Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Bad experience in Milton Keynes  (Read 1691 times)


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I know this is my first post on here but I thought punters should be made aware of my most recent Punting experience with Annabella’s escorts in Milton Keynes.
I booked to visit Delta on Wednesday 8th July only for her NOT to turn up again. This is the second time she has done this to me and in my eyes is unacceptable!! I live in Surrey and in total her 2 ‘no shows’ have cost me a full tank of fuel and a full day of my time travelling.
I purposely checked their twitter feed and her individual profile on House Of Divine on Wednesday morning and saw that she was still listed as working. I even saw a tweet on Annabella’s news feed that morning saying she was available to work. I assumed that she had confirmed as why would they advertise her services on the day?
I called to confirm around 10am as instructed and was told that she would be in and given her working address…… Perfect I thought!!! I arrived for my booking only to be told by the maid that she hadn’t arrived yet and was shown to a room to wait. 5 minutes later the maid came In and said Delta wouldn’t be in today and that head office hadn’t been able to contact her over the past 2 days!!!! This in itself is a joke as I was told by the receptionist that morning that she had confirmed and I was under the same impression, especially as she was still showing on their website schedule/tweets etc.!! Surely they must operate whereby the girls must text to confirm the night before or by 9am the morning of their days of work. If this was the case and she hadn’t confirmed then she should have been removed from the schedule and twitter feed the night before or early that morning – which would have resulted in me not wasting my time and money travelling to Milton Keynes when you knew she wouldn’t be in.
I spoke to the receptionist when I left the maid only to be spoken to as it was my fault for her not turning in. The receptionist said and I quote ‘Delta is very unreliable and you should have booked a later time as you know she has let you down before’ thanks for that!! I was offered 2 other girls but only for 30 min and 20 min respectively. I had seen one girl before and the other was not a girl on my ‘to do’ list. I opted for the one I had seen before and asked if I could still have my £10 discount (July promotion) only to be told by the receptionist that I couldn’t as the promotion was only for 45 minute appointments and they couldn’t offer me a discount as it was Delta’s fault and not the other girls so they shouldn’t lose out – well I agree with this statement and the girls shouldn’t lose out because of Delta, but they should’ve still honour my £10 discount as it wasn’t my fault and pay the girl the full money and they make up the shortfall! I couldn’t believe my ears – Annabella’s have let me down as I was dealing with them as a company and not Delta independently. It was her fault and you have 2 girls sat in the other flat twiddling their thumbs not making any money and I was sat outside with money and looking to visit but I wasn’t happy out of principle to pay the full money as I had a 45 minute appointment with Delta which would have qualified for their July discount!
So I told the receptionist that I wasn’t happy paying the full money as I shouldn’t have to pay for Delta’s mistake and left as we couldn’t reach an amicable term.
Having a girl cancel does happen but for it to happen 2 times is totally unacceptable and I have contacted the management both at Annabella’s and House Of Divine only not to receive a reply. I don’t understand when a working girl doesn’t confirm her availability with head office why they are left on the rota only to disappoint punters on the day when this could have been avoided by proper (yet simple protocol of confirming the night before). I don’t feel that this was handled well by Annabella’s and just wanted to share my experience with fellow punters so they can make an informed decision when booking with Annabella’s in the future.
I just want to say that Delta was also on their rota today and subsequently taken off, so I assume she was a ‘no show’ again. I don’t know why they keep her on their books as many other punters would have experienced the same disappointing scenario as myself.


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Yep, it's happened to me a few times with unreliable girls, but I usually find out when I confirm at 10am. It is one of the hazards of pre-booking an early appointment with a known unreliable. Amy & Emma were notoriously bad at this with their hangovers...I always had a plan B.

I guess they keep Delta on because when she does turn up, no doubt she gets lots of bookings and is a good earner.

Still, it's bad form of them to let you travel without telling you that she hadn't confirmed that morning. I would have stressed most strenuously that I was travelling a long distance and had been let down before and didn't want to be let down again, that way you may have got the truth of the situation and could have held off travelling until the girl had actually arrived in MK.

Still at least you know now...and you've let other punters know the lie of the land!  :thumbsup:

Offline webpunter

5 minutes later the maid came In and said Delta wouldn’t be in today and that head office hadn’t been able to contact her over the past 2 days!!!!
Fuck me sideways.  That's a new one on me.  A knocking shop with a H.O., as opposed to giving head  :sarcastic:  Bad luck tho' 


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I wonder what their boardroom is like at the AGM ?


  • Guest
Management at Annabellas have been in contact now and the issue has been handled and dealt with in a professional manner.

Offline finn5555

Management at a brothel  :unknown: can't we call them pimps anymore  :sarcastic:

Offline Bigus Dickus

Management at Annabellas have been in contact now and the issue has been handled and dealt with in a professional manner.

In other words they've become aware of the bad publicity caused by your review and are trying to buy your silence with some discount!

Spill the beans!

Offline finn5555

In other words they've become aware of the bad publicity caused by your review and are trying to buy your silence with some discount!

Spill the beans!

That's that way they roll BD fucking parasites  :thumbsdown:

Offline webpunter

Offline Bigus Dickus

Spill your beans.  Then spill the beans  :lol:

I would but they'd short time me to keep the conveyor belt running!  :D
