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Author Topic: 7% of students turned to sex work during covid  (Read 8252 times)

Offline Mr Sinister

I've come across them dwelling on certain places on the net  like Craigslist is full of girls trying to sell pics, saying they're not interested in meeting up, same on tinder. Most of these girls think it is easy work like guys will be lining up to buy their shit content or trying to play the victim. Had a dabble in trying to meet girls was just too much hard work especially for what was on offer or would come across actual WG. In the end its much easier to fuck a civvie for nothing off dating apps than trying to go down that route. I'm intrigued by seeking but put off by the membership charge cause I'm doing fine with the free apps.

Offline joninbristol

I hear everything you are saying, but what I do not understand is why you assume that a growth in gaming and streaming will have a material impact on sport. I just don't see the link, and I've seen nothing to suggest otherwise. It's a completely different strand that will co-exist and develop in its own right, and if I were to hazard a guess I very much doubt that it views itself as a legitimate threat to sport. Your argument would hold more weight if you had evidence to suggest that that gaming and streaming has had a material impact on sport attendances. But hey, you could just be ahead of the curve and I have it all wrong!   

Agreed, completely, they'll continue to exist happily side by side. I used to do both when I was younger, at national level. Just getting bored with video games made me give it up, injury later put paid to sport. Can't see either disappearing any time soon. Equally, although I never play video games these days, I can't see why it's not an equally good recreational form for adults than say attending football or rugby matches, and certainly better than getting pissed up every night. Lets you relax and disconnect from the crap you have to put up with at work without harming anyone else, and focuses your mind and reactions. All the addiction talk is total bollocks from the think of the children brigade, with no scientific evidence. If people enjoy it, I say let 'em get on with in, it's harmless in the big scheme of things.

« Last Edit: September 13, 2020, 11:56:02 pm by joninbristol »

Offline Payyourwaymate

Don't worry your not missing much there considering video games are pretty juvenile and adults who play them constantly are immature. It's so sad to see so many of my fellow millennials wasting their lives away on video games when there are so many opportunities in life to experience and adult orientated hobbies to partake in. Video games are not a healthy hobby for an adult  :thumbsup:

You live in a bubble. I don't know if you live in london or not but everything you mention to do costs money...a lot of people live paycheck to paycheck, so where will the money come from to do these activities and "opportunities" you speak of?

Want to have a hobby? Costs money.

Go out with friends and socialise? Costs money.

Go on holiday? Costs money.

Join a club? Costs money.

Chase an endeavour? Guess what....Costs money.

I think one can start to get the idea here, everything costs money...far more than one video game.

Why is it hard for you to grasp that people who play video games can have a balanced lifestyle?

I see plenty of people in there 30s and 40s who don't even have time to play video games and do the so called "opportunities" you speak of and they look miserable or look like they are living in quiet desperation. Lets be honest here, adult living is a bunch of shit unless you have money to realise everything you would like to do. You are the one who needs to get a grip and take a look at the life people are living around you, not people playing video games.

Offline daviemac

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Don't worry your not missing much there considering video games are pretty juvenile and adults who play them constantly are immature. It's so sad to see so many of my fellow millennials wasting their lives away on video games when there are so many opportunities in life to experience and adult orientated hobbies to partake in. Video games are not a healthy hobby for an adult  :thumbsup:
Yet more utter rubbish posted by you, care to explain how quite a few video games are rated as over 18's therefore deemed to be only suitable for adults??

Can you define what an "adult orientated" hobby is?? and why playing video games is any less of a hobby than any other.

If you think for one minute those who play video games are sitting alone playing the game by themselves you are extremely naive, people can join groups and play against others from all over the world.  Oh and there's a bit of socialising going on as well.

Offline Marmalade

How utterly off-track a promising punting thread has aimlessly wandered!

If we put out heads together, even with the brain fuddlement that goes with lack of sex during lockdown — some brains clearly more susceptible to fuddlememt than others — could we not come up with ways to avail ourselves of this glorious 7%??

A best homeland punt must have been as the first recipient of some student’s desire to start working. Completely natural, unfeigned ‘GFE’ and it disappeared after a couple of months of pounding by Messers All-and-Sundry.

They like to be as discreet as possible — at least for kick off — AW is not showing a massive rise in 19yr-old concupiscence. Who’s done some data analysis of Vivastreet and other fair fanny hideouts? Saying “they all go on Seeking” is as depressing and it gets as it means no useful exchange of info. How many have sampled bona fide new offerings?  :unknown:

As the premiere punting site surely we can come up with more than arguing over video games.  :timeout:

(At least, one might hope, the less befuddled among us.  :thumbsup: :hi: Any offers?)

Offline billybobsmith

Can't say I've ever considered Vivastreet.  Comes across as a major minefield for me, and at least with AW and SA, there's some chance in my eyes of not being scammed.

Would have thought OnlyFans and SA would have been the first places most girls would go to due them being the most well known.
Tinder following closely behind as a potential springboard for them.  A few profiles do have Snapchat and OF links, SC being used generally to sell videos etc. via a private account.

The college near me has only just gone back so it's early days to see whether there is an actual upsurge in student numbers.  A few university courses are online, so it might be that some girls stay home, although I do know of a few that have moved into house shares in places such as Loughborough.
Ones I've met off SA seem to be more well versed in how things work and have a jaded attitude rather than the sweet, innocent, girl out to please providing a far more genuine GFE experience.

Offline mace-window

Don't worry your not missing much there considering video games are pretty juvenile and adults who play them constantly are immature. It's so sad to see so many of my fellow millennials wasting their lives away on video games when there are so many opportunities in life to experience and adult orientated hobbies to partake in. Video games are not a healthy hobby for an adult  :thumbsup:

You live in a bubble. I don't know if you live in london or not but everything you mention to do costs money...a lot of people live paycheck to paycheck, so where will the money come from to do these activities and "opportunities" you speak of?

Want to have a hobby? Costs money.

Go out with friends and socialise? Costs money.

Go on holiday? Costs money.

Join a club? Costs money.

Chase an endeavour? Guess what....Costs money.

I think one can start to get the idea here, everything costs money...far more than one video game.

Why is it hard for you to grasp that people who play video games can have a balanced lifestyle?

I see plenty of people in there 30s and 40s who don't even have time to play video games and do the so called "opportunities" you speak of and they look miserable or look like they are living in quiet desperation. Lets be honest here, adult living is a bunch of shit unless you have money to realise everything you would like to do. You are the one who needs to get a grip and take a look at the life people are living around you, not people playing video games.

I told myself to never comment on County Militia's posts but I had to say something about this. I don't play video games that much these days due to the way video games companies treat the customers and try to rip them off as much as possible (that was not much the case back in 90's or 2000 - 2010 in my opinion). But it annoys me a bit when guys say video games are immature or not art. Are they games like modern COD which is just brain dead fun? Yes a lot them. But they are couple of video games which are some of most thought provoking video games out there. Like Metal Gear Solid 2, Deus EX and Star Wars Knight of Old republic 2 (scary how the message in those games are coming truer in today's society), Spec Ops: The Line is one of best video games stories out there about war, Shadow of colossus and Okami is basically 3D moving art on a screen, Silent Hill's games which is one of best horror medias out there and many many more which can go toe to toe with any block buster movies, a great book or music albums. Heck some of Call of Duty 4 modern warfare 1 and 2 message was anti war and showed the horrors of war and terrorism.

Metal Gear Solid 2 had a message about the internet and censorship in 2001 when the internet was still a baby. Not even any great book at the time had such a message written. Only a bloody video game. So the guys saying video games are immature, maybe play some video games first then to say such a statement. It as almost as bad as people who say metal is noise when they are bands who play actually melody.   

Yes they are people who will take video games to far, but that's like most entertainment, they are people who take their form of entertainment to far. Country Militia likes football I believe. Well they are people who take a game of a bunch of people who kick a ball around and thinks he is part of the team when actually fact here can run more than 2 mins without catching his breath to far. Yes they are a section of guys who don't know how look after themselves or know how to do any manly activities out there but know how to quick scope in Fortnite. Yes that is a problem with some modern men but I doubt it's only video games causing that problem.

Yes they are so many opportunities in life to experience and adult orientated hobbies to partake in out there but like Payyourwaymate pointed out not many working people will have the money or time to to travel and take part of such opportunities (depending of the job and the opportunities they took in their life). That and they may have families to look after. And nothing is better than to wind down and play a video game after a long day of work which aren't something that bad. Heck some video games help with your Brain function well due to the game being complex and hard (games like Tekken or Starcraft I used to play springs to mind).

I don't play video games as I don't like being ripped off by companies removing content and making you pay for that removed content as DLC (though video game companies has been getting better in recent years - see games like Doom 2016 or Resident evil 7 for examples). But video games aren't immature and people like CM need to take a look at the life people are living around him.

Also like punting, take everything in moderation as you could end up broke.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2020, 02:53:50 pm by mace-window »

Offline billybobsmith

I would love to know where half these students get money from.  Either their parents are dropping 1000s on them every month to get drunk, be out in cocktail bars / steak restaurants most nights (and these girls always seem to end up with a 1st class degree as well), or they're seriously in debt trying to keep up with everyone else.
Got a load on Instagram and other social media, some of who I work with, and it's amazing how many drive £30-40k Audis or Mercedes; seem to be out at Manchester cocktail bars multiple times a week and eating out in places that cost more than my monthly food budget, yet are low paid workers such as hairdressers or beauticians, not working at all, or living on student loans at the very least.

Offline Steely Dan

I would love to know where half these students get money from. 
They get it from me in exchange for me getting to fuck them.  :cool:

Offline billybobsmith

They get it from me in exchange for me getting to fuck them.  :cool:

That explains it then! ;)

One girl on Snapchat has put up a snap where some boy has mentioned "saw you on you sell nudes?"
Anyone know about this Bumble?  Seems to be a dating site although haven't created a fake account yet to see what's what.

Offline Gordon Bennett

That explains it then! ;)

One girl on Snapchat has put up a snap where some boy has mentioned "saw you on you sell nudes?"
Anyone know about this Bumble?  Seems to be a dating site although haven't created a fake account yet to see what's what.

All these new online platforms baffle me - makes me feel like I've turned into one of those OAPs who still struggle with decimal coinage. BUT....... I still find it hard to believe the thousands of youngsters and students turning to these sites would let an ugly old git like me paw and maul them? I honestly think that pursuing experienced independent milfy escorts is the most economic and effective way for me to get my leg over.

Offline saiyens22

I mean 7% seem a bit excessive and yeah they most likely do online stuff.

Nevertheless is one wanted to meet non professional SP, which website would you recommend ? I mean beside the obvious Tinder and POF where I can't seem to get a match.


Offline billybobsmith

I mean 7% seem a bit excessive and yeah they most likely do online stuff.

Nevertheless is one wanted to meet non professional SP, which website would you recommend ? I mean beside the obvious Tinder and POF where I can't seem to get a match.


SA is probably your best bet, although there are too many hardened pros, semi-pros and student types who seem a little too versed in how things work.
There might be some decent ones there, but I've not come across any yet.   As soon as sex seems to be mentioned, it becomes a case of "all he wants to do is shag me and then move on so I might as well take the cash and get it over with".

I found a couple on Tinder last night who mentioned Snapchat on their profiles and both those have SA profiles local to me.  One definitely looks far better on SA than SC as well.

Created a fake Tinder profile earlier, sticking myself down as a 21yo and had 2 matches, who are chatting a bit, within a couple of minutes.  Stick yourself down as in your 40s or above, and 99.99999% won't go near you with someone else's bargepole (even women the same sort of age).  The ones that might "like" you, are just swiping right on everything and will immediately unlike you if you message them.

The audacious approach would be to try your luck in person.  Sure someone in the old SA thread printed off some business cards saying (or hinting to avoid any solicitation) what they were after, and popped to a university and handed some out to 8-9/10s and got some positive responses later.

Offline bushman

I told myself to never comment on County Militia's posts but I had to say something about this. I don't play video games that much these days due to the way video games companies treat the customers and try to rip them off as much as possible (that was not much the case back in 90's or 2000 - 2010 in my opinion). But it annoys me a bit when guys say video games are immature or not art. Are they games like modern COD which is just brain dead fun? Yes a lot them. But they are couple of video games which are some of most thought provoking video games out there. Like Metal Gear Solid 2, Deus EX and Star Wars Knight of Old republic 2 (scary how the message in those games are coming truer in today's society), Spec Ops: The Line is one of best video games stories out there about war, Shadow of colossus and Okami is basically 3D moving art on a screen, Silent Hill's games which is one of best horror medias out there and many many more which can go toe to toe with any block buster movies, a great book or music albums. Heck some of Call of Duty 4 modern warfare 1 and 2 message was anti war and showed the horrors of war and terrorism.

Metal Gear Solid 2 had a message about the internet and censorship in 2001 when the internet was still a baby. Not even any great book at the time had such a message written. Only a bloody video game. So the guys saying video games are immature, maybe play some video games first then to say such a statement. It as almost as bad as people who say metal is noise when they are bands who play actually melody.   

Yes they are people who will take video games to far, but that's like most entertainment, they are people who take their form of entertainment to far. Country Militia likes football I believe. Well they are people who take a game of a bunch of people who kick a ball around and thinks he is part of the team when actually fact here can run more than 2 mins without catching his breath to far. Yes they are a section of guys who don't know how look after themselves or know how to do any manly activities out there but know how to quick scope in Fortnite. Yes that is a problem with some modern men but I doubt it's only video games causing that problem.

Yes they are so many opportunities in life to experience and adult orientated hobbies to partake in out there but like Payyourwaymate pointed out not many working people will have the money or time to to travel and take part of such opportunities (depending of the job and the opportunities they took in their life). That and they may have families to look after. And nothing is better than to wind down and play a video game after a long day of work which aren't something that bad. Heck some video games help with your Brain function well due to the game being complex and hard (games like Tekken or Starcraft I used to play springs to mind).

