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Author Topic: Let's hear it for the UKP moderators  (Read 978 times)

Offline dobob

I'm not looking for a Private Eye brown nose award, but the UKP moderators have sorted out a couple of embarrassing bloopers in some posts of mine this week, and I want to thank them for their good work. I will be raising a glass to them as soon as I hit "Post".


Offline dobob

I absolutely do deserve it. Thanks to shed for finding such a smart award for me. I shall treasure it. (And by the way I am still grateful to the UKP moderators.)


Offline Thephoenix

I absolutely do deserve it. Thanks to shed for finding such a smart award for me. I shall treasure it. (And by the way I am still grateful to the UKP moderators.)

We all are.....and you're obviously going for further awards. :drinks:

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Offline standardpostage

Must agree, they work very hard for their money £ £ £ £ £ £.
They deserve a pay rise  :)
« Last Edit: March 27, 2022, 06:57:34 am by standardpostage »

Offline shed

Must agree, they work very hard for their money £ £ £ £ £ £.
They deserve a pay rise  :)

It's ok. I know you want one too. So here you are  :D

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