Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Anyone want a punt filmed ?  (Read 1188 times)


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I really wanna film a punt would anyone be interested obviously the wg would have to agree


  • Guest
I really wanna film a punt would anyone be interested obviously the wg would have to agree

If you're prepared to foot the cost, then I'm happy to be filmed.


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Offline Chezzie John

Do some pov stuff like I'm always doing  :D  And buy a mini tripod for the shagging bit

Offline cueball

Offline johnny34

Who would do the review? :D

The rest of us when it gets uploaded to youtube  :D

Offline cueball

Offline NIK

I was going to ask what you plan to do with it.

Don't know about anyone else but personally I think this is yet another weird idea.  :wacko:
I wouldn't want to film it myself never mind have anyone else film it.

Offline Northerndave666

Go halfs? Are you taking the p*ss ! Are you wanting to keep the footage?

I really want a stranger filming my cum face and spending the next 50 years wondering where and when the video will appear next.

However I'm feeling generous, pay for the punt with a top bit of totty, give me and her £5000 each and we'll both sign a model-release form for you to use the footage as you like, oh and we'll both be wearing masks....and burqas.

Alternatively if I get to keep the footage shot directly to SD card at time of punting, I'll only charge £250 and the price of the punt for you to film/watch while I'm putting her to the sword


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I don't want the footage, I'd do it on the punters camera I just wanna give it a try and I know some guys film the punts


  • Guest
So your fantasy is recording, and you wouldn't need a trophy ?  Unusual I think 9999/10000 people would want a souvenir.

Offline Chezzie John

I've done filming with about 16 girls so far and most of them are for private use only as a condition of them agreeing to it and I'd never break that promise as it messes it up for others wanting to give it a try like somebody did with Adelle Bella and she refuses to do it now :( There's a few video's I've done using the girls camera with my face showing and I was ok about them using it on Adultwork and I may regret it one day but I'm not all hush hush about my hobby and don't really give a shit about what people think.

But letting another bloke film it would worry me as I trust the girls on Adultwork and people have to be members to view the video meaning they're probably fellow punters and not a Ex or something.

I'd just film it yourself like I do as the girls are more likely to be up for this as they know if it goes online your outing yourself to so it's less likely to happen :)


  • Guest
Plenty of girls happy to let you film. I'd do it if you were paying for the punt  :cool: but alas I am in Scotland.

Offline Eric_large

You pay for it and I'll do it however I get to choose the girl