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Author Topic: Pattaya 2023 trip Day 1  (Read 5596 times)

Offline jimb3

So I finally made it out here, below is my write up for day 1

Arrived at BKK airport and thanks to this forum had pre booked Nams Taxi. It cost 1000 BHT and the car was Air coned with a polite driver. She dropped me rite outside my hotel.

So to start the trip off it was a quick trip to a pharmacy to buy Acyclovir, I know it cant prevent transmission but better some protection.

Started of the day trying to find Soi Honey and for the love of me this proved impossible. I asked a few locals and drivers they had no clue what I was on about and google maps would not recognise the name either.

I could not get onto this site to check but thankfully I have now and have an idea off where to go.

Failing to find Soi Honey and the massage places around me looking more legit I walked to Soi 6 hoping to find a certain lady. Miraculously I did find her but she was not interested in talking to me so I politely smiled and walked away.

I must stress although I was having these set backs I did not become despondent. I was still enjoying myself the atmosphere and liveliness is great.

Any way I turned to Thai Friendly and contacted a few girls I had set up as favourites, from that one replied and we met at my hotel.

The girl I met was called Chompu. Looks wise she was a 7 and the punt was pretty basic. We agreed on 1500BHT for an hour. Chompu was nice and friendly but a little lazy, she let me do all the "work". The punt consisted off reverse oral, Kissing and mish. Nothing amazing to write home about, but I got my first punt out the way and was happy.

After Chompu left I went and grabbed some dinner and made my way to LK Metro area and visited KINK. That place is sensory overload, WOW. I went upstairs and watched the show from there, then one off the girls made me her target for bar drinks. I brought her a couple as I did not mind and in return got a lot off grinding touching etc. I enjoyed every moment off the experience and left with a big smile. The KINK girl did try to get me to bar fine her but at a cost off 4k total it was a little early in the trip to do that.

Now I left KINK and was still wanting a little something so I visited a massage parlour just around the corner. They were asking for 200BHT for a 1 hour massage and it was pretty obvious extras were a option. I spoke to the girl up front but as I was about to go in her mate jumped up and lead me in, as soon as I got a good look at her I noted things were off and I asked if she was a lady boy. To her credit she was honest even thought she was trying to hide it. She was very friendly and nice and we agreed that I would just have a standard massage no extras as I was not into ladyboys. The massage was very slow and sensual, one thing led to another and she pulled down my shorts and started a slow sensual hand job. I was enjoying the feeling and let her finish the job. Quick clean up and she again kept apologising for not making it clear she was a lady boy to start with. She only asked for the original 200bht but I tipped and extra 100.

I still had some energy to burn so I decided to go for a walk along the beach road, window shopped a little and there defiantly are some diamonds in the rough. I will need to walk that path when I am looking again. Lastly I walked up Soi 6 as it was a route back to my hotel just to see if anything was going on at a later hour (12am) and it was the same experience. The girls were just sat in the bars looking bored/on there phones. Even the few outside the bars were only making lack lustre attempts to pull people in. A couple of girls did approach me but I was on my way back to the hotel and they didn't take my fancy.

That was my first day here. Not the best start and certainly not the worst.

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« Last Edit: February 19, 2023, 08:53:37 pm by jimb3 »

Offline shooter

Good report, (you lucky bastard!) I always found the first day was a bit of a let down, just the level of expectation and excitment of arriving = kid in candy shop vibes.  :D :lol: Sounds like you feel the same  :thumbsup: Keep us updated on your exploits, always good to hear about the scene there

Personally I prefer Phuket, so thats always a short hop away if needed  :lol: :D :thumbsup:  :hi:

Online southcoastpunter

yes always good to hear other peoples experiences (although you could have added to the existing threads instead of starting yet another one)

I have been back about 10 days now and also preferred Phuket - especially Patong Beach. You can get pretty much the same there but i thought it had a better vibe, party atmosphere than Pattaya. Pattaya is much bigger of course but i thought it was just more of the same rather than anything different.

Offline shooter

yes always good to hear other peoples experiences (although you could have added to the existing threads instead of starting yet another one)

I have been back about 10 days now and also preferred Phuket - especially Patong Beach. You can get pretty much the same there but i thought it had a better vibe, party atmosphere than Pattaya. Pattaya is much bigger of course but i thought it was just more of the same rather than anything different.

Good to know re Phuket. I generally preferred the vibe there and spent some time on Samui as well, but that was pre Covid, found it more relaxed in both places... :thumbsup: :hi:

Offline billybob69

Loving this honest trip report. Pattaya can be disneyland for men, but sometimes it can be hard going as well.

