Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Can't Share the Joy of a Good Punt?  (Read 2101 times)


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"Now i'm more experienced choosing girls and if punt was good i'm walking away with an idiot grin on my face feeling like i want to jump and whistle and all that. I've noticed that people look at me strangely sometimes as i can't control the happiness and often just stand there smiling reliving the moments. I'm good for nothing that day."

Above is an extract from a post on Dirty Harry's 'Post Punt Blues' thread. It got me wondering if anyone else felt like I do after a good punt?

It's human nature to want to share successes and good times with our friends and families. For most of us, however, that doesn't extend to punting. Whenever I come away from a really good punt, I feel like the poster describes above, on a bit of a high and probably sporting a broad smile. Bit awkward when someone notices this and asks what your so happy about.

Because I do most of my punting when the family aren't around, I seldom come home to a houseful and have therefore usually come down before anyone is likely to notice my euphoria. But sometimes I just want to tell someone about the amazing time I've just had; sadly I don't think that is ever likely to happen. I suppose this forum provides a bit of an outlet but it's not the same as telling someone you've just shagged the brains out of a total babe half your age  :yahoo:

Offline cueball

Few threads been running along the lines of this dg, great hobby that you can rarely share. We all feel like that, buzzing walking away from your latest good punt and nobody to tell it to.

Coming on here is next best thing for me.


  • Guest
Fortunately, a couple of close friends in my social circle do punt occasionally, so it's not taboo and something I can share. Obviously I'm selective in who hears about it, but agreed - nothing better than ramming some perfect 10 and reminiscing with the boys.


  • Guest
Few threads been running along the lines of this dg, great hobby that you can rarely share. We all feel like that, buzzing walking away from your latest good punt and nobody to tell it to.

Coming on here is next best thing for me.
Cueball, wise words as ever. Thought this might have been discussed but couldn't think how to search for it. Had a great punt with my regular yesterday. Strange thing though, everyone was out last night and as I was on my own I was reliving it over and over, still doing it now to be honest. Guess that's what you call VFM!

Offline Punting Valley

Share it here on UKP obviously  :drinks: Or with my best mate who also punts occasionally... but this is after all a private hobby so you have to be careful who and what to share. :unknown:


  • Guest;topicseen#msg626337

Thread here among the same lines dg

Cheers mate. The only person I ever told was a woman I met from that well known swingers site. Now she was no oil painting but was my first attempt at illicit, but free sex. Anyway told her one day I had seen a couple of local WGs and she threw a wobbly. Claiming she was likley to catch something from me. I'm thinking, you're a bit of a minger, married and fucking behind hubby's back in my motor, swallowing my cum, and you've got the moral high ground? So if that's the reaction I get from someone I'm cheating with, wtf would people who matter think? Off topic I know but thought I'd share it anyway. Like you say UKP is the place to get things off your chest....

Offline Punting Valley

Cheers mate. The only person I ever told was a woman I met from that well known swingers site. Now she was no oil painting but was my first attempt at illicit, but free sex. Anyway told her one day I had seen a couple of local WGs and she threw a wobbly. Claiming she was likley to catch something from me. I'm thinking, you're a bit of a minger, married and fucking behind hubby's back in my motor, swallowing my cum, and you've got the moral high ground? So if that's the reaction I get from someone I'm cheating with, wtf would people who matter think? Off topic I know but thought I'd share it anyway. Like you say UKP is the place to get things off your chest....

Chances are, ONS civvies are more likely to practise unsafe sex with strangers than WGs :lol:


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Offline threechilliman

I know the post-punt buzz feeling well enough. I once drove through a set of red traffic lights at a Zebra crossing after one punt, smiling at all the stopped cars heading the other way. They must have thought I was very odd indeed!!


Offline Lever

I've never told anyone about my punting and I never plan to, as you never know what might happen in the future. Luckily, I can usually get the post-punt buzz out of my system on the drive back, although it sometimes takes the form of singing along to whatever comes on the radio or my MP3 player and it seems that the better the punt was the less I care about how bad the song is.

Offline cueball

Ha ha, I were singing my little head off earlier this week


  • Guest
"Now i'm more experienced choosing girls and if punt was good i'm walking away with an idiot grin on my face feeling like i want to jump and whistle and all that. I've noticed that people look at me strangely sometimes as i can't control the happiness and often just stand there smiling reliving the moments. I'm good for nothing that day."
I wrote that.
One of my mates knew for a long time but i never discussed it with him or anyone else.

Recently after 2 consecutive punts that made me feel this way i have spilled my beans to that mate and another one.
So two people know. Good thing is they are both in successful relationships and really don't give a toss so if i want to share i can.
They never ask any prying questions but if i want say anything they don't mind listening :)

Offline smiths

Few threads been running along the lines of this dg, great hobby that you can rarely share. We all feel like that, buzzing walking away from your latest good punt and nobody to tell it to.

Coming on here is next best thing for me.

Not all of us, some punters know other punters they can speak to about punts as I do though I didn't for 20 years of my punting. Coming on here is indeed the next best thing and its just a pity I didn't have such a resource in those 20 years.

Offline azrael

"Now i'm more experienced choosing girls and if punt was good i'm walking away with an idiot grin on my face feeling like i want to jump and whistle and all that. I've noticed that people look at me strangely sometimes as i can't control the happiness and often just stand there smiling reliving the moments. I'm good for nothing that day."

Above is an extract from a post on Dirty Harry's 'Post Punt Blues' thread. It got me wondering if anyone else felt like I do after a good punt?

It's human nature to want to share successes and good times with our friends and families. For most of us, however, that doesn't extend to punting. Whenever I come away from a really good punt, I feel like the poster describes above, on a bit of a high and probably sporting a broad smile. Bit awkward when someone notices this and asks what your so happy about.

Because I do most of my punting when the family aren't around, I seldom come home to a houseful and have therefore usually come down before anyone is likely to notice my euphoria. But sometimes I just want to tell someone about the amazing time I've just had; sadly I don't think that is ever likely to happen. I suppose this forum provides a bit of an outlet but it's not the same as telling someone you've just shagged the brains out of a total babe half your age  :yahoo:

Best solution is to find a crack inthe wall and whisper into it. Thats the best advice i can give

Offline smiths

I wrote that.
One of my mates knew for a long time but i never discussed it with him or anyone else.

Recently after 2 consecutive punts that made me feel this way i have spilled my beans to that mate and another one.
So two people know. Good thing is they are both in successful relationships and really don't give a toss so if i want to share i can.
They never ask any prying questions but if i want say anything they don't mind listening :)

I hope that stays the case as I nearly told a very close friend years ago but fortunately didn't as we had a big and terminal falling out a year or so later and if he had known he would certainly have told my then partner out of spite.

My advice to punters is be VERY careful who you tell, and another crucial point in my view is by telling people you know it means a future girlfriend might get to hear about it and blow a potentially good relationship.

Offline cueball

I hope that stays the case as I nearly told a very close friend years ago but fortunately didn't as we had a big and terminal falling out a year or so later and if he had known he would certainly have told my then partner out of spite.

My advice to punters is be VERY careful who you tell, and another crucial point in my view is by telling people you know it means a future girlfriend might get to hear about it and blow a potentially good relationship.

That's exactly why I don't tell anybody, you just cannot tell what the future holds and it can backfire on you with dire consequences


  • Guest
I hope that stays the case as I nearly told a very close friend years ago but fortunately didn't as we had a big and terminal falling out a year or so later and if he had known he would certainly have told my then partner out of spite.

My advice to punters is be VERY careful who you tell, and another crucial point in my view is by telling people you know it means a future girlfriend might get to hear about it and blow a potentially good relationship.

Yes, I mentioned it to one of my friends a very long time ago (just that I'd got a BJ at a massage parlour once), a long time before current patner. He mentioned it again, then asked if I'd done it again (last time was about 5 years ago), and I began to think I should never have mentioned it. Last time I said it was a one-off, not something I'd repeat.  I would only ever mention it to someone who is completely, totally isolated from the rest of my life, and even then I'd be wary.

I stick to exchanging stories via PM with punters here now. 

Offline Indigo

Good thread. I am very infrequent (3 max a year to recharge the batteries) and literally no one knows about it. For me that makes it all the more memorable.

Offline claretandblue

i have a couple of mates who know, one is a very regular punter but doesnt post on here, great to get first hand reviews we can share with each other and have a laugh and a joke about what we are getting upto while the others at work are sat at their desks working or down the pub, his reviews are useful to me to balance all the great info on here  :drinks:

Offline PaintBrush

It's been said many times. already - Keep it on here, share the experience and keep stun

We all enjoy sharing and reading each other's comments and thoughts.

Post punt is a strange feeling - see post punt blue

If you keep it personal then it stays personal and no one need ever know


We all feel like that, buzzing walking away from your latest good punt and nobody to tell it to.

Coming on here is next best thing for me.


Offline Horizontal pleasures

Best solution is to find a crack inthe wall and whisper into it. Thats the best advice i can give

before PP and here I also had it all and only to myself. Nothing better than a good review to get it out of my system, until the next time.

Offline Qwerty

Yes, I mentioned it to one of my friends a very long time ago (just that I'd got a BJ at a massage parlour once), a long time before current patner. He mentioned it again, then asked if I'd done it again (last time was about 5 years ago), and I began to think I should never have mentioned it. Last time I said it was a one-off, not something I'd repeat.  I would only ever mention it to someone who is completely, totally isolated from the rest of my life, and even then I'd be wary.

I stick to exchanging stories via PM with punters here now.

Chances are higher that he'd like to do the same thing himself, doesn't quite dare, and wants some encouragement from you.

Offline Qwerty

Ha ha, I were singing my little head off earlier this week

You won't be doing much more punting then - most of us need our little head for this activity

Offline cueball

You won't be doing much more punting then - most of us need our little head for this activity

Ha ha, it's firmly attached

Offline Qwerty

Best solution is to find a crack inthe wall and whisper into it. Thats the best advice i can give

Well, best solution might be to find a crack, anyway...


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Re: Can't Share the Joy of a Good Punt?

« Reply #21 on: February 28, 2015, 10:23:54 pm »



It's been said many times. already - Keep it on here, share the experience and keep stun

We all enjoy sharing and reading each other's comments and thoughts.

Post punt is a strange feeling - see post punt blue

If you keep it personal then it stays personal and no one need ever know

Although I am the OP of another thread.

I agree totally with the above :yahoo:

Offline itk

Luckily I have two mates who I started punting with over 20+ years ago. We all still punt, and all three of us have a beer now and again and it's great ing and listening about our new punts. I work with one of them, so lunch times are spent discussing new WG's that have appeared on AW. I think it would drive me nuts not being able to talk about it.