Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Flat Parties  (Read 1217 times)

Offline Chesterblurtage2017

Before the 'Madness' hit us two years ago, there were plenty of flat parties in London that you would get invited to by dancers form various venues (that's if they got along with you when they were working). Seeing as we lost more or less two years and many of the dancers did not return form there respective countries I don't know if these still go on, can anyone let me know if these are still happening and if so are invites gained the same way as before?

Offline LLPunting

Before the 'Madness' hit us two years ago, there were plenty of flat parties in London that you would get invited to by dancers form various venues (that's if they got along with you when they were working). Seeing as we lost more or less two years and many of the dancers did not return form there respective countries I don't know if these still go on, can anyone let me know if these are still happening and if so are invites gained the same way as before?

How else do you think you would learn if a given stripper from a strip club works the flat party scene, other than to butter her up and ask her?

Don't you find punting more satisfying?