Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Girls in hotel bars  (Read 1745 times)

Offline ianp1976

Does anyone have any experience of picking up WGs in Midlands hotel bars? If so where should I be looking?

Roland D Hay

  • Guest
Strange question... Why would you bother? Girls don't hang about in bars waiting for punters, you may have been watching too many American movies. If you want to meet a girl in a bar, book her and arrange to meet her there.

Offline ianp1976

Strange question... Why would you bother? Girls don't hang about in bars waiting for punters, you may have been watching too many American movies. If you want to meet a girl in a bar, book her and arrange to meet her there.

You are right, I have been watching too many movies, I just wanted to see if it actually did happen anywhere in the Midlands (I read somewhere about several London hotels,) seemed fun and different way of meeting girls.

FYI, I will be arranging to meet a girl at my hotel but not in the bar, seems a waste of time if not spontaneous.

Offline Northerndave666

Used to happen in Sachas hotel in Manchester many a year ago (pre Adultwork), lots of single businessman sitting around hotel bars at night !)

Offline robzombie898

Still happens in London. Go to Novikov on any night at around 10 and you'll see a few beautiful women smoking right at the entrance. Go next to them and light a smoke and you'll get all the details you need. Make sure you have £800 + to spend on these women if you want to spend a night with them.

Now I know Novikov isn't a hotel.

Offline webpunter

Still happens in London. Go to Novikov on any night at around 10 and you'll see a few beautiful women smoking right at the entrance. Go next to them and light a smoke and you'll get all the details you need. Make sure you have £800 + to spend on these women if you want to spend a night with them.
Now I know Novikov isn't a hotel.
What a spot.  Have been there but earlier in the evening.  Quite quiet  Have you given this a whirl ? I'd be a bit wary only as russian girlies i presume.  And i don't want to speak with some girlie to find that she's not on the game & her OH is involved in lots of interesting stuff.  So a bit harder to figure them out.  Did they seem up for anything shorter ?  Like an hour or two - which would enable them to get back to the place & get their overnighter

Offline robzombie898


Indeed, I've gone through the process. They won't even look at you if you talk about a 1 or 2 hour session. There is afixed group of English, Russian and Middle Easter women and the most beautiful ones. It seems like they are te finest apples that have been plucked.

Give it a try only if you want the high of picking up a lady from an exclusive location. The reason I'm saying this is because the service isn't any better than what you'll get from a good WG on AW (I haven't tried all the girls, been with thre I think)

One of the experiences though was absolutely amazing and I would pay a fortune for that experience....