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Author Topic: Positive for Chlamydia after OWO only. A friendly reminder gents  (Read 7219 times)

Offline Cryton123

IMO shallow owo is pretty safe, the problem comes with deeper owo, as all the bad stuff is hanging out around the back of the throats (what I read on here). I guess coughing and spitting on your dick could be risky too maybe.

Putting your bare cock in the mouth of a stranger who has almost certainly sucked several other bare cocks the same day is a gamble regardless of how deep it goes.

It’s a known risk nearly every punter takes. And if he starts thinking about the bacteria & diseases lurking in the back of escorts throats, he really should find another way to spend his money  :hi:

Offline sensualencounter

Don't want to annoy the powers that be, but it is a shame about the rule regarding naming someone if you are 100% certain that it was that person who gave it to you. Wondering if there could be a better approach.. for example a punter who gets chlamydia could list their previous 5 or 10 girls. This is probably still breaking the rules on here though.

I just know I would want to avoid seeing someone that actually has an STI, at least for a bit until they are all clear.
And lambast and potentially ruin an escort’s career just on the post of one punter that “thinks” she passed on a STI? That’s pretty cruel. Even IF she was the one that passed it on, you’d like to think it’s an accident and she gets tested regularly and sorts herself out. Not forgetting that you should inform her asap if you believe she’s got a STI.

And then your idea of listing your previous 5-10 escorts - that’s even dumber. You’ll potentially ruin 5-10 escorts careers  :wacko:

It’s a risk that both escorts and punters take and sometimes shit happens.

Offline Lastfour1479

Yet you indulge in owo regularly. Something of a contradiction going on here.  :)
Not as regularly as some on here   :)
Banned reason: Abusive pimp
Banned by: daviemac

Offline geostorm1

And lambast and potentially ruin an escort’s career just on the post of one punter that “thinks” she passed on a STI? That’s pretty cruel. Even IF she was the one that passed it on, you’d like to think it’s an accident and she gets tested regularly and sorts herself out. Not forgetting that you should inform her asap if you believe she’s got a STI.

And then your idea of listing your previous 5-10 escorts - that’s even dumber. You’ll potentially ruin 5-10 escorts careers  :wacko:

It’s a risk that both escorts and punters take and sometimes shit happens.

This seems like very limited thinking to me. It doesn't have to lambast or ruin her career. And it shouldn't ruin her career anyway, how many of the WGs in the east midlands have previously had at least one STI in the past? I would assume the number is pretty high.

This forum is for punters, not WGs.

And it won't ruin 5 or 10 girls careers.. because all it would do is provide punters with information of girls that could POTENTIALLY be infected. It would actually prove beneficial to WGs because they could observe the list, and then go and get themselves checked out.

Here is a scenario for you.. punter has had a dry spell for a year and hasn't seen a girl since last STI check. Visits one girl, contracts an STI. You don't think people should have the opportunity to avoid that girl for at least a little bit of time whilst she can hopefully get herself sorted out?

Anyway it was just an idea and probably won't happen regardless.

Online Dipper

Not as regularly as some on here   :)

To use your own words “no different to BB” so I can only assume you’ve no qualms partaking in that either.

Online EclipseBlue

Here is a scenario for you.. punter has had a dry spell for a year and hasn't seen a girl since last STI check. Visits one girl, contracts an STI. You don't think people should have the opportunity to avoid that girl for at least a little bit of time whilst she can hopefully get herself sorted out?

Because everyone on the internet is 100% honest 100% of the time? Never have their own agenda?

Online PumpDump

To use your own words “no different to BB” so I can only assume you’ve no qualms partaking in that either.

The guys who do OWO and lambast anyone who does BB are in denial. They are in glass houses throwing stones.

Offline Lastfour1479

To use your own words “no different to BB” so I can only assume you’ve no qualms partaking in that either.
so what is the difference really, probably harder to get HIV.
The last time i went in BB was with Kenyan whore back in 2001

Banned reason: Abusive pimp
Banned by: daviemac

Online Dipper

so what is the difference really, probably harder to get HIV.
The last time i went in BB was with Kenyan whore back in 2001

You said it, you tell me? I’m neither a doctor or a qualified health professional.

Online Dipper

The guys who do OWO and lambast anyone who does BB are in denial. They are in glass houses throwing stones.

Are they?

Offline Stoking

The guys who do OWO and lambast anyone who does BB are in denial. They are in glass houses throwing stones.

Not really, when it comes to oral it's well known the main risk is for the giver, not receiver otherwise people would be getting Sti's left right and centre from making out (which we know is quite rare).

Not saying there is no risk, and people on this forum still highlight there is always a risk.

BB by comparison is far more risky. If that's your thing, fair enough, but trying to spread on this forum that's it's no worse than OWO is Naive at best, reckless and dangerous at worst.

Online Dipper

Not really, when it comes to oral it's well known the main risk is for the giver, not receiver otherwise people would be getting Sti's left right and centre from making out (which we know is quite rare).

Not saying there is no risk, and people on this forum still highlight there is always a risk.

BB by comparison is far more risky. If that's your thing, fair enough, but trying to spread on this forum that's it's no worse than OWO is Naive at best, reckless and dangerous at worst.

That’s that sorted.

Any questions you two?

Offline Lastfour1479

No not now Dr Stoking has put us all straight.
Banned reason: Abusive pimp
Banned by: daviemac

Offline bobby_dizzler

You'll make a great detective pal

I'm not sure I would, as the girl I deduced it was has had quite a few reviews since this post was started. Guess the temporary profile withdrawal was just a coincidence.

Offline Dave82

I'm not sure I would, as the girl I deduced it was has had quite a few reviews since this post was started. Guess the temporary profile withdrawal was just a coincidence.

I don't think it was a coincidence. But then again it could be

Online Cribster

It could be a coincidence but she did move around that time