Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: BJ Claire. Seacroft - Leeds.  (Read 2722 times)

Offline Bum Lovin Criminal

First of all big shout out to Mr Scutty Brown.. :thumbsup:

for sticking a link on one of my reviews of a site I never heard of that contained BJ Claire.. (and many other unknown Babes to play with).

https://External Link/Members Only

I though it might be just an old profile long since abandoned but rang the number and hey Presto! a date was arranged....Game On!

Based in Seacroft, round the back of the Tesco's/Bus station thing and I was making the 'I'm here' call.  As has been mentioned in many reports, she has a separate

house for 'activities' and looks like something  borrowed from 'Steptoe & Son's.....but with more junk.  Luckily I'm a bit of a 'Geezer' and I'd have sex

on board a sinking ship mid-Atlantic if a Nut needs busting.   This will definitely put other punters off.....but not me.

£70 paid for 30 mins but I think she does offer a £50 Blow & Go deal.  Very much a plain girl next door type, English, ittie Bitties but a nice bum and not fat!

On to the BJ...a drumroll please.........YES! it is goooood! She does things with her tongue that made my legs look like a member of 'River Dance'.

Fast, slow, deep, shallow, flicks, bites, sensual, hard, bag play,  the lot.  Looks like she loves it and can keep it up an hour or two without flagging. What a trooper.

When you blow like Vesuvius, she takes the lot right to the end and your snake dies, then spits it into a tissue....wonder if she does Snowballs, never tried it!

She is good but a tear does come to my eye as other reviewers mentioned girls waaaay better than her like AV No 1 and many others now retired who could put a

Dyson to shame.   We missed out boys, we missed out big time by just a couple of years.... :dash:

Recommend?   Hell Yeah!.....but keep your clothes on!

Hidden Image/Members Only


Thank you Mr BLC :hi:

What age would you say she is?

Offline Bum Lovin Criminal

IMHO she can easily pass for a lass in the 30-35 range but she has got a daughter in her late teens, so,....a very very young looking MILF.   Hope this helps.. :hi:


IMHO she can easily pass for a lass in the 30-35 range but she has got a daughter in her late teens, so,....a very very young looking MILF.   Hope this helps.. :hi:

Indeed it does - thanks again :)

Offline Teschner04

That picture of her in the red undies must be about ten years old by now.

Offline I like natural boobs

I put her number in my phone ages ago and the phone number on the link you supplied is the same one that she was using for AdultWork so it's strange that her AdultWork page is no longer active. Anyway, thanks for reviewing  :thumbsup: