Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: STD Clinic  (Read 3742 times)


  • Guest
Hi Guys,

Had a bit of an itch earlier this week and slight redness on end of old man accompanied by slight burning sensation when peeing. To be honest hadnt thought much of it but have now developed what seems to be conjunctivitis. My eyes are red raw and feel as though glass in them. Ive been like this for about 5 days and am a bit naive having been to my doctor with my eye problem and having been prescribed drops to put in.To be perfectly honest I havent experienced anything like this before and I suppose I am looking for moral support and perhaps some info on where I can go to get checked out in confidence.
Any info (or little rays of sunshine) would be much appreciated.


  • Guest

never heard of it affecting your eyes.

but if you suspect anything you must go to the clinic, we arent doctors but i know fretting about it wont help until you know

simple, get tested NOW


  • Guest
Seems Monday is the earliest I can get into a clinic. It begs the question to me with regard to agency girls. Are they obliged to undertake regular tests and should/do agency owners/ managers have an obligation on behalf of their clients to actively seek to view certificates giving a clean bill of health?

Offline AnthG

perhaps some info on where I can go to get checked out in confidence.

You haven't said where you are based? If you are in Newcastle, the best and main one is the New Croft Centre which is in town on the old Job Centre Building just across the road from the old Crest car park and the Premier Inn.

My advice is give them a call and book an appointment as you will be sitting waiting all day otherwise

Their Telephone number is: 0191 229 2999

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Offline AnthG

It begs the question to me with regard to agency girls. Are they obliged to undertake regular tests and should/do agency owners/ managers have an obligation on behalf of their clients to actively seek to view certificates giving a clean bill of health?


(^ Sorry for that).

But I think its also a good answer too. :(

Whenever I go to the Gum clinic I am sternly told to not have sex for 7-10 days till the results come back. Agency girls often claim they go all the time to the Gum clinic. And yet how many times do you see the girls off for 7-10 days in a row? Never basically.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2015, 08:11:05 pm by AnthG »
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  • Guest
Thanks Anth,
If I ring mon morning am I likely to be seen same day? I live in Durham area but its no prob to me to come to Newcastle. Is this near Manors metro station?

Offline AnthG

Thanks Anth,
If I ring mon morning am I likely to be seen same day? I live in Durham area but its no prob to me to come to Newcastle. Is this near Manors metro station?

They usually say come on either a Tuesday or Wednesday. These are the two days they manage appointments.

To be honest if you live in Durham there will be ones much closer to home. Here is a list of all the ones in Durham.

External Link/Members Only

But if you choose to come to Newcastle then yes the Manors is the closest Metro, you then just need to dash over the flyover for the motorway as soon as you come out the Metro station, and as soon as you get down the otherside you are outside the New Croft.
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  • Guest
did u happen to use her towel in the bathroom cos conjuctivitus is only eye infection


  • Guest
nip to ur local chemist get eye trement and drink plenty water 

Offline AnthG

Opticians are normally open on a Saturday, you could pop in and ask them. To be honest you'd suspect they'd know more about eye problems than your GP.
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  • Guest
Hi Wellhung, I did better than that (before I put two and two together) I went to see  my doc who  prescribed some ointment that I have started to use today.Obviously I didnt mention my itchy dick or pain when pissing.
 I have been drinking lots of water and can report that the pain when peeing has eased considerably though I dont want to lull myself into a false sense of security and think that Im now on the mend and everything will be tickety boo by the end of the weekend.

Anth, can you advise at these centres if there is any financial charge for consultation or prescribing dispensing of medication just so I can go reasonably prepared?

Offline AnthG

Anth, can you advise at these centres if there is any financial charge for consultation or prescribing dispensing of medication just so I can go reasonably prepared?

There is no charge whatsoever for assessment or prescriptions if given out. You can also get a bag of free condoms too.  You do not even have to give your real name if you are really worried about an other half finding out.

The best practical advice I can give to make things easier is do not go to the toilet before you leave the house as you will need to provide a urine sample and if you went before you left it means you need to sit around in the waiting room awkwardly.

If they find something wrong they wont tell your GP. They will ask you if they can and if you say no they wont. To be honest I was prescribed Sildenifil there and they asked me this and I told them to tell my GP. And they still didn't.

Who can use sexual health clinics?

Anybody can go to a sexual health clinic, no matter what their age. Some clinics hold sessions for specific groups of people, including young people, gay men and lesbians.
Some clinics require you to make an appointment, while others offer "drop-in" sessions, where you can turn up without an appointment.
Appropriate arrangements should be in place so patients with special needs can access sexual health services – for example, providing access to interpreters. There should also be clinic facilities for people with physical disabilities, learning disabilities, people who have been sexually assaulted, sex workers and substance misusers.
All services are free and completely confidential, and all tests are optional.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2015, 08:35:14 pm by AnthG »
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Offline flash1965

Why would you come on here and ask medical advice when you already been to see a doctor, If you had seen somebody who has supposedly infected you so badly do you not think you should say who she was?

Offline AnthG

If you had seen somebody who has supposedly infected you so badly do you not think you should say who she was?

But the thing is, many times in the past people have been panicking about having an STD. And posted on the forum as such. And they have went to the Gum and every time without fail (unless they lied in their followup post) it has came back as negative.

However the suggestion towards the girl would be disastrous for her.

I would say if he gets a positive result then say who. Until then I wouldn't.

Also at the OP with regards to burning, my advise is go to Asda, get 5 cartons of Cranberry Juice for £3 and drink the lot. One each day for 5 days. This really helps to get rid of many UTIs and all other urinary tract issues. (Doctors even prescribe it for this, so its not an old wives tale or placebo effect drinking this. It really works)
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  • Guest
Not that I in any way need to explain myself but I wasnt asking for detailed medical advice, I was merely explaining my symptoms and asking where I might seek medical advice to treat a problem of this nature. I did choose to see my own doctor with regard to the eye problem. I did not choose to reveal to my own doctor my other problem for all sorts of obvious reasons. I dont think its rocket science.

 As for naming and shaming Im not sure what the protocol is on this site with regard to that and I certainly dont wish to become involved in any sort of slanging match.

Offline smiths

Seems Monday is the earliest I can get into a clinic. It begs the question to me with regard to agency girls. Are they obliged to undertake regular tests and should/do agency owners/ managers have an obligation on behalf of their clients to actively seek to view certificates giving a clean bill of health?

I wouldn't rely on a WG or pimp to tell me the truth, its in their financial interests to tell you the WGs do get tested on a regular basis, this isn't proof they do of course.

As to certificates they are outdated as soon as the WG is tested, she could have caught something the day after and genuinely might not yet be aware she is infected, or is aware but has chosen to stay working. In punting the only person you can trust is yourself. As to whether WGs and/or pimps should be obligated to be tested or ensure their WGs are tested punting isn't regulated so yes it would be great if they were, but in the real world I don't believe many WGs actually are tested on a regular basis.

Offline flash1965

Been punting for a couple of years and never had a check, I suppose because Ive never had any symptoms to indicate any problems. But it has provoked me to think should I get a check anyway? Im an older guy and wouldnt have the foggiest where to go.Obviously somewhere with a bit of discretion would be desirable.Any pointers as to where to go in the Newcastle/ Durham area would be very much appreciated. Also do you need to make appointments or are there drop-in centres. Thanks

You asked in Dec 2014

Offline smiths


(^ Sorry for that).

But I think its also a good answer too. :(

Whenever I go to the Gum clinic I am sternly told to not have sex for 7-10 days till the results come back. Agency girls often claim they go all the time to the Gum clinic. And yet how many times do you see the girls off for 7-10 days in a row? Never basically.

Indeed, same with being on their periods, obviously the use of sponges is widespread with WGs.


  • Guest
Yes I did, to be honest at the time it was out of curiosity rather than need and perhaps I should have taken more careful note at that time. You seem to take a lot of note as to whats said and when on here. You will note I am not a regular poster, I only tend to post when I hope I have something constructive to say as on this occasion when it is as a result of genuine need. Frankly I dont have either the time or will to look back through other peoples posts to level criticism. But if it makes you happy guilty as charged.
To Anth and the other positive and informitive posts can I say thank you. The help/ info you have provided is much appreciated and has I can assure you made for a much more relaxed weekend.

Offline flash1965

It just seemed a very strange question, if genuine I apologise


  • Guest
No problem Flash. You are dealing with an older married guy here who beleive me has never experienced anything like this. I have had a million and one things flashing through my mind(all bad I might say). I suppose some might say well if you take a risk there is always a chance that you will be caught out. The thing is until it happens you are always in the "It will never happen to me" camp.

Offline smiths

No problem Flash. You are dealing with an older married guy here who beleive me has never experienced anything like this. I have had a million and one things flashing through my mind(all bad I might say). I suppose some might say well if you take a risk there is always a chance that you will be caught out. The thing is until it happens you are always in the "It will never happen to me" camp.

You might be in the it will never happen to me camp, I realise the risks in punting and am fully aware I could catch something.


  • Guest
 I suppose you could say Im also now very much in the same camp as you, I think it sometimes takes a kick up the backside such as I am experiencing to make one fully appreciate the risks.

Offline smiths

 I suppose you could say Im also now very much in the same camp as you, I think it sometimes takes a kick up the backside such as I am experiencing to make one fully appreciate the risks.

Yes I agree with that.

Offline flash1965

If I caught anything I would be the John Bobbitt of Teesside if she found out, that’s why I would’ve disclosed everything to the Doc as they can’t tell anybody else. They might think you’re a tw*t but can’t say anything.


  • Guest
It scares us all the thought of catching something and giving it to your wife or girlfriend. Few years back I caught something from a girl who is still working( am not going to name and shame)  as it could have been between 2 girls. But what scared me was I was unsure on how I caught it. Both were covered but one was owo.

Can you catch something from RO as I have often wondered what you could catch from that


  • Guest
I had conjunctivitis (called also sticky eye) last march. It is very common illness, antibiotic will do a job. It's highly contagious and i had to take a week off (i work in nursing home and i can't put any risks on our residents). If WG you had sex with had conjunctivitis it's likely you caught it from her.
In my case i got it from dust and dirt we had at work at that time due to refurbishment.


  • Guest
Thats exactly the reason I didnt tell him, all records are now computerised and we have an online prescription ordering system at our surgery. It certainly wouldnt be the first time my wifes was mixed up with mine resulting in a call from the practice. No thank you very much, your way there is certainly some form of footprint that under certain circumstances may come to light , my way there are no footprints to follow(each to their own)

Offline smiths

Thats exactly the reason I didnt tell him, all records are now computerised and we have an online prescription ordering system at our surgery. It certainly wouldnt be the first time my wifes was mixed up with mine resulting in a call from the practice. No thank you very much, your way there is certainly some form of footprint that under certain circumstances may come to light , my way there are no footprints to follow(each to their own)

And data breaches happen all the time. I NEVER give my real details at a GUM, no need to do so at all unless you choose to. Only if I caught something and it was serious would I have to consider informing my GP.

Offline Mansell

Some really helpful answer particularly from AnthG.

One obvious question that hasn't been raised is if he does find out he has something and I really really hope he doesn't as that's anybodies worst nightmare. Does he then tell all the WG's he has seen  recently ? I guess the answer would be yes as it's the obvious thing to do, but do WG's tell the punters ?

Offline smiths

Some really helpful answer particularly from AnthG.

One obvious question that hasn't been raised is if he does find out he has something and I really really hope he doesn't as that's anybodies worst nightmare. Does he then tell all the WG's he has seen  recently ? I guess the answer would be yes as it's the obvious thing to do, but do WG's tell the punters ?

I would inform the WGs I had punted with out of courtesy but I don't believe most WGs would as its bad for business.

Offline MasterChief

No whore ever gets tested, even the ones that say they do are fucking bullshitting, get yourself to the nearest GUM tell them you fuck whores and get tested. Stop being an ostrich get your head out of the sand

Offline maxxblue

No whore ever gets tested, even the ones that say they do are fucking bullshitting, get yourself to the nearest GUM tell them you fuck whores and get tested. Stop being an ostrich get your head out of the sand

How do you know this? If you check SAAFE, a lot of contributors make reference to regular visits to GUM clinics for checkups. Do you think that not one of them is telling the truth?

