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Author Topic: Why a punting 'phone is so important  (Read 3888 times)

Offline Lou2019

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That’s a bigger issue than your misleading subject/title

Offline Stevelondon

So this guy has to undergo counselling because paying for sex obviously means he is addicted to sex.

What a load of bollocks.
As if someone in a monogamous relationship and shagging the same woman every night……… isn’t.

So fucking what he is a copper and so fucking what he pays for sex. I don’t for one minute think he tells the women he has sex with about his what he does for a living.

I know I don’t.
But being  an abattoir superintendent doesn’t actually lend itself to the romantic mood if you get my drift 😂

Anyways………. Was it his work phone that he used……. Or a second phone he just happened to have.

Offline pbrown355

Apparently they regularly sack police officers for visiting prostitutes. How do you get away with that? Sack them next for supporting the wrong football team?
If something is legal how the hell do you sack someone for doing it?

Online Southernbloke

If he was using a phone ( work or private) to make appointments with a WG so bloody what. I think there are bigger problems in the world than a copper getting his leg over and paying for it.
If he was raping women or breaking the law in some other way then fine prosecute him but for gods sake why have so many people have a bug up there arse about paying for sex .
Sometimes I think we still have Victorian values!!!

Offline southcoastpunter

Because by seeing prostitutes, they "bring their employer into disrepute" and also potentially leave themselves open to blackmail.

(not saying i agree with that but employers can legally dismiss employees for doing something that is otherwise legal, even if done in non working time)

Online LLPunting


So fucking what he is a copper and so fucking what he pays for sex. I don’t for one minute think he tells the women he has sex with about his what he does for a living.


He would at the least have the opportunity and ability to abuse his police powers and connections to influence the SPs in terms of services received and payment made.  He could further coerce or demand payment in kind or cash for "protection".
The fact he retained his position with little consequence might be born out by the possibility that he was confirmed to only be honestly and anonymously paying for sex.  Anything worse would be another indictment of the police service.

At best you could only offer actual (disembodied) horse or bull cock to your SPs...  :dash:
« Last Edit: May 03, 2023, 09:19:24 pm by LLPunting »

Online mr.bluesky

Maybe they were just making an example of him because coppers have been getting a lot of bad press lately with a lot of wrong uns in the force. Perhaps they have to be seen as cleaning up their act  :unknown:

Offline webpunter

"The Standard can reveal that the officer now works on a project set up to help restore the Met’s reputation by encouraging under-represented groups, including women, to become police officers and Scotland Yard staff"

You couldn't make this up  :dash:

"The Metropolitan Police declined to comment on whether the policing leader on more than £100,000 a year will remain in his current role"

£100k+ a year, plenty of dosh for the roger moores

"Critics say the punishment he received is in contrast to how junior officers are routinely sacked if found to be using prostitutes"

What a surprise, me thinks whoever the rozzer is has some intel on those around / above him

I've had no reason to ineract with the rozzers other than for being caught speeding yonks ago
Given how untrustworthy the police & especially The Met are then best to conduct your lives such that yours & their paths don't cross
If the Met were an organization that was / is replaceable they would have been shut down forever ago

Offline pbrown355

It's an interesting thought that you could bring the Met into disrepute whilst doing something legal. With their standards it would usually be a crime of major proportions to get close to managing that.

Offline kingmg

at least he spent his salary wisely

Offline GingerBoy11

hahaha. . .if your on £100k a year it would be a CRIME not to spend some of it on Brasses  :D

Offline Titti Tatti

I think there's a no of legal things they can't do without  compromising themselves. The example I was told was they couldn't take a second job in a role serving alcohol: some reasons being a) what happens if you are misled and serve someone too young-you've just broken the law or b) a fight breaks out, are you then a barman or a police man?

The current clampdown on Coppers behaviour is interesting. What the met is going through now, will it follow through to other forces? Public seem to want it, if it's more than a one off i hope public opinion similarly shows its disapproval of Politicians behaviour.