Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Menopause and Prostitutes  (Read 1096 times)

Offline Matium

From the conversations I've hadd with guys, it seems that menopause s the time when their wives completely give up on sex and one or two of them admitted that they slept in separate rooms from then on.

The milf prostitutes I have seen said that menopause was a relief for them and, if anything, they had an increased sex drive.

But if you're a milf lover, how would the knowledge that a prostitute is over 45 and is likely to have had her menopause affect your decision to see her?

Offline smiths

From the conversations I've hadd with guys, it seems that menopause s the time when their wives completely give up on sex and one or two of them admitted that they slept in separate rooms from then on.

The milf prostitutes I have seen said that menopause was a relief for them and, if anything, they had an increased sex drive.

But if you're a milf lover, how would the knowledge that a prostitute is over 45 and is likely to have had her menopause affect your decision to see her?

If i fancied a WG enough to punt with her i couldnt care less whether she is having or been through the menopause as long as i get a good service.

Offline webpunter

i love milfs.  How the fuck can you tell the difference - menopause or no menopause ?


  • Guest
Just a note - most women don't hit the menopause until 50-55, though there can begin to be changes earlier (the peri-menopause). I'm 47 and still have a normal cycle.

A lot of women go off sex during the actual 12-18 months of transition, due to the hot sweats, mood changes etc., but then many experience a higher libido afterwards, partly because fear of pregnancy is no longer an issue. The only main physical downsides are reduced lubrication and eventually sometimes thinning of the vaginal walls.

Offline maxxblue

From the conversations I've hadd with guys, it seems that menopause s the time when their wives completely give up on sex and one or two of them admitted that they slept in separate rooms from then on.

The milf prostitutes I have seen said that menopause was a relief for them and, if anything, they had an increased sex drive.

But if you're a milf lover, how would the knowledge that a prostitute is over 45 and is likely to have had her menopause affect your decision to see her?

It doesn't.


  • Guest
But if you're a milf lover, how would the knowledge that a prostitute is over 45 and is likely to have had her menopause affect your decision to see her?

What he said.  It doesn't affect it in the slightest.

Offline Happylad

Once she had passed the menopause my late wife told me that she had never enjoyed sex so much in all her life, and from once a week beforehand we very quickly  moved on to a regular twice a week and she started to enjoy multiple orgasms (which she had never experienced before) and I think I got as much pleasure in giving them to her as she had in having them.  She attributed this entirely to the eradication of any fear of possible pregnancy, which had always been a nag at the back of her mind after our third child; contraception was consigned to the dustbin and unfettered total bareback reigned supreme.  I am sure that the last 20 years of her life were the most sexually satisfying for both of us in our whole married life.

I had never realised it, but the local W.I., far from being just a jam-making and knitting organisation, was also a hotbed of sexual gossip and discussion, particularly among the older members, and my wife assured me that most of the older married members experienced the same increased sexual pleasure as she had once they passed the menopause, and the great lament among several of them was that as they suddenly began to benefit from increased sex drive their husbands were beginning to lose their sexual powers.  According to my wife, some of the elderly widowed members were constantly on the prowl for a vigorous younger "provider".  I have myself received several slightly indirect approaches and invitations after her death, but I have now reached the age where only much younger flesh turns me on.


  • Guest
If i fancied a WG enough to punt with her i couldnt care less whether she is having or been through the menopause as long as i get a good service.
