Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Acu herb in Harrow  (Read 1238 times)

Offline Audreyfanx

Popped in there yesterday. I'm a local and quite well known in the area so the barbers had laugh at me walking in.
The Chinese bird behind the counter was great fun.
Organised some accupuncture and a massage. Not going to go through with it. Saving my money for a proper osteopath....really bad back.
But did see a really cute tiny blonde come out of a room wearing a proffesional tunic. When i saw her i winked at the mamasan? And she giggled saying yes.
Defintley a place to get involved.

Offline LLPunting

So you didn't take a massage or anything else at this place?  :unknown:
What exactly are you reviewing and suggesting with your "positive" rating?

Offline GingerNuts

I'm guessing you're well known in the area from visiting the street walkers.

This "wink and nod" experience is not a review. Thread moved to Regional Discussion.

Offline Stevelondon

I’ve never been a one for this nod and a wink lark.
Maybe I should give it a go next time I see a pretty blonde.  :D

Offline LLPunting

Not his first "review" to be disqualified.   :dash: