Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: how do you feel post punt?  (Read 2772 times)

Offline Cuntminion

Always feel happy for days and the night of the visit get home and sleep like a baby

Offline smiths

Always feel happy for days and the night of the visit get home and sleep like a baby

Knackered hopefully then off to pig out.

Offline Cuntminion

Knackered hopefully then off to pig out.

 :D that's prob why I sleep well after

Don't drink much but may even have a beer later

Offline BadT

After a good one? High as a kite for the remainder of the day, and for the next, all the while wearing a shit eating grin.

After a bad one? Full of venom, rage and self loathing. Thankfully that's rare these days...

Offline NottsNylonLuvr

WG's have always given me a nice kiss when the door opens to leave.

At the start of the next booking I'm going to change that & request a massive high 5 !

Offline Ipunter

WG's have always given me a nice kiss when the door opens to leave.

At the start of the next booking I'm going to change that & request a massive high 5 !

I've had a couple high 5 pints!  I think the girls like it too, shows you had a good time


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A few grams lighter, both in my wallet and my nuts.

Offline Cuntminion

WG's have always given me a nice kiss when the door opens to leave.

At the start of the next booking I'm going to change that & request a massive high 5 !

 :lol: it's funny you say that as high fived today, I found that quite cute actually


  • Guest
After the great ones, the best I've ever felt in my life. After a day or so, a bit sad. The sadness is coming to dominate my feeling about punting generally.


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After a good fuck with my regular and other top wg's i feel on top of the moon and want more, next day feel kinda shit as ive got to pay for it again if i want tht type of experience, also dont feel great knowing my wallets empty.

2 years i was with my ex, was happpiest of my life, yeh it was expensive at times but worth it as ive still got the memories and we kinda keep in touch but shes gone back to sweden!

on the other hand if i dont punt and dont get a civvie, im a miserable cunt, just like i was during this week at work

Offline Cuntminion

Hmmm never feel sad after and manage to keep good vibes for a while after


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Hmmm never feel sad after and manage to keep good vibes for a while after

Well I envy you! I saw Adele4u about 6/7 times and all meets were exceptional, then Vivago posted a really gorgeous photo of her on another thread and I thought OMG I really miss seeing her! For me, the come-down is the price you pay for the really great times. She gave me a Chistmas pressie of some expensive chocs, and I still have one to go. Fluffy cunt I know, but she really was a lovely girl.

Offline threechilliman

Depends on the punt, but if it's been good, then really happy. The punt I had this week was so good it made me hornier than ever and ended up visiting a parlour to get some relief from the torment.


Offline Cuntminion

Well I envy you! I saw Adele4u about 6/7 times and all meets were exceptional, then Vivago posted a really gorgeous photo of her on another thread and I thought OMG I really miss seeing her! For me, the come-down is the price you pay for the really great times. She gave me a Chistmas pressie of some expensive chocs, and I still have one to go. Fluffy cunt I know, but she really was a lovely girl.

Admittedly I don't allocate a lot of money to it but I never notice the money gone not because I have loads but because it's money well spent and I feel great after
It's like the £100 I pay covers my good mood for weeks not just an hour

Also give me that chocco  :thumbsup:


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Admittedly I don't allocate a lot of money to it but I never notice the money gone not because I have loads but because it's money well spent and I feel great after
It's like the £100 I pay covers my good mood for weeks not just an hour

Also give me that chocco  :thumbsup:

Hey! Tread softly, for you tread upon my dreams. Doubt I'm ever going to eat that last one. But no other fucker is having it!


  • Guest
As a long user of services usually massively let down. It's not so much the standard has dropped, which it certainly has, just that the "frisson" definately wears off after years of punting. Enjoy it while you can lads.....but please dump the fluffiness, some of the posts on this thread are dangerously close!



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A few grams lighter, both in my wallet and my nuts.
That's the way to view this game.



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I used to feel really shit, guilty, disappointed, angry, self loathing etc.  so fucking glad those days are long gone.  Nowadays i fucking love the after feeling.  It lasts for days and jeeps me ob a high while thinking of the next one.

Offline smiths

As a long user of services usually massively let down. It's not so much the standard has dropped, which it certainly has, just that the "frisson" definately wears off after years of punting. Enjoy it while you can lads.....but please dump the fluffiness, some of the posts on this thread are dangerously close!


Fortunately for me the frisson hasn't worn off with good WGs in my case and I have been punting over 30 years. If it had I personally wouldn't bother anymore.

Offline Sonny Crockett

It can depend on how the punt went............................ After an excellent punt, I feel absolutely fantastic and return home a happy man!!!!!!  :yahoo:

How after a crap punt......... I feel like shit!!!!!! :dash:


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Shamed, disgraced, dirty but very satisfied

Offline maxxblue

Shamed, disgraced, dirty but very satisfied

You feel shamed, disgraced and dirty even after a good punt?

Offline Dime

Usually feel really good and satisfied, like having just won a gold medal at the Olympics.  Also I feel quite smug when I leave the WGs flat and the fresh air hits me knowing I've just fucked a hot girl,  and no one else passing me in the street is any the wiser. Another thing I've noticed is the hour goes past so quickly, and the punt seems like a blur/dream.

Offline sticko

I used to feel either elated or miserable as the quality of my punts were hit and miss, but after a reg suggested I spend time on ukp my punts have been really bloody good, and I've felt really bloody good after them. 

It's a new lease of life after a good 10 years; I'm bloody loving it!


Offline Malvolio

If it's been a good punt, then I leave feeling well-satisfied (and that I deserve a beer after all that exercise).  If it's been a bad one, then I leave feeling pissed off (and that I deserve a beer to cheer myself up).

Offline Tony_Red

In no particular order...sad, miserable, guilty, out of pocket, self-loathing. I think about the lady and how shit life must be for her. No matter how much I try not to dwell on it, this last thought is the overwhelming one along with how I wish my relationship with my mrs was better. Not sexually, but just better in general.

I felt much, much better when I was punting 7-8 years ago - felt like it was so much better back then.

Sorry for the emotional outpouring!


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I've had some shit punts and when thay happened I was more pissed at my self for booking those young fit looking Romanians who promised such a good service on there profile. This has not happened since I learned my lease and found ukp. But since my punts are now generally good to fucking brilliant ( generally ) I just wish I had the money to do more ! Pace your self son, just pace your self .

Offline od13218

Depends: anything from elation and walking on air to self-loathing, guilt and fear.
The former more often, happily - I must say in significant part due to learning from others' experiences here on UKP: partly (of course) the reviews and discussions about SPs which help me to avoid the bad ones, but also various discussions about how to handle the whole scenario.
The latter is happily rare for me, but does occasionally occur after a bad or misguided punt - those occasions where your "downstairs brain" takes over even though all evidence suggests it's a bad idea. I almost never feel guilty after a good punt - unless it was very expensive and I couldn't really justify the spend. But emotionally, never. Today, for example, I went for a pump & dump in Soho, and during the whole build up I had a massive guilt trip about whether I should really be doing it - but walking down the stairs with empty balls and a smile on my face that had vanished.
The fear only comes if I've taken risks I wouldn't normally, regarding (1) likelihood of getting caught and (2) risk of STDs.


  • Guest
Sonny red, you must separate punting from the rest of your life all together , the two do not and must not cross, I see you are struggling with the emotions that these things bring. We all have the same thoughts but different people deal with this hobby in different ways. I'm married with grown up children,sex life none existent , obviously thay must not know what I do so I treat it as my pleasure time because if I never did this I'd die well pissed off and you only get one life so I feel no guilt, plus I'd be a miserable twat all the time so my marriage would probably have come to an end anyway, so as long as I don't get found out this hobby has saved my marriage as I'm not miserable and sex never gets mentiond so there's no problem there either. Happy days, it's a state of mined you just have to convince your self that your just having some fun and helping these girls out at the same time , it never pays to over analyse anything of this type, just enjoy it while you can.


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After a good punt on cloud 9 and floating all the way home.  Also knackered and hungry.

The bad punts (thankfully few and far between) make me wonder why I bother punting as they make me feel like a total loser.

