Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Earliest Memories of Prostitution  (Read 1825 times)

Offline tazz

Just woundering what memories people have of when they first heard or found out about this. I remember when i was 10 and my father had a friend of his visit from abroad who was single. He took him to Soho and despite me not knowing anything about the industry we walked around and his friend rang a few door bells. Just being 10 i didnt know jack about sex but remember my dad telling me to not be near the door when his friend rang the bell.

Never thought id end up punting myself in Soho 15 years later.

Offline cueball

The earliest memory of a prossie is when I were a young lad about 13 or 14, one lived at the top of my street.

Different guys round all the time, as young lads we found her intriguing, there used to be always 3 or 4 blokes sat in the front room and she were never sat with em (she were obviously getting fucked upstairs).

She also used to hang her washing out topless, gave all us young lads hours of wanking fodder.

I'd be sat in the front room if were these days ha ha

Offline tazz

Did your parents ever say anything about her. Bit odd that 3 guys would sit in a room waiting for her, id feel very uncomfortable about that.

Offline cueball

Did your parents ever say anything about her. Bit odd that 3 guys would sit in a room waiting for her, id feel very uncomfortable about that.

There was talk all round the area, it was thirty odd years ago, I don't know if it was the norm to have guys waiting in the front then or not.

I too would've been in comfy too but it was different lads every night. I think the talk was accurate, I remember it being a very busy house ha ha


  • Guest
Not sure of my very first memory but my first association with prostitution came when i was 18, my girlfriend (now my wife) was renting a house in Hillfields, Coventry.  The street girls would use the alley at the side of our house and often hang immediately outside our front door - victorian terrace straight on pavement.

It took a matter of weeks for me to indulge and from then ive been hooked!


  • Guest
Earliest experience was as a voyeur while an apprentice in a printing company.

At the back of the printing works there was a steel fire escape door which opened on to a narrow back alley,

It was used by a bookies runner during the day, till around 3pm, and some of the local hookers in the evening.

One of our enterprising engineers had made and set up a 'periscope' through an air brick low in the adjacent wall, which made it possible to view the events taking place, and the steel door was an almost perfect sound system.

It was a valuable source of teenage wank material among the apprentices, and the various ladies who performed there were rated from 1 to 10. The older girls were usually scored higher as they had a wider ranging sexual vocabulary!

Offline Zeusthedoc

I was raised in a 'good family', whatever that means. My mother still gives me shit if I swear. I had a few one-night stands in uni but fell in love with a cunt who broke up with me soon after we graduated.

Turned 21, sales job. Job was a pile of shit but paid stupidly well - all men, culture of drinking, poker nights, and strip clubs.
One of the managers in another dept. was only 20, we went out together in Canary Wharf one night. Ended up back at his after a lot to drink and other intoxicants.

He had the bright idea to call a few 'girls', I had no idea that people actually did this shit, it was always just hear say. He called a number which looked like it was saved on his phone. Told them his real name (guess he did it often enough), then started asking me what I wanted like I was ordering a fucking pizza.

I distinctly remember him asking me:
"what you reckon? couple of english birds right?"

They arrived, I remember fucking the WG well - I'm not even sure he was able to get it up.
They left and the next morning (this was a weekday) he was fucking fresh and clean as a daisy, like Jordan Belfort (I'm sure pills were used). I was a wreck - he dragged me in to work & got me through the morning. We had lunch and he was asking me if I was ok with what had happened the night before. Given that he was a manager and should have conducted himself in a more professional manner (I think he was trying to figure out if I would say anything). No chance, MD of the company was a bigger cunt than Piers Morgan.

Whilst at that company, we often punted and would brag to each other about our escapades. It was one of the few good things about the company.

Nobby nobbs

  • Guest
When I was seven, I remember asking my mum what a prostitute was - she said it was a guy having sex with a girl he didnt know. For some reason the image stuck in my head of a guy with his knob sticking thru a letterbox and the woman on the other side of the door. weird.