You have probably realised that many of the Soi's are mostly known by their farang nicknames Soi Honey, Soi Pothole, Soi Diamond, Treetown etc, rather than their official names. Although I would expect that you should still be able to find Soi Honey on google maps. Unless you enjoy walking up and down to Central Pattaya from Soi 6, you realise that those pickup trucks on Beach Road and 2nd Road can take you for a mere 10 baht per trip?
I wasn't fussed on Soi 6 when I was there back in December. Far to many dis-interested girls looking at their phones. If you enjoyed KINK, you might want to visit the other go-go's in the LK Metro area. Slutz would be a good start. There can be some diamonds in the rough on Beach Road, but if your hotel is up past Soi 6 they will expect you to pay for a moto (motorbike taxi) to the hotel and back.

Offline MrMatrix

Excellent review OP. Look forward to the rest of your holiday :hi:

Online clevertrevor

Soi honey..... Come out of lk metro onto soi boo cow, turn left, little walk down, honey bar on your left, that's soi honey. Sweets massage is good

Offline Watp

Anyone tried the soapy on soi honey ? any good ?

Offline Fatman

Great review, love Thailand but not been for a few years. I was with the family so no partying with the girls..  :thumbsdown:

Q why are you talking this med ?

“So to start the trip off it was a quick trip to a pharmacy to buy Acyclovir, I know it cant prevent transmission but better some protection”.

Offline jimb3

Sorry been off line for a bit guys. I will write up more off my trip when I get a spare moment. In answer to the meds question it was recommended to try and prevent herpes. Like I said just a precaution.

Offline jimb3

Ok then. Where to begin.

Pattaya day two unfortunately went the same way as day 1, first I went for a massage in the LK Metro area, it was a ok looking place with a bunch of young girls outside. As soon as we got in the girl guided me to a shower room and asked me to take my clothes off. She kept hers on. She gave me a shower and then lead me to a private room. She told me straight away that if I wanted a BJ it would be 500 BHT I said ok. She asked me to lay face down to start and proceeded to do a nice sensual massage, then the flip and the started oral. All was good except she didn’t take her cloths off. When I mentioned this she said 1000 Bht more to which I said no way. So after stalemate she proceeded to give oral till the eventuality happened. Got to give it to her she did do a good job in that department. After another assisted shower and I was lead out.

After that I went and got myself some breakfast and because I was near PP body massage I thought why not. I knew I wanted a soapy so went and did it. They have three tiers to pick from and I liked the look off one in the middle option.
I picked a nice looking girl and off we went. What followed was the normal soapy process, and the girl was really nice but very professional. I was very much aware that this was a job to her and there was no intimacy at all. Still we did our thing and I still left satisfied.
Next I made my way back towards Soi 6 hoping to bump into the girl I wanted to be with again. I found her and approached but unfortunately she did not show any interest. I don’t think I’m that ugly but maybe I need a good hard look in the mirror. Any way I politely said thanks and wondered off. At this point feeling down I just decided to go via TF and arrange a hook up.
We arranged to meet at my hotel and when she arrived she only bore little resemblance to her photos. Profile said 23 but she was nearer 40 plus. At least she was slim
With a ok body. That helped. We got down to business and she gave a very good BJ. Then oral on her before a finish. She tried to get clingy but I asked her to leave. And that was my day done. Just to say thing do get better. It’s not all doom and gloom

Offline jimb3

So now day 3

I started the day with another massage, this was down soi 8 I think very near to my hotel. I went to what I thought was a vanilla massage place really just to relax and not worry about finding any where for “fun”. It all started as normal she even panicked when I started to take my t shirt off and said no leave it on. It was one of the places where they use a curtain around your area. I wanted vanilla so I thought fine. What proceeds was a normal Thai massage back then front. Towards the end she started massaging my inner thigh and out off nowhere grabs my crotch. I look at her confused as nothing had led to this point and she smiles at me and says 1000 hand job. I politely told her no thanks and she instantly dropped to 500 total inc the massage. That sounded better so I agreed, she quickly pulled down my shorts and went to work. HJ only but she did encourage me to grope her actively pushing her breasts and bum in turn to my hands. All said and done and I was let out. A nice start to the morning.

