Offline AnthG

TBH what WG do is indicative of wider society at large. Like applying for jobs... silence is the norm now if you don't get it. I always remember the ones who said back sorry we've filled it but good luck anyway. It might be generic email sent out but it gives me a much better opinion of the company in question.

But they are applying to us for the job. That is what their AW profile is, a CV. The punter is the employer, the WG is the employee. Its the working girl who puts onto her yearly tax form :) that she is an escort.

I have seen the reasons people put about for why they do this. But really if the girl is British, and she is genuine (so not a PG scammer). There is no reason or justification to ever do this.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2015, 12:16:34 am by AnthG »
Banned reason: To much drama, account closed
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline AnthG

Can I possibly please ask. If you are ignored in sending a message on AW.

How do you handle sending the second message (obviously assuming you are the type of person who will send a second/final message to someone who ignored the first).

Do you say in it "I sent you a message a week ago and you ignored it". Do you send the exact same message again a week later that you sent her the week earlier. Do you just ask again not even referring to the original message. Or do you say "Was there something wrong in the message that caused you to ignore it".

My thoughts are the last one seems most appropriate. As in asking if there was something wrong with the last message.

Like I have said above. I hate with a passion getting ignored as I am never sure how best to handle it after then on in. As in incase I have said something wrong or whatever.

This is one of the reasons why nearly all of my punts have been with agencies, to avoid all this mess.
Banned reason: To much drama, account closed
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline RedKettle

Can I possibly please ask. If you are ignored in sending a message on AW.

How do you handle sending the second message (obviously assuming you are the type of person who will send a second/final message to someone who ignored the first).

Do you say in it "I sent you a message a week ago and you ignored it". Do you send the exact same message again a week later that you sent her the week earlier. Do you just ask again not even referring to the original message. Or do you say "Was there something wrong in the message that caused you to ignore it".

My thoughts are the last one seems most appropriate. As in asking if there was something wrong with the last message.

Like I have said above. I hate with a passion getting ignored as I am never sure how best to handle it after then on in. As in incase I have said something wrong or whatever.

This is one of the reasons why nearly all of my punts have been with agencies, to avoid all this mess.

I rarely message on AW as I look for a number and call.  However when I do there would not be a second one if ignored, I have a long HL and will just move on....