Offline Corus Boy

In the late 60's I was managing a betting shop.  I had a till girl who would roll into work from time to time dressed to kill, dash to the staff room, change and then resume duties.

One payday all the local shop managers head to Soho for a works night out.  Unsurprisingly we ended up in a strip club, I was shocked into silence when my till girl appeared on the stage.  For some immature reason I stood up and waved at her.  :wacko:

After her act finished she came and joined me in the bar.  During my innocent conversation she made it obvious that she offered more, I declined as I considered it would make working together difficult.

Her morning arrivals were never the same.  :D

Offline riskytimes

Southampton Derby Road !!! early 70's in my morris mini cruising the roads I remember loads of red light model signs in the windows. I would park up and walk the streets thinking everyone was looking at me I found a regular woman who charged £20 lol

even picked up a blonde girl one night and we went to a industrial estate where the old southern TV building used to be and had up against the wall great days . never occurred to me at all that she could have been vice but you didn't care in those days. I wonder sometimes if any WG's still use Derby road but probably controlled by the foreigners now.

happy days


  • Guest
Earliest memories are of the 60's Profumo scandal. Christine Keeler, Mandy Rice-Davis etc., reading the newspaper reports was where I first learned the term 'Sexual Intercourse'. Quaint phrase. Just pre-teen that would have been.

Later in life, early 20's, working shifts in the centre of Cardiff, and living down Clare Road (our Cardiff punters will know), no car, I often walked home 11pm -midnight down Taff Embankment way. Girls would be out on the street offering all sorts. Never did, but used to get a huge turn-on out of it.

To where I am now, seems like it's been a natural progression.

Offline nigel4498

Southampton Derby Road !!! early 70's in my morris mini cruising the roads I remember loads of red light model signs in the windows. I would park up and walk the streets thinking everyone was looking at me I found a regular woman who charged £20 lol

even picked up a blonde girl one night and we went to a industrial estate where the old southern TV building used to be and had up against the wall great days . never occurred to me at all that she could have been vice but you didn't care in those days. I wonder sometimes if any WG's still use Derby road but probably controlled by the foreigners now.

happy days
Snap to that.

Offline howrude

The first time I ever heard the word prostitute was during the coverage of the Yorkshire Ripper. It was not long after that I learned what one was. But some years later when I started working, the factory was in an area of town frequented by prostitutes. I would see them hanging aroud as I went home or if I started early. Some of the girls were pretty but it didn't really excict me then. How things change.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2015, 09:47:23 pm by howrude »

Offline pdq

when I first arrived in Sheffield I used to stay in a halls of residence off endcliffe road in Sheffield near the ymca and used to run into town along broomhall road to get a bus to where I was training.

On the way back in the early evening I always used to get a pack of biscuits and a pint of milk and snack on them walking back .
Used to see the wg's and chat and share the pack with them - occasionally i would be asked if I wanted to fuck them for a reduced fee.

Some tasty and young some not so much. But they were fun and used to merciless take the piss of the shy boy i was then (Sadly I was in my judgmental time and believed in true love at 17). Too go back now i would have been much friendlier and fuck all the mid 20's wg that used to hang around there. 

Offline Sonny Crockett

My first experience of hearing the word prostitute was on the TV news when I was a small child, and seeing images of women on the street at nighttime. I had no idea at the time that it meant selling sex, as I didn't know what sex was at the time.


  • Guest
. . . my girlfriend (now my wife) was renting a house in Hillfields, Coventry.  The street girls would use the alley at the side of our house and often hang immediately outside our front door - victorian terrace straight on pavement.

Hahahahaha! Where was the house? Vine Street? King William Street? I know the area well. I picked up my first ever WG on Raglan Street.


  • Guest
Hahahahaha! Where was the house? Vine Street? King William Street? I know the area well. I picked up my first ever WG on Raglan Street.

Paynes lane / catherine st.  My favourite pick up area was down the bottom, the junction of alma st / hood st.

Been back for a scout round a couple of times lately and the area is deserted.  I heard sergei moved in and forced the local girls out but cant be sure of this.

