Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Duo information  (Read 393 times)

Offline Tongue in Cheeks

Morning folks,

Looking for some intel on a duo booking, all the pros and cons of such a meet. Not done this as yet but seriously thinking about giving it a whirl. I have spoken briefly with girls that offer this service so looking at the next steps.

What are the good/bad things to watch out for?

Could imagine it is like a kid in a sweet shop wondering what to have next or how to control what happens.

I generally go for a 1 hour booking and always use the time agreed with just 1 girl so imagine 2 could be a bit of a rush or not so organised. Wouldnt want to spend double the money for it all to go fits up so to speak.

Would you choose girls you have seen singular as a duo or 2 you haven’t seen before? I wouldn’t want to try it and be underwhelmed by the whole thing.

I have read several reviews about how good they can be but there must be some disasters out there especially for the first time, maybe I’m wrong and thinking too much into it?

Any comments or suggestions would be helpful as a first timer at this.

Thanks in advance.