I later went for a walk along the beach and just for fun turned up Soi 6 again. It was only midday so not too busy. Again all the girls looked disinterested and I stoped at the pub for a cold drink. While I was there I fired up TF and made a few contacts. Really fancied one girl and we arranged to meet at 8. Feeling lazy I headed back to my hotel and chilled by the pool to kill time. Come 8 I checked my TF profile and she had sent me her line. Contacted her on that and no reply. 30 min later got a response asking who I was? And asking for a photo. Sent her my same TF profile pic and her response was “I remember sorry we do tomorrow I am out drinking now”. At this point I thought bugger this, I was flying out to Chiang Mai in the morning and was due back in pats three days later. I asked the hotel to cancel that reservation jigged my internal flights about and decided to spend the extra two days in Chiang Mai sight seeing instead. After all my planning I am very much aware I lost my way a bit and probably made lots of rookie errors. I spent the evening packing and then went out one last time. Visited some bars in LK metro and enjoyed the shows, but kept it at just that. Come morning I said farewell to Pattaya. Although the trip did not go as I hoped I’m still glad I did it and value the experience.

A few points off summery

If arranging dates via TF - as soon as you log on you will get lots of messages, these are all pro’s and will more than likely act as such.

If you do arrange a meet up try to meet somewhere other than your hotel. That way if you don’t like them you can walk away without them knowing where you are staying.

Bolt taxi app is the best and cheapest way to get around.

This may upset a few but if you are British Asian try and find an English Caucasian buddy. The first time I was in Pattaya many years ago I had an English friend with me and it was a whole different experience. While in Chiang Mai I ran a mini experiment and I proved my point. My own fault but should have thought off that sooner.

Try and relax when walking the bars and streets. Go slow and if a stunner does come unto you take your time and appreciate it. Don’t focus on cost to much, in my case I was regularly being told 2k plus so I accepted that if I wanted some stress free fun it was easier to pay a bit extra and enjoy yourself.

Lastly just a big thank you to every one on this forum who has offered advice and dm’d me. Unfortunately I only saw some messages too late. By then I was already in Chiang Mai.

I will do a write up for Chiang Mai separately but that was more my place and I had an amazing time there along with one quick trip to Bangkok which turned into the best punt I’ve ever had.   

Offline MrMatrix

Great Diary Op. Keep the good work up :hi:

Online southcoastpunter

thanks some good info. if i can, i will just add my thoughts/experience (from this year):

If arranging dates via TF - as soon as you log on you will get lots of messages, these are all pro’s and will more than likely act as such.
If you do arrange a meet up try to meet somewhere other than your hotel. That way if you don’t like them you can walk away without them knowing where you are staying.

 I used TF quite a bit (in Pattaya, Patong  and Bangkok) and arranged a number of meets - with one except, always at my hotel but without any problems at all. The hotel always took their ID and held it until she left and i confirmed all was ok. The one exception was at her apartment and was a revisit (after she had been to me). I found they all looked like their profile pics - yes (like AW) you can usually add a few years on the age but generally Thai ladies look better for their age than the average Brit! For me, all from TF provided a fab service.

Bolt taxi app is the best and cheapest way to get around.

yes agree - but i found their timing wasn't always as per the app. one occasion the app said they would be with me in 10 minutes but i was still waiting 35 minutes later.  and if any distance that includes the motorway/freeway, i found that they expect you to pay the tolls -not a lot but small notes/coins needed.

Try and relax when walking the bars and streets. Go slow and if a stunner does come unto you take your time and appreciate it. Don’t focus on cost to much, in my case I was regularly being told 2k plus so I accepted that if I wanted some stress free fun it was easier to pay a bit extra and enjoy yourself.

i too  (white British) found 2000 (and in a few cases, 2500) was the standard asking price for ST. I too didn't haggle too much, just a little and got a great service every time. 3000 seemed standard for LT/overnight. These prices were consistent across Bangkok, Pattaya and Patong. whether paying slightly more than i could have "got away with" contributed to always having a great service and a fab time, i don't know but i think it did. At least it put the lady in a good frame of mind to start with and it went from there.

I also found WeChat useful. But for anyone who hasn't been, sex really is available everywhere. sometimes just a smile in the street or in a bar is enough to start a conversation and then you are away.

Offline shooter

Try and relax when walking the bars and streets. Go slow and if a stunner does come unto you take your time and appreciate it. Don’t focus on cost to much, in my case I was regularly being told 2k plus so I accepted that if I wanted some stress free fun it was easier to pay a bit extra and enjoy yourself. 