Offline Vivago

Must have been about 9 or 10, I have a vivid recollection of my older sister pointing out two girls  and telling me they were Scouse pro$$ies.

What really stuck in my mind was that one of the girls was openly picking boogers out of her nose and eating them. :vomit:
Banned reason: For taking the piss after being advised
Banned by: Head1


  • Guest
probably controlled by the foreigners now.

It is, sort of.

It's now a largely Asian community and they had the activity stamped out years ago.

Derby Road and some of the nearby side streets was a true red light area up to the 80's. I remember it having been to college in the town and it was a curiosity among the students. We used to take friends who were visiting to the area who had never seen anything like it before. None of us had. Local folklore had it that most major ports once had a red light area like that and I think Southampton was the last in the UK to survive.

Andre 3000

  • Guest
Getting driven back from a friends house in Streatham by my father and seeing the ladies of the night on the streets. Dressed up in all the cliche Hooker wear of the time. That was my first ever sighting of a real hooker.

I also remember there was a young woman who lived on my estate and she used to let me and my group of friends, I was around 11-12 then. Into her flat to smoke and chill out. But sometimes she'd turf us out for a couple of hours as she'd have a 'friend' coming over. There was usually an older white guy we'd see going into her flat, we thought it was her grandad.

It was only when she got kicked out her flat by the council did we hear she was a prossie. I used to think that only ugly women were hookers. So it sort of disturbed me to think of that old guy fucking her as she was so beautiful. Oh to have such youthful innocence  :D

Offline MancSean

Growing up in Bury meant there weren't hoards of prossies lining the streets and if there were indies or parlours I wouldn't of had a clue. I was about 17 when I first saw real wgs for the first time. I was in Paris with some mates and we went to Rue St Denis which is/was a red light district where the streets were literally lined with wgs. I never partook though although I must have walked down that street 100 times in 3 days.  Every subsequent trip to Paris I went there and visited peep shows but never had the balls to hire a girl. But I think that first visit gave me the fascination with hookers that led me to become a serial punter.
Funny enough my first punt only happened 10 years later when I was 27 in a parlour in London. It wasn't great as I came too quick and it was over. But the seed was now sewn.


  • Guest
Went to a long defunct grammar school in Oldham as a lad and the word in the boys playground was that in the house across the street from the boys entrance worked "Ivy" a prostitute. There was a lot of coming and going of guys in evidence so it may have been true. Whenever Ivy made an appearance at the front doorstep she got a resounding cheer from the lads in the playground which she seemed to love and played up too.


Offline Al Ramone

I must have been about 8 or 9, and being brought up in a mining community in Central Scotland, there were 1 or 2 Miner's Walks that took place during the summer. Us kids, we would follow the flag waving, music playing 'walk' through the various small villages (i.e. from pub to pub).

Anyway, walking along towards the rear, one of the older boys in our group nudged me and said 'these two woman are tarts'. I pushed him for more detail as I hadn't a clue what he meant.
'Tell by the shape of their legs' said the wisened one.

Of course he was right, and many years later it dawned on me that that these 'tarts' were plying their trade by supplying a bit more refreshment to the half-cut miners at each pub stop.

Been fascinated ever since...


Offline Jumping Jack Flash

I don't know when I first became aware of prostitutes. I used to pass a sauna on my way to school and thought it was a strange thing to have on your local High Street, particularly as they offered massage. Then there were the well thumbed, pages stuck together copies of Fiesta and Knave that did the rounds in the form room. They had small ads for massage and escorts at the back. I guess you become aware by watching the news, TV dramas, and reading the paper. I don't think anyone ever explained what a prostitute was, I think it was more of a gradual realisation, a bit like finally working out that Father Christmas does not exist.

Growing up in Brum in the early 1980s there was a right of passage as soon as one of your group got a car. We used to drive down Cheddar Road in Balsall Heath where the girls used to sit in the windows of the terraced houses. Eventually I plucked up courage to go back on my own and the rest has been an expensive hobby for almost 30 years.