Offline AnthG

How do you know this? If you check SAAFE, a lot of contributors make reference to regular visits to GUM clinics for checkups. Do you think that not one of them is telling the truth?

They usually use the same username as they do on adultwork and they know - or hope punters are reading and it will serve as good PR for them.

I personally do believe WGs go to the Gum clinic, but I do not believe its as frequent as they claim. And most likely its probably once every 4 months like punters to. Or maybe just when they are symptomatic.

Like I said above the GUM instructs you to not have sex for at least 7 days till the results come back. That would be disastrous for a WGs business to lose 7 working days in a row per month.
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Offline maxxblue

I agree, Anth. When I have read posts on SAAFE on this topic, I have frequently come across dilemmas that WG's have commented on how they are losing money while they wait for their results to come through. Maybe such comments are for the benefit of punters visiting their forum, or maybe some WG's are responsible when it comes to prevention of STD's.  :unknown:

Offline Tiger63

Thats exactly the reason I didnt tell him, all records are now computerised and we have an online prescription ordering system at our surgery. It certainly wouldnt be the first time my wifes was mixed up with mine resulting in a call from the practice. No thank you very much, your way there is certainly some form of footprint that under certain circumstances may come to light , my way there are no footprints to follow(each to their own)
Mate, I had to go to the GUM clinic in So Shields last year(turned out to be nothing connected to an STD) and had aright laugh in the waiting area with 2 lads in their teens.
They were like"how grandad what are you here for?)....when I explained it might be because I had banged some owld bag from the Nook(area of So Shields)we then had a great bit of banter .
Go to the clinic with your head held high....the younguns will be full of respect

Offline MasterChief

How do you know this? If you check SAAFE, a lot of contributors make reference to regular visits to GUM clinics for checkups. Do you think that not one of them is telling the truth?

Nope, they will go if they are symptomatic, but not for a regular check up. One girl I knew very well (as a friend not a pr0$$ie) made comments about regular check-ups, the first time she set foot in a GUM was about four months after she quit and developed some symptoms.


  • Guest
Hi Guys,

Had a bit of an itch earlier this week and slight redness on end of old man accompanied by slight burning sensation when peeing. To be honest hadnt thought much of it but have now developed what seems to be conjunctivitis. My eyes are red raw and feel as though glass in them. Ive been like this for about 5 days and am a bit naive having been to my doctor with my eye problem and having been prescribed drops to put in.To be perfectly honest I havent experienced anything like this before and I suppose I am looking for moral support and perhaps some info on where I can go to get checked out in confidence.
Any info (or little rays of sunshine) would be much appreciated.

Conjunctivitis is very easy to catch you probably made it worse by touching your knob then touching your eye or touching the girls vagina then touching your eye.


  • Guest
Seems Monday is the earliest I can get into a clinic. It begs the question to me with regard to agency girls. Are they obliged to undertake regular tests and should/do agency owners/ managers have an obligation on behalf of their clients to actively seek to view certificates giving a clean bill of health?

Agencies are supposed to just book on the time there hardly going to advertise they make girls get tested.

The girls are self employed they do what they like. Don't ever believe these girls are always getting tested every few months like they say they do, I bet 50% don't get tested unless they feel they might have something and the rest probably get tested once a year.

Its the same thing I suppose with punters that constantly see lots of girls it does not mean they get tested all the time, some do but a lot probably never stepped in to a clinic.

If anyone is that concerned don't do any services unprotected like owo if there worried or have a partner, just like on the main site a regular caught an infection from owo and his wife had to get tested.

Risks to everything in life, know the risks if its worth it for you then take the risk if not then don't.


  • Guest
How do you know this? If you check SAAFE, a lot of contributors make reference to regular visits to GUM clinics for checkups. Do you think that not one of them is telling the truth?

Some do visit clinics but SAAFE posters want to look good anyway by saying they all do they know punters read it. Plus some of those girls link to there working title so need to look good.