Great review, thanks for sharing. I didn’t like Pattaya when I went, and hope that you found Chiangmai better

The point about cost is really spot on though-when you are there you think “one thousand more.,.,  :scare:”. Just relax, remember it’s a holiday and don’t haggle too much, you are only saving a few quid that you would happily blow on a punt here
Plus, most of the time if you pay a little over the odds , chances are the Thai girl will want to keep you happy ,  :D so it is worth it.  :hi:

Offline Niggledebits

Great reports OP, really enjoyed them. Good advice as well.

Offline jimb3

Great review, thanks for sharing. I didn’t like Pattaya when I went, and hope that you found Chiangmai better

Thank you.  I found Chiang Mai much better, had a very different experience there. And one Bangkok punt too. I will do the write up as soon as I get some time.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2023, 07:17:54 am by jimb3 »

Offline Diamond Dave 2

Great report thanks.
I can see you are giving yourself a hard time but it looks like you had a great time to me.
Travelling on your own can also add another challenge in that I have observed that girls in bars will gravitate towards groups of blokes rather than a single traveller unless you are a regular.
Onwards and upwards I look forward to your Chiang Mai report.

Offline Joey2315

A nice report! Honestly I strongly believe the hype/excitement we build up before going cannot ever live up to it.
One thing caught my attention from your post, and I know I made the same mistake until I got a little wiser during my trip. You mentioned that the girls didn’t seem too interested on soi 6. Now I cant speak from experience as a white man, but there is a stereotype of Indian men (from India) being cheap. I think you would have had more success going into the bar and then calling the girl over (it can be a little intimidating at first for sure) they will be friendly then, rather than expecting to be hauled into the bar by the girls.

I hope you are having a great time in chiang Mai, an amazing place.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2023, 02:44:17 pm by Joey2315 »

Offline billybob69

A great honest report describing the ups and downs.
Although I do feel that if you had done a bit more research beforehand thing might have gone a bit smoother.

Thai's operate on a short time horizon. They live for the moment (that is why we love them). The chances of a Thai hooker rocking up for ST booking which was made 8 hours earlier was pretty slim. Offers of other immediate ST resulting in money in their pocket, offers to go shopping, drinking, tattoos and many of other distractions which would mean that you would have been forgotten about an hour or two after the booking was made.

Many of those on TF are flaky as hell. There is a forum (similar to this) where they are reviewed. Using that would have given you a better chance of booking one of the star performers.

If you are worried about whether the pic on their TF profile is doctored or taken years ago (it will be) do a video call with them before making the final arrangements for the booking. No need to book another hotel for the session. Wait for them in your hotel lobby at the arranged time, it you don't like what you see when they arrive, send them away. You might have to paid a couple of hundred baht for their moto / taxi.

Thai's have a thought process different to Westerners, it is called 'Thai logic'. Many of the girls that find themselves working in the bars in Pattaya are poorly educated, so a lot of nonsense is passed on from Thai bargirl to Thai bargirl. This includes pre judging. It can range from not going with a customer that is staying in a particular hotel because they believe that ghosts are there (yes, really), all Korean's are big spenders with small cocks, to all Indian men are tight with their money.
The general advice for British Asians is the bar scene will yield best results. It will give you the chance to show that you are (a) from Eng-land (b) you are more than willing to buy beer, lady drinks etc

Thai bar girls don't like physical exercise. Getting them to walk more than a few hundred meters from the bar to your hotel will be a struggle. Therefore try an ensure that your hotel is close to where you plan to punt / or on a baht bus route / easy access to Moto taxi's. If you are punting in Treetown and your hotel is past Soi 7 you will immediately get a frown.


Offline styboy68

You can jump a motorbike taxi, which are everywhere  for 100 b, bolt in Thailand  a good way to get around , costs penny's,  when you book it will give you a price, pattaya to say jomtien is 80b ,

Offline Monger2468

This may upset a few but if you are British Asian try and find an English Caucasian buddy. The first time I was in Pattaya many years ago I had an English friend with me and it was a whole different experience. While in Chiang Mai I ran a mini experiment and I proved my point. My own fault but should have thought off that sooner.

Fark that. Act confident. Dress well - not some baggy string vest, shit shirts, socks and Jesus sandals. In fact, like 99% of the fellas I come across in Pattaya during the day 😂 Most importantly don't be a cheap 🇬🇧 Charlie. You're in Thailand. Buy the girls a drink or 5. Befriend the bosses and buy them shots. Most will return the compliment. Try have a shower before you head out and using Lynx 😜 And the girls will be like flies to 💩 You'll be swatting the bitches off.

« Last Edit: March 31, 2023, 10:53:17 pm by Monger2468 »