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Author Topic: Interesting pages on AdultWork's 'help' section  (Read 503 times)

Offline Marmalade

While most of the help pages seem to be about helping them make money (yeah ok it's a business) there's new pages appearing quite often and some are helpful to punters. Maybe worth a thread?

For instance:
You could be forgiven for thinking that setting a seatch to "exclude Romanians" might just exclude Romanians ...

        ... but it works by only returning non-Romanians from those profiles that have specified, or have been required to specify, their nationality. ...

So if you are getting too few search results the you maybe need to exclude Romanians on a one-by-one basis.



Searching on Nationality - Advice for Seeking Services

It's been a long time coming and finally it is here.  You can now search for (including or excluding) members of a particular nationality.  Sounds simple but not all members have provided their nationality so please take the following into consideration when reviewing your search results:

When looking for a specific nationality, anyone who has not specified their nationality will be excluded from your search results.  This could mean that thousands of bona fide service providers are not shown.
When excluding a specific nationality from your search, only members with a nationality will be searched, then those with the selected nationality will be excluded.  In other words, all members without a nationality or with the selected nationality will be excluded.  Again, this could mean that thousands of bona fide service providers (that are not of your excluded nationality) are not shown.
Based on the above two scenarios, using this filter without understanding it's impact could seriously restrict the results shown to you.

There is no requirement for every member to provide their nationality, but if they have, you can be reasonably sure that ID has been received and validated confirming their home country.

Understand that when specifying a nationality, those who have chosen not to supply it or who may not have been required to supply it, will be excluded from your search results.  This does necessarily mean that they are of a nationality you are trying to exclude.

Offline Marmalade

Apparently it's still experimental and not always compulsory for a (non-EE?) WG to show her identity:

Help Centre Article   

My profile is showing my Nationality!

In an effort to combat those who seek to defraud the Site and it's membership we have added Nationality to selected profiles.  Typically this is profiles of those with an Eastern European nationality that are residing in a different country.

We are still formulating our policy on displaying this information and whether it will be usable in search criteria in the future, (currently it isn't).

If your nationality is appearing on your profile page and is incorrect, please get in touch and supply documentation to support the status of your current nationality and we will update your profile accordingly.

We accept that some members may be domiciled in a different country than that of their nationality but that does not make them nationals of that country.  This includes being settled elsewhere or registered with government bodies.

Whilst we are loathed to act on the actions of a few that may affect many, due to the amount of deception being undertaken and for the protection of the majority, we believe the display of this information is justified.

Any member who feels they have a workable solution to help combat false or fake profiles or profiles with misleading or inaccurate geographical information can lodge their ideas via  the Suggestion Box.