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Author Topic: Honesty of Tranny bonking thread got me thinking...  (Read 1451 times)

Offline Rickrabbit

The honesty of Bangers and Gash's recent "Anyone recently punted a Hot Tranny?" topic has got me thinking. In days of old when I was at the peak of my punting schedule I had a couple of regulars (sadly now ceased trading) who I got quite "close" to. Over the period of "knowing" them, which was for quite a while, there were times when I felt that I wouldn't have to push much to start having bareback sex in the natural flow of things. Punting as you know is a risk/reward activity, with several levels of risk potentially bringing greater rewards (or not)..and there's the rub (or not).

I was never brave enough to actually have bareback penetrative sex, although I do admit to some intimate genital rubs (very erotic and enjoyable it was too), luckily without any dire infectious consequences. I did feel that I knew them well enough for them not to want to infect me but then again not that well to insert. They never advertised that they offered bareback in any case, but I am sure it could have happened over time.

I wonder if anyone has developed such a relationship with a pro$$ie regular that they have been brave enough to cross the rubicon, even though she might not have offered bareback sex to all and sundry? I am not sure that if I had such a good connection with a regular today as I had then that I wouldn't yield to temptation after such a dry spell of punting and the shark infested waters that define todays punting options. Keeping it real, no need to repeat the negatives of bareback sex at this point, or show how much you abhor the practice in the punting context...we know already! More interested here in the circumstances under which the power of human sexual desire drives one ignore danger in the face of temptation, and how much self control is abandoned - I know I can, or have in the past rationalised intimate genital rubs with "known" regulars. Would be interested in some genuine and non-judgemental feedback  :hi:


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One of them's said `you don't like them do you' just when it took a little bit of jiggling to get a condom on and given me a japanese style genital rub too which was very nice but prompted me to say we'd better get a condom.  She said don't worry you're not going in there without one which was a bit of a relief.  Couldn't be bothered to explain that I often produce a lot of pre cum and it was her I was worried for

Another one mentioned something about me not liking the condom.  Much as part of me would enjoy BB I cut her off mid sentence.  I think she sense got pissed of with blokes askig her to do BB as she amended her profile. 

At the end of the day going to the GUM clinic felt quite exciting as those nurses are the only people not in the game I've told about my punting, under a false name though of course.  I'm happy to admit using prostitutes all day long to them, but I really don't want to go in there and tell them I did BB with one (even though I'm sure they'd outwardly be fine, professional and non-judgemental about it). 


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The other thing that makes me keep it on is the 3 month incubation period for the blood test.  I tested clean at the start of September but there's still 23 WGs I'd have to send `The Text' too if I tested positive for something, even if it was a false positive.


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A girl I saw earlier this year started grinding herself against my cock quite without warning. It was my first meeting with her, but we'd hit it off right away. However, such is my horror at anything approximating bareback that I quickly put a stop to it - although I did so in a subtle way so as not to cause a scene, moving away from her rather than actually saying anything about it. Very pleasant it was too, for the few moments when I first realised what was happening. But I'm just not a risk taker like that.

Luckily I found myself still all-clear several months later. I can't help but wonder what the actual risk level is though, compared to activities I happily partake in, such as reverse oral, or vigorous deep throat without protection.

Offline Watts.E.Dunn

Good post and i suppose at one time and/or another we've all been that close;!..

Never actually done it but came very close on Two occasions. One was in London with a Asian lady called Karina some time ago now, superb lady she was and during one of those bubble baths some Asian lady's do before the actual sex she was getting rather carried away rubbing her bits on mine and it came soo very close, as she's had a few glasses of pop and I'd done so to but the brakes kicked in just in time and it was diverted;!.

I did often wonder what might have been as you do, but the reality would have been some weeks of worry in case anything did come of it.

Other was with a lady from Stansted escorts who had an incall place in Cambridge. Very fiesty  South African lady there called Adele and she was an excellent fuck and much the same there. Got really carried way both of us and just rememberd the incident before and didn't, but it in both instances came so very very close for boy and girl.

I really don't think either lady would have objected but it's just academic interest now..
« Last Edit: October 04, 2014, 05:27:32 pm by Watts.E.Dunn »


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More interested here in the circumstances under which the power of human sexual desire drives one ignore danger in the face of temptation, and how much self control is abandoned
Very interesting post.  Could infatuation be playing a part in your abandoning self-control?

Dr Yes

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In days of yore, regrettably now long ago, (like the 1970's  :() when I was still young and attractive enough to pull civvies  :yahoo:, and before the days that AIDS became such a worry for us all, condoms were only used to prevent pregnancy and the less desirable forms of "clap", as it was then known.
I was fortunate enough only to need a large dose of penicillin once in my more active times, although I was given a rather nasty dose of "crabs"  :vomit:, by an otherwise very attractive young lady in Berlin.
In my capacity as an O.A.P (Old Aged Punter  :rolleyes:), I find that condoms have a more and more deflationary effect on little "Sir John Thomas", the older I get  :(
It has to be a particularly attractive, active and enthusiastic (and tight where it matters too  :wacko:) girl to get me to cum inside her, obviously covered, these days, and more often than not, after a certain mount of protected penetration, I have my final satisfaction as CIM, pearl necklace, or on her boobs or belly. :D
Works well for me   :drinks:

Offline Rickrabbit

That brought back memories, especially the mention of "crabs". That was a fear which I guess no longer prevails now that most pro$$ies tend to go shaven. I might be wrong but isn't it strange that crabs which was a major consideration here in the UK back in the day became no longer an issue because of the shaven look which I think owes its popularity to the EE influx and yet that same EE cohort seems to feature more than you would expect of its fair share of barebackers compared to their less available sisters of UK origin. Don't want to hijack my own thread... just seems again how curious priorities in this game can be.. Like a pro$$ie not allowing kissing of any sort but will happily deep throat your cock without a condom :unknown: