Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Retiring from Punting  (Read 4077 times)

Offline 385North

Dito the sentiment expressed by others.
I wish you the very best of luck for the times ahead.

Offline Bangers and Gash

Good luck with your treatment puntico, and keep your pecker up.  :hi:

Offline Sedlmayer

Sad to hear this mate.
Keep on keeping on - look forward to hearing about your recovery and return to this dastardly hobby of ours.

Offline blue80


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Puntico you are a fighter - keep strong and stay positive. You will beat this.

Offline Mr Br1ghts1de

Sorry to hear your news and all the best in beating it.


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All the best mate, hope you give cancer a good fucking kicking!!


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Wishing you all the best and a speedy recovery.

Offline CoolTiger

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Offline madeinwales56

Anyway, Puntico, you may be retiring from punting but you are still welcome on UKP. I am sure I am not alone in wanting to stay in touch and tracking your progress back to wellness again soon.


  • Guest
Sorry to hear your news. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.