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Author Topic: Another post about the current state of punting specifically Bristol  (Read 1579 times)

Offline simping

This is more of a rant of quite possibly the the worst day imaginable. By the way this was yesterday...

Started my day with the intention of seeing plan a External Link/Members Only got there texted to to say I was there and got buzzed in y'know the usual. Heard her approach the door and then nothing, odd I thought. So gave her a text only to receive the most bullshit excuse for not seeing me. "Sorry I think I just started my period" seriously??? Okay off I went.
Plan B then, went with External Link/Members Only if memory is collect she's not too far from where A is based. Sent out a text and got a quick reply, agreed on time and went to hers. Okay I'll admit this is where I messed up, should have confirmed if she still works where we last met, shes moved. Tell her I messed up and give me 10mins to get to the post code she just sent. Got there in 12mins give or take and called, fucking hell she was having any of it. "you're late by 15mins, I cannot wait" tried to explain... nope. Okay can we reduce the meet time? Sure, she says and proceeds to ask where I am. Tell her I'm at the post code she sent and point out landmarks I see — she just hungs up. Okay...plan c then.
External Link/Members Only called her and agree on time, waited for text for post code and received nothing. 🙄 Looked through AW again and it looks like slim pickings...girls I've seen are over what I have currently and I don't have my card with me, or are sending replies with "yes, yh" but end up ghosting me there after. That's odd. Decide to check ClientEye to see anything is up. Nope no hits. Vivastreet it is then, sent out a mass text and received three hits: External Link/Members Only and this one External Link/Members Only (found out they are both working at the same place, more on this later). Other girl has since taken down her ad but she's based in Kingswood. Look at the area on Google maps and decide not to chance it, no taxis in sight so buses it is then. Only google maps is being a right old prick recommending y1/19bath route...guess the normal service aren't running today??? Short staffed? Bank holiday?? W/e I go by what is being suggested (I shouldn't have) 50mins later and I'm there. Fuck so glad I didn't take my car, text and she gives me the flat number with no instructions on how to get to her's a fucking maze to navigate. Guy comes out building and asks "what am I doing here"...shit. waiting on "someone" was my response 🤦‍♂️ he definitely knows why I'm here, he keeps an eye on me while he goes about his day..see a guy emerge from another building, give him a head nod and leave as he does. Other guy lets his guard down and i head out to the nearest bus stop. Fuck I wish I had a cig. Sees the normal bus service. Motherfucker. Got into town in 20mins.... motherfucker!
Head over to the venue the Latina's are using. Text, buzzed in. Simple right? If only it was that easy. Let into the flat and noticed the bedroom door is ajar didn't mean to look but what I saw was at the periphery of my vision. Other punter laid out with the wg's friend I came to see. At least close the door for privacy and confidentiality sake. She leads me to the living room, we can't use the bedroom as the other two are currently using it (clearly love) she suggests we use the sofa. Fucking hell. Did sergei not do this research, why book a one-bedroom flat? Before I hand over the notes I notice her figure..she's not bad however the size of the couch will make things uncomfortable. And I intended to stay for an hour no way, this isn't a porn flick, might work for other but no for me. So walked.
One last attempt me thinks, back to AW and this one: External Link/Members Only responds by giving her room number straight away when I asked if she could meet in the next 15-20mins. This looks promising. Ins the room and it's dark as hell, also the smell of weed lingers in the air. Perfect..but she's not bad looking. Fake tits that are soft to the touch, ass that's clearly fake but it soft too. £130 is her asking choice and I only have notes of 20s so we decide to go for 130+10 kissing. Definitely has been at this for a long time as she dodges my attempting kiss from time to time but eventually she remembers I paid for it so on she gets with the French kissing. Sex is not bad actually. It's pretty good. She allows for fingering, but can't play with her nipples okay fair enough. Multiple sex positions with legs wide open and she can take it deep and hard. Fuck, she's a rare one. I'm enjoying myself, Latinas are hit or miss and she's most definitely a hit!
And then I fucked it all up.
Switched to prone and pound her like a jackhammer, can feel it coming and I slipped out of her, without paying attention I try to reenter with full force and hit her bootyhole. Ouch. She jolts up and assumes the fetus position. I try to console her but she's having none of it and proceeds to slap me. I think she might have awoken a new fetish in me. From this I assume the meeting is over. I take a shower, get dressed and off I go. Now I have a major case of the blue balls, I just want to empty them. Missed a text and decide to follow up on it. Tell her I only have 60notes so I'll take whatever she gives me. We agree on 20mins, seems reasonable for slump and dump. Arrive at destination and met with a ROM who claims to be Spanish, even has spanish music playing to sell the whole act. She then asks how long I want — we just.. I mean..20mins I say. She then asks whether I want protected or unprotected...oral? No. Bareback. There's no way she could be doing 60 for bareback, I'm guessing the maid just agreed to the 60/20mins to get me here. I walked. Got in my car and made my way home, on my way home passed by my favourite takeaway, also went drove pass corner store and decide to buy 4 pack and a king-size pack of cigs (I fucking need this lmao) Started around 3 and ended things around 8ish...fuck what a shitty day, then the car alarm went off. Neighbour rear ended my car as he was trying to reverse. Why didn't you ask me to move my car!!!!  :dash: :dash: :dash:

Offline DDMC30

This made me :lol:  :lol:
Bristol is quite hit and miss I agree. I can empathise with almost everything in this story - but I have still never been offered BB in the UK

Offline DDMC30

Also BH Monday afternoon probably peak time for WGs. Try a tonight or Wednesday instead

Offline Pawgylove

Fucking hell mate :lol: this would make a smashing blockbuster, just have to think of the title now :lol:  you have the patience of a saint (so to speak). I never go past plan B! You went all the way to plan Z and traumatised her into tomorrow as well 😫😫

On a serious note, completely agree! Bristol is hit and miss nowadays, tourers, EEs and latinas. I’ve learnt my lesson, I stick to the regulars bar glowing reviews on a new SP

Offline Drcoco

That was rough going and agree with the post I don't like to see the same girl over haven't seen anything in Bristol tempting me for a few months now

Offline tp69

Wow that's one for the books. Enjoy the beers.

I can only feel slightly sorry for you Bristol boys as you do have Gorgeous Vicky and she's dynamite.

Pickings seem slim everywhere.

Offline Drcoco

Also one of the reasons I like to book using agency's far less f-ing about Bristol could do with one

Offline PilotMan

Totally cracked me up this one :lol: :lol:. Great story  :hi:

Offline juxta

Quite the escapade.

I saw Selena earlier in the year and was thinking about a return booking. Getting a slap and being forced to leave for accidentally fucking her arse. Classic :lol:

Offline Urban_G

Was a difficult read, wasn't sure exactly how it all went but a funny story nonetheless, just sorry it was shit for you.

Might be an idea to link the girl who offered you bareback for future search results?

Offline simping

Might be an idea to link the girl who offered you bareback for future search results?
External Link/Members Only

Online Colston36

Bet she didn't look that good in the flesh.

Hard to tell anyhow with so few pics. Has anyone else noticed that despite the word discreet being clearly there on the interview form girls still write discrete?
« Last Edit: August 31, 2022, 11:55:30 pm by Colston36 »

Offline lamboman

Hard to tell anyhow with so few pics. Has anyone else noticed that despite the word discreet being clearly there on the interview form girls still write discrete?

 :D I think all of them do that.
Banned reason: Shit stirrer and blocking moderator's PMs
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Urban_G

Might be an idea to link the girl who offered you bareback for future search results?

External Link/Members Only
Thanks, I assumed it wasn't listed on her profile.

Offline simping

Thanks, I assumed it wasn't listed on her profile.

I admit I didn't really check her preferences nor did scan through her profile. Saw the green light was on and contacted the number that's on her aw page.