Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: How do you research your punts?  (Read 467 times)

Offline DocJohnson

I typically spend quite a while weighing up reviews, AW/VS info, location, price, thinking about what it is that draws me to a particular SP, if there’s any potential to be fucked over - in a bad way (and if so how..)  - as well as finding plan B’s, C’s and D’s nearby.

I do this reasonably extensively because I enjoy it but also because if I act on spur of the moment, my dick would do too much of the thinking for me. I think I’d be more likely to have bad experiences.

I condense the info about each SP into a few notes and gradually compile a quick reference Hot List with my own thoughts. A real example on my HL would be set out as follows:

Location: Hemel Hempsted
Name: Karinna Latina
Cost: 110/180
Thoughts: Early 40’s, tall but slim toned big titted Latino milf with good DT. Well reviewed, smart flat and free parking at Asda.

I link the UKP summary review page in my HL, instead of the AW link, directly because it allows me to quickly check for latest reviews prior to booking. I also drop my own thoughts down because I know I can trust those most of all based on all the research I’ve done (rather than one particular punter’s experience).

I’m interested how other members research and identify punts and whether you keep a crib sheet like mine? Am I OTT and in the minority with this kind of research?

What other research prior to a punt do you chaps do, aside from the above?

Offline HappyHarryIV

research on AW, google the phone number with or without the +44, use Tineye on the pics, look at AW and VS daily so I can tell if someone is new in town. Sometimes ignore the research and go with how the dick is thinking and hope for the best. Sometimes its also about the thrill of not knowing what you are going to get.

Only ever walk with the correct amount of cash and no cards. Don't usually park right outside either.

In this game some you will win and some you wont

Offline Ghost89

I generally do my recce here to start with. A quick text to the wg to try and get a general location as well as to gauge how good their comms are. I’ll then use google maps street view so I know what kind of location it’s at, how safe, discreet etc. And of course travel time.

Online LLPunting

research on AW, google the phone number with or without the +44, use Tineye on the pics, look at AW and VS daily so I can tell if someone is new in town. Sometimes ignore the research and go with how the dick is thinking and hope for the best. Sometimes its also about the thrill of not knowing what you are going to get.

Only ever walk with the correct amount of cash and no cards. Don't usually park right outside either.

In this game some you will win and some you wont

TinEye is probably the worst for pic searches for SPs.  Always also run the pics from Yandex and GRIS.  For the Chinese ones, if you really don't think they're B&S by default then perhaps use a Chinese pic search too.

Offline SamOmar

I don't have much patience, I hate to research, plan in advance, do my homework some more only for my plans to change or the WG to not be available for some reason. In my mind on the day I have plan a,b,c and go for a punt.
Banned reason: Undesirable, convicted sex trafficker / pimp
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Offline DocJohnson

TinEye is probably the worst for pic searches for SPs.  Always also run the pics from Yandex and GRIS.  For the Chinese ones, if you really don't think they're B&S by default then perhaps use a Chinese pic search too.

Interesting - I’ve never used TinEye or Yandex but have used GRIS (although took me a mo to decode the acronym!). Good to have a few more weapons to defeat the enemy with. Thanks  :drinks:

The TGTBT ads and uncorroborated reviews always seem risky.

But on the other hand the excitement of potentially unearthing a gem makes me want to take more of a risk occasionally.  I’m more likely to do that when stars align with my diary and if I’m feeling flush.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2021, 12:00:32 am by DocJohnson »

Offline DocJohnson

I generally do my recce here to start with. A quick text to the wg to try and get a general location as well as to gauge how good their comms are. I’ll then use google maps street view so I know what kind of location it’s at, how safe, discreet etc. And of course travel time.

 :thumbsup: I agree re google maps. Useful tool. I have also decided not to proceed with punts before when the comms are sketchy or I have a suspicious feeling. I back my intuition most of the time when it comes to it.

Offline Bikerman

I see if they have a pulse...if they have then its a chance lol
Seriously though i see if they fit my needs then few texts and google earth and of course any reviews on here help a lor
Banned reason: Shitstiring troll
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Longshot

I keep tabs on their profile for a week or so to check they are logging on frequently and therefore active.

The good old days you could check their feed back to see who else was booking her and if you shared similar tastes with her previous punters.  Hopefully the booking system.will reopen soon.

Always run her aw number through here to see what previous reports have been made.  Often brings up old profiles where the girl has since changed her name etc.

After all that, every booking is still a lottery, youre never guaranteed a decent session even with the most well reviewed girls.