Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Guys of the southwest forum can you help?  (Read 2460 times)

Offline dp2307

Hi Guys,

A While back I read a review of a SP and have since been trying to locate the review or find her profile on AW. Unfortunately I do not know the name of the lady in question but these are the things I do remember
her incalls taking place somewhere on the outskirts of Bath, her being in her mid to late 40’s even early 50’s possibly, she was a blond I think and seem to recall she had a brief sabbatical after injuring her self falling down so stairs?
That’s all the clues I have so far and would appreciate if any of you could pick your brains and help me out on my wild goose chase
Thanks  :thumbsup:

Offline daviemac

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You sound like a stalker who may not know her working name and are trying to find it out. What other reason could there possibly be for trying to locate this one SP and we don't help those who appear to be stalkers on here.

Book one who's profile you can see then leave a review.

You've been a member for over a year and this is your first post, you need to make some kind of useful contributions if you want to stay on here.

Offline scutty brown

Why the sudden interest? Do you want to throw her downstairs again?

Offline joninbristol

Hi Guys,

A While back I read a review of a SP and have since been trying to locate the review or find her profile on AW. Unfortunately I do not know the name of the lady in question but these are the things I do remember
her incalls taking place somewhere on the outskirts of Bath, her being in her mid to late 40’s even early 50’s possibly, she was a blond I think and seem to recall she had a brief sabbatical after injuring her self falling down so stairs?
That’s all the clues I have so far and would appreciate if any of you could pick your brains and help me out on my wild goose chase
Thanks  :thumbsup:

I'm not going to be quite so harsh, but it does sound immediately suspicious what you're asking for. If you'd met her, you'd have comms or her contact details already. So on the basis of what you've stated, it seems that you've never met her. Which then kind of supports what daviemac stated - it does come across as stalking, and I'm trying to be as lenient and even handed as possible here.

Bottom line is, if she was working, and (VERY importantly) wanted to be found, she's going to advertise as such. That's HER right to control her findability, not anyone else's, and she does not have to justify her reasons for wanting privacy. You, I, nor anyone else here have any right whatsover to infringe on her right to choose to be a private citizen, which is why the responses have been so harsh, as the majority of us DO respect that right, just as we would want our privacy to be respected. Otherwise, we're as deplorable as the universally hated paparazzi. She doesn't want to be found, obviously.

Trying to single out and find one specific person who's not easily findable on any of the common sites does come across as somewhat creepy. Even to another man, and at that one who's trying to keep an open mind. Probably the most friendly answer you're going to get today. This is exacerbated even more so by the undeniable fact that this is your one and only post since joining. It makes your "enquiry" triple creepy. As hell. And very, very suspicious.

Personally, I'd just find someone else who matches your age/description needs and rock on. Forget about her.  <<-- Best advice.


« Last Edit: October 18, 2020, 12:12:27 pm by joninbristol »

Offline Paris69

Banned reason: Idiot fantasist
Banned by: daviemac

Offline dp2307

Jesus Christ guys didn’t realise asking a question would cause so much of a stir! I’m no stalker and have never met the lady in question. I remember reading a good review of her a while back and remember thinking if I’m going to break my SP virginity then she seems like my type of lady I.e British, blond, milf type plus the review talked of how hot she was.
I’ve searched the SW review section on here and have searched AW but can’t seem to find her so was just wondering if anyone had any info as to if she is still working or not.
Definitely not a stalker just always fancied seeing this lady

Offline Mr Doodle

Thay may be the case, but if she's not advertising (or advertising on a reasonably well known platform), then she probably doesn't want to be found, has a solid repeat client base, or advetrises on platforms designed for specific clients. If she was reviewed on here, then take a look at the reviews around the time you saw her...

Offline dp2307

I'm not going to be quite so harsh, but it does sound immediately suspicious what you're asking for. If you'd met her, you'd have comms or her contact details already. So on the basis of what you've stated, it seems that you've never met her. Which then kind of supports what daviemac stated - it does come across as stalking, and I'm trying to be as lenient and even handed as possible here.

Bottom line is, if she was working, and (VERY importantly) wanted to be found, she's going to advertise as such. That's HER right to control her findability, not anyone else's, and she does not have to justify her reasons for wanting privacy. You, I, nor anyone else here have any right whatsover to infringe on her right to choose to be a private citizen, which is why the responses have been so harsh, as the majority of us DO respect that right, just as we would want our privacy to be respected. Otherwise, we're as deplorable as the universally hated paparazzi. She doesn't want to be found, obviously.

Trying to single out and find one specific person who's not easily findable on any of the common sites does come across as somewhat creepy. Even to another man, and at that one who's trying to keep an open mind. Probably the most friendly answer you're going to get today. This is exacerbated even more so by the undeniable fact that this is your one and only post since joining. It makes your "enquiry" triple creepy. As hell. And very, very suspicious.

Personally, I'd just find someone else who matches your age/description needs and rock on. Forget about her.  <<-- Best advice.

Yes I’ve been a member but have yet to pluck up the courage to visit a SP. For a first time visit I didn’t want to go to a bait and switch or to a mechanical Rom that’s why I’m looking for this lady as I remember thinking she ticks all the boxes if I ever were to finally dip my toe in the water and now my personal circumstances have changed I’m ready to take the plunge and start to contribute.
Thanks for the replies even if they weren’t what I was expecting

Online bdyno

Yes I’ve been a member but have yet to pluck up the courage to visit a SP. For a first time visit I didn’t want to go to a bait and switch or to a mechanical Rom that’s why I’m looking for this lady as I remember thinking she ticks all the boxes if I ever were to finally dip my toe in the water and now my personal circumstances have changed I’m ready to take the plunge and start to contribute.
Thanks for the replies even if they weren’t what I was expecting
If that's the case, forget about this mythical woman you're talking about.  The best thing you can do is to search AW for profiles of women who fit what you're looking for.  Then search for them on here to find reviews.  When you find a well reviewed woman who you like, go see her and post a review here.

Unfortunately people who haven't contributed don't tend to receive much help around here.  This site is a great resource, but someone starting out does need to earn the trust of a vocal inner circle of users who have seen too many lurkers over the years to give out advice freely.  And this particular request does sound a bit stalker ish.

But you're a step ahead of where I was before I found this place.  I didn't even know B&S was a thing for the first year or two I was punting, it was only when I finally had my first Romanian experience I started searching for reviews outside the AW feedback and stumbled across this place.

Offline joninbristol

+1 on that.

The other problem is that men sometimes use places like this to track down and stalk WGs who want nothing to do with them because of their previous behaviour. This might be a random incident where a guy's visited a WG and become fixated with her and she's blocked him, but he's not accepting that.

Alternatively, it may be a situation where the WG has had a previous civvie relationship with the man in question who has committed a domestic violence crime, has had the support and bottle to get out of his circle, and he's now trying to track her down, knowing that she used to do this type of work. It's a way in to commit violence and psychological abuse against her, both of which are serious crimes.

However, given that the police and more so courts are sometimes dismissive of violence towards WGs, that leaves them in a precarious situation with little help or legal address.

Most men don't act like this towards women and find men who commit violence and stalking against them particularly repugnant, and will broadly protect all women from it. Even hardcore criminals doing time treat these types of "men" as the lowest of the low. That's why you're getting a very strong reaction, this being your first post, AND specifically trying to find one woman in particular in a specific location who has "fallen down the stairs", a common euphemism that domestic violence victims are told to use by their attackers if anyone asks, after he has given her a vicious physical beating.

Hope this helps you to understand why you've had the reaction you've had, even though your motives may well be completely innocent. You're unlikely to get any specific help with finding one specific person for the reasons I've stated above. But as others have also stated, there are plenty of reviews on here that will help you to dodge the B&S brigade and mechanical Romanians, just do a little simple research.
After all, that's the entire raison d'etre of this site.

« Last Edit: October 19, 2020, 08:52:21 am by joninbristol »

Offline daviemac

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Jesus Christ guys didn’t realise asking a question would cause so much of a stir! I’m no stalker and have never met the lady in question. I remember reading a good review of her a while back and remember thinking if I’m going to break my SP virginity then she seems like my type of lady I.e British, blond, milf type plus the review talked of how hot she was.
I’ve searched the SW review section on here and have searched AW but can’t seem to find her so was just wondering if anyone had any info as to if she is still working or not.
Definitely not a stalker just always fancied seeing this lady
Take a step back and think about what you have posted, you want to break your punting duck so, instead of looking for a suitable SP, on the strength of one review on here, you decide to try and find one who may or may not be still working and who's name you do not know. There's no logic to that, if you had been that keen you would have made a note of her name and profile link.

I've had dealings with stalkers on here before and none of them have admitted to being a stalker, when in some cases the police involvement says otherwise. 

It's a sad fact of life escorts get stalkers, address collectors, ex partners using this site to find them and all kinds of weirdos.

I would be prepared to bet that we will not see a review from you, purely because I don't believe you are a punter and I don't believe you are looking for her to book her for an escort meet. Feel free to prove me wrong, book someone else and post a review.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2020, 10:47:44 am by daviemac »

Offline Freejack77

I’m a little more inclined to be sympathetic here, I spent a LONG time plucking up the courage for my first and researched a lot before I even knew about this place. Not to mention my first review on here got totally panned because I wrote a positive and folk disagreed, so assumed it was a con.

Either way poster, genuine or not, you clearly need to move on from the one you’d focussed on. Accept that some you like may mot be around for too long, find one that’s active now that fits your bill and get involved.

Offline Mr Doodle

There's a difference between plucking up the courage, and fixating on a WG you saw an ad for some time ago - so long, you can't remember who. If there was a review, and it was near batch, it would be in the South West reviews and one would trawl through reviews until they went beyond the timeframe one looked..

As daviemac says, you can work through reviews here, and select a positive one that matches.. As it is, on the first page of reviews for the South West, there is a blonde well kept WG with a positive review. Not Bath, but with a car, not too far away.  Why focus about one particular WG that you have never met before that looks no longer to be working, unless you want something different than a simple, but great punt? If it aint stalking, is the potential punter hoping to have a fulfilling relationship?

OK, I even took some time to pluck up the courage to see my first WG.. was conflicted about the morality of it - and I was single at the time (had come off a LT relationship). But as Donna Summer sang (presumably from a WG perspective), "I got what you want, you got what I need...".. They want you to visit (unless you;re a stalker, nutter, etc)... that is what they are paid for.

Offline dp2307

Since posting this morning I’ve been labelled a potential stalker, a creep, a domestic abuser, someone wanting to fulfil a relationship, and doubts that I’m even a punter at all although that last one is true I suppose given I’ve not met with a SP yet but Christ I’m after a shag that’s all no ulterior motives here!

I have now managed to locate the SP profile after taking on the advice and narrowing down my search criteria on AW. The reason I didn’t find her reviews on here was there are so many pages to go through its like finding a needle in a haystack especially without a name so I suppose I’m guilty of being a little lazy by posting what clues I had and hoping someone would know of the lady in question and there for saving myself a lot of time.
Turns out she last logged on over 4 months ago (possibly because of covid) but have dropped her a message hoping she gets back to business sometime soon in the meantime I will expand my search and look for someone else.
Again I have to reiterate I’m no stalker and far from obsessed just knew that when the time came she seemed like a good place to start. Surely if I was a stalker I wouldn’t need punters on here help as I’d surely know her name or location or other details especially as she seems to have had the same profile since starting on AW? And as for comments accusing me of wanting to throw her down the stairs again I only added that as I remembered reading it at the time and I’ve since found her review on here and another punter has written it there so that is where I heard it from.
Thanks to those with constructive advice I’ll go back to square one and find another lady and hopefully review soon  :thumbsup:

Offline Fuzzyduck

Since posting this morning I’ve been labelled a potential stalker, a creep, a domestic abuser, someone wanting to fulfil a relationship, and doubts that I’m even a punter at all although that last one is true I suppose given I’ve not met with a SP yet but Christ I’m after a shag that’s all no ulterior motives here!

I have now managed to locate the SP profile after taking on the advice and narrowing down my search criteria on AW. The reason I didn’t find her reviews on here was there are so many pages to go through its like finding a needle in a haystack especially without a name so I suppose I’m guilty of being a little lazy by posting what clues I had and hoping someone would know of the lady in question and there for saving myself a lot of time.
Turns out she last logged on over 4 months ago (possibly because of covid) but have dropped her a message hoping she gets back to business sometime soon in the meantime I will expand my search and look for someone else.
Again I have to reiterate I’m no stalker and far from obsessed just knew that when the time came she seemed like a good place to start. Surely if I was a stalker I wouldn’t need punters on here help as I’d surely know her name or location or other details especially as she seems to have had the same profile since starting on AW? And as for comments accusing me of wanting to throw her down the stairs again I only added that as I remembered reading it at the time and I’ve since found her review on here and another punter has written it there so that is where I heard it from.
Thanks to those with constructive advice I’ll go back to square one and find another lady and hopefully review soon  :thumbsup:

:sarcastic: that's what all the stalkers say. You know, the kind who are trying to find out something, anything about the prey who has gone AWOL. June is a odd time to stop work due to COVID don't you think? There's no mention of COVID on her profile either; maybe she's avoiding someone. Yes her profile. You know all about B&S and mechanical Roms but claim to be unable to find her reviews on here from the information you gave us. It took me less than 10 fucking seconds. You're as dodgy as fuck.

Offline azzman99

he's on about the lovely Bristol Kate

Leave the lad alone and let him go and meet her lol

Online bdyno

he's on about the lovely Bristol Kate

Leave the lad alone and let him go and meet her lol
Well she'll certainly give him a good servicing.

Just so long as he gets himself a good MOT afterwards.

Offline rudolph hucker

he's on about the lovely Bristol Kate

Leave the lad alone and let him go and meet her lol


Offline daviemac

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Again I have to reiterate I’m no stalker and far from obsessed just knew that when the time came she seemed like a good place to start. Surely if I was a stalker I wouldn’t need punters on here help as I’d surely know her name or location or other details especially as she seems to have had the same profile since starting on AW?
There's been loads of stalkers come on here to find escorts who are avoiding them, it happens more that you think. Funny how they all say they aren't stalkers as well.

In your case time will tell, your future contributions will give some indication to your true intentions.

Offline Coriniumstud

Not a stalker then I look forward to reading your reviews  :thumbsup:

Offline Paris69

:sarcastic: that's what all the stalkers say. You know, the kind who are trying to find out something, anything about the prey who has gone AWOL. June is a odd time to stop work due to COVID don't you think? There's no mention of COVID on her profile either; maybe she's avoiding someone. Yes her profile. You know all about B&S and mechanical Roms but claim to be unable to find her reviews on here from the information you gave us. It took me less than 10 fucking seconds. You're as dodgy as fuck.

+ 1  ^^^^^
Banned reason: Idiot fantasist
Banned by: daviemac

Offline scutty brown

Since posting this morning I’ve been labelled a potential stalker, a creep, a domestic abuser, someone wanting to fulfil a relationship, and doubts that I’m even a punter at all although that last one is true I suppose given I’ve not met with a SP yet but Christ I’m after a shag that’s all no ulterior motives here!

So you understand what we think of you
That's a good start