  • Guest
Hi guys, after all the useful advice I received I felt somewhat obliged to provide an update.I made an appointment and attended the STI clinic on Monday this week. Just got results back all clear. Has the experience made it any less likely that I will punt? I don't think so, but I am certainly not as cavalier as I was before this experience.Though it was a deal breaker for me if it wasn't on offer I have even thought about knocking the OW on the head. Trouble is when I get one of those urges it is very difficult to refuse.
On a practical note and just to ease the passage for anyone else who may find themselves in this position just a couple of pointers when attending the clinic.
As I say I had an appointment but initially still had to join a queue at the main reception. I was then told to fill in a form (there is an L shaped counter partitioned off on your right as you come in with loads of forms). Fair enough but the form asks for info name etc. I was using a false name but it then asks for address details of GP and address etc. So back to the counter and said to this rather stern looking woman" I was advised that the service could be provided anonymously, but the form is asking for personal information that I do not wish to provide". She told me to write "refused" against every question that I was not prepared to answer". So back to the booth to complete the form and then had  again to re-join the queue, by this time it was well past 20 minutes past my appointment time.
So just go in straight to the forms and fill any refusal bits in before you start queuing appointment or not, it will save you lots of pissing about.


  • Guest
Hi guys, after all the useful advice I received I felt somewhat obliged to provide an update.I made an appointment and attended the STI clinic on Monday this week. Just got results back all clear. Has the experience made it any less likely that I will punt? I don't think so, but I am certainly not as cavalier as I was before this experience.Though it was a deal breaker for me if it wasn't on offer I have even thought about knocking the OW on the head. Trouble is when I get one of those urges it is very difficult to refuse.
On a practical note and just to ease the passage for anyone else who may find themselves in this position just a couple of pointers when attending the clinic.
As I say I had an appointment but initially still had to join a queue at the main reception. I was then told to fill in a form (there is an L shaped counter partitioned off on your right as you come in with loads of forms). Fair enough but the form asks for info name etc. I was using a false name but it then asks for address details of GP and address etc. So back to the counter and said to this rather stern looking woman" I was advised that the service could be provided anonymously, but the form is asking for personal information that I do not wish to provide". She told me to write "refused" against every question that I was not prepared to answer". So back to the booth to complete the form and then had  again to re-join the queue, by this time it was well past 20 minutes past my appointment time.
So just go in straight to the forms and fill any refusal bits in before you start queuing appointment or not, it will save you lots of pissing about.

heed the warning, remember how scared you felt if you are attached and pack it in, or be prepared to lose it all one day?

call it a reality check, its a brutal hobby at times


  • Guest

heed the warning, remember how scared you felt if you are attached and pack it in, or be prepared to lose it all one day?

call it a reality check, its a brutal hobby at times

This is so true if you are attached and having sex with your partner as well as prostitutes especially the ones that offer all services cim etc its a risk that one day you will catch something.

Your basically having contact with hundreds of people, the girl sees loads of punters per week, they go on to see other workers that see hundreds of punters and the punters and the workers can both be sleeping with people outside of the job/hobby.

If your prepared for the day that you might catch something and pass it on to your partner then carry on at least you know the risks.


  • Guest
They usually use the same username as they do on adultwork and they know - or hope punters are reading and it will serve as good PR for them.

I personally do believe WGs go to the Gum clinic, but I do not believe its as frequent as they claim. And most likely its probably once every 4 months like punters to. Or maybe just when they are symptomatic.

Like I said above the GUM instructs you to not have sex for at least 7 days till the results come back. That would be disastrous for a WGs business to lose 7 working days in a row per month.

Yes I think only some visit clinics and the ones that do they probably don't go all the time maybe every 4 to 6 months or once a year if that.

Ones that claim to go every 6 weeks I don't believe it.

Seeing prostitutes you have to understand there is a risk involved of catching something and the ones that offer cim, rimming etc a higher risk then ones that do the ow.

Even though I do think the workers should get tested but I think it makes sense for punters that visit a number of prostitutes frequent should do also as if there having owo and cim if they have something they can pass it on to a number of the workers so it goes both way with being tested.


  • Guest
I'm no doctor but sounds like chlamydia which burns and can affect the eyes as well
You can get a tablet from super drug in 3hours or go and wait a week at the gun clinic