Thankfully I've met some nice hot young girls punting and they seem quite happy with their lot, well adjusted and enjoy their work. These are the ones I keep going back to.  Hearing the stories I do feel bad for some of them but I'm generally a nice guy and try to make sure we're both having a good time (mostly me  :D) but me not being a misogynistic twat means that the girls hopefully enjoy my company.

Anything that spoils that fantasy makes me feel rubbish.

Offline cueball

If it's a good punt then i feel great, love the post podging physical feelings, bollocks drained, body worked and a content good mood smirk I carry for the rest of the day, I sleep like a baby after too.

If it a bad punt I feel angry, frustrated and resentful of the money I've just spent.

I never feel guilty.

Offline Daveboygreen50

After a good punt I feel great and sleep like a baby that night.

After a bad punt I want another punt again as soon as I can, I have even driven away from a bad punt and gone straight on to another.

I never feel guilty, because I seem to be able to block these thoughts out.

I also feel that punting has saved my marriage, as I have never felt the need to have a affair, where emotional attachments can cause problems.

I am sure if my missus found out she would have a different view. :angry:

Offline Cuntminion

I don't think I could if I was in a relationship, not judging others though

But whether I'm lucky I'm the most single man ever and that won't change

Not an ounce of guilt or shame or embarrassment for me


  • Guest
I either feel like cock of the walk or feel like I've just wasted £150

Offline Cuntminion

« Last Edit: June 20, 2015, 02:32:03 pm by comaminion »


  • Guest
In no particular order...sad, miserable, guilty, out of pocket, self-loathing. I think about the lady and how shit life must be for her. No matter how much I try not to dwell on it, this last thought is the overwhelming one along with how I wish my relationship with my mrs was better. Not sexually, but just better in general.

I felt much, much better when I was punting 7-8 years ago - felt like it was so much better back then.

Sorry for the emotional outpouring!

Punting isn't for the mentally weak. For instance while not perfect I've got a very attractive EE wife with a good job and I'll never feel guilty after a punt. Decompartmentalize


  • Guest
After a good punt I feel great and sleep like a baby that night.

After a bad punt I want another punt again as soon as I can, I have even driven away from a bad punt and gone straight on to another.

I never feel guilty, because I seem to be able to block these thoughts out.

I also feel that punting has saved my marriage, as I have never felt the need to have a affair, where emotional attachments can cause problems.

I am sure if my missus found out she would have a different view. :angry:

You echo my thoughts and feelings.  Kudos

Offline mcardle464

Having a good shag puts a big smile on my face, the good feeling usually lasts for several days.

Since UKP the quality of my punts has improved: I have not had a really bad one since I joined.  Bad punts in the past have made me feel crushingly inadequate, but now I have more of a perspective.  I am sure I will not avoid them forever, but I will feel that it was just a bad pick.

I never feel guilt.

Punting has improved my well being enormously.  I feel sexually confident for the first time in my life.

It is also amusing to have a secret double life. After one punt a friend remarked - "You seem very buoyant today."  I agreed but didn't tell them why.  Funnily enough, a couple of the  sweet looking butter-wouldn't-melt WGs have said that they enjoy this secret too, and enjoy unleashing their slutty/raunchy side without consequences.

Offline Blackpool Rock

Hey! Tread softly, for you tread upon my dreams. Doubt I'm ever going to eat that last one. But no other fucker is having it!
Hey Fluff sorry to burst your bubble but put that last choc to one side and it will be festering with maggots within a month!  :diablo:

After a good punt I feel great and everything is good with the world

After a bad punt I feel annoyed / cheated not so much as i've wasted money as the money would have been spent on the punt regardless but because I don't have that positive feeling.


  • Guest
I have been lucky and have only ever had great experiences, I feel like I am floating on air after, but a few days later I often feel guilty, no idea why as I only punt when I am single and I have the funds to do it without effecting other budgets etc. 


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Feel disgusted with myself.
4 posts so far all pretty disparaging of punting - so why exactly did you bother to sign up on a punting forum?  Trolling or is it just the school holiday blues?


  • Guest
4 posts so far all pretty disparaging of punting - so why exactly did you bother to sign up on a punting forum?  Trolling or is it just the school holiday blues?

Fat, old, cobwebbed pussy, dusty phoned trollop would be my guess