Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: New member posting reviews of old punts. Are these any good to anyone?  (Read 1562 times)


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Greetings People. I've just joined this site after months of lurking. I had quite a few punts last summer (should really have registered then, really shouldn't I?) and would like to know if posting reviews of those punts would still be of any relevance? Although I should think so, as these WG's are still active. What do you reckon?


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Only Admin can truly answer this, but if they're still active and it was only 6 months ago, I think they would still be helpful...particularly if they were spectacularly bad or good, they're unlikely to have changed a great deal in the meantime. Maybe it would be worth adding a rider that the meet took place a few months back, just in case.

Genuine reviewers are always welcome here, hope you can add to the collective knowledge!  :drinks:


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I would have thought reviews of any currently active sp's from summer 14 were still of value - as VT said just call out at the start of the review that it's retrospective.

And welcome to the house of fun!  :drinks:

« Last Edit: January 05, 2015, 12:42:02 am by Quesadilla »


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When it comes to review rules - there's no specific time left, a few months is fine, but more than a year though is largely useless.
Except if it's a negative, or you got scammed, then it's worth posting no matter how long ago.


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When I first joined up to UKP, I posted a bunch of reviews of recent punts (going back a month or two).  Some of the members in the Scotland forum were a bit funny about that, and others outright suspicious/sceptical.  Don't hold back on reviews, its the lifeblood of this forum - but be prepared for a bit of robust banter if you write "fluffy" reviews.  Objective reviews are preferred over kiss and tell stories...


Offline cueball

Greetings People. I've just joined this site after months of lurking. I had quite a few punts last summer (should really have registered then, really shouldn't I?) and would like to know if posting reviews of those punts would still be of any relevance? Although I should think so, as these WG's are still active. What do you reckon?

Definitely worth posting a review on a existing wg that already had reviews on here. It makes all reviews more plausible if different lads post

Offline Trevor12

+1 on the above posts.

Also, if you post reviews on well reviewed girls, try to add things that haven't been mentioned before, that punters who have seen her will know to be true (will add credibility).


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not enough reviews inmho

theres a girl in the NE eva beleo who is booked solid off a wave of punters on here the last week, but no reviews as yet???

does my head in :dash:

Offline Horizontal pleasures

go for it, there are some guys on here with thousands of posts who never reviewed.

If the lady is no longer active on AW then no point.