I don't play video games as I don't like being ripped off by companies removing content and making you pay for that removed content as DLC (though video game companies has been getting better in recent years - see games like Doom 2016 or Resident evil 7 for examples). But video games aren't immature and people like CM need to take a look at the life people are living around him.

Also like punting, take everything in moderation as you could end up broke.
Last game I played was Street fighter in an arcade decades ago. Video games isn't an interest, however some Cosplay girls are sexy as fuck.
My only concern with the amount of time folk spend playing games is the potential health implications on the long run due to the sedatory lifestyle associated with it. I think the more it becomes a norm the more people will get "addicted" to it. My nephew (17year) old really good physical sports player will play nights away if his parents aren't strict.

I digress, I have a thing for Harley Quinn. So young students dressing up as some of these characters do it for me.

Offline Home Alone

... I still find it hard to believe the thousands of youngsters and students turning to these sites would let an ugly old git like me paw and maul them? I honestly think that pursuing experienced independent milfy escorts is the most economic and effective way for me to get my leg over.

Despite your avatar looking a few years older than mine, Gordon, I get the impression that you're actually a few years younger than me. So I can say I identify with every word I've quoted above, especially the bit I've put in bold.

Even as one who is less fluffy than I used to be, I still want the SP to give me at least the impression that we're both enjoying ourselves and I fear that the arrival of someone who could have been at school with her grandad would make it difficult for even the most professional of these SBs [as I believe they're called!].

Offline bhudda

Despite your avatar looking a few years older than mine, Gordon, I get the impression that you're actually a few years younger than me. So I can say I identify with every word I've quoted above, especially the bit I've put in bold.

Even as one who is less fluffy than I used to be, I still want the SP to give me at least the impression that we're both enjoying ourselves and I fear that the arrival of someone who could have been at school with her grandad would make it difficult for even the most professional of these SBs [as I believe they're called!].

I dont know how old you gents are but from experience some wgs and sbs seem to genuinely prefer old gits ... one wg i saw some years ago who only ever gets clients by responding to reverse bookings so she can pick and choose actually complained that i looked younger than she expected. She still shagged like a demented rabbit though ...  but after several meets it became apparent she had "issues"

Offline mace-window

Last game I played was Street fighter in an arcade decades ago. Video games isn't an interest, however some Cosplay girls are sexy as fuck.
My only concern with the amount of time folk spend playing games is the potential health implications on the long run due to the sedatory lifestyle associated with it. I think the more it becomes a norm the more people will get "addicted" to it. My nephew (17year) old really good physical sports player will play nights away if his parents aren't strict.

I digress, I have a thing for Harley Quinn. So young students dressing up as some of these characters do it for me.

I agree with you. But I doubt people are not going out doing manly things only due to video games which I explained earlier. My point was that not all video games are immature which I pointed out with some of games which were mature in their tone.

Offline Watts.E.Dunn

I dont know how old you gents are but from experience some wgs and sbs seem to genuinely prefer old gits ... one wg i saw some years ago who only ever gets clients by responding to reverse bookings so she can pick and choose actually complained that i looked younger than she expected. She still shagged like a demented rabbit though ...  but after several meets it became apparent she had "issues"

I've had a few Escorts tell me that they like older blokes as they tend to treat them as human beings and give them a good time too!
« Last Edit: September 17, 2020, 01:10:48 pm by Watts.E.Dunn »

Offline bushman

I've had a few Escorts tell me that they like older blokes as they tend to treat them as human beings and give them a good time too!
Don't believe all that they tell you in the room. Go to the Saafe site and see what they think when they are anonymous. :hi:
But I agree there is a % of guys who treat them like pieces of meat.
I know myself I get really pissed off if it's a B&S or significant different from profile photos.

Offline mace-window

I've had a few Escorts tell me that they like older blokes as they tend to treat them as human beings and give them a good time too!

Like bushman pointed out, don't believe what escorts tell you. Most likely they like Older guys as most older blokes either know what they are doing in the bedroom or (more likely) don't have the energy for a marathon fuck (that and most WG would not like to have a marathon fuck with someone they don't find attractive), have more money so more likely to be a regular customer and older guy have more things to talk about (more life experiences than us young guys). That and young WG may know the client.

Yes they are some guys out there who will treat the WG like meat but I doubt it mostly young guys. I seen many young guys (as being one myself) and most are clueless to women nature and 9/10 times treat almost 90% of females like queens. Only young guy who would treat WG's badly won't be a member of UKP or a punter as he will be getting to much sex for free. Personally I think the guys who would treat WG's bad are the very few older guys who are rich, jaded and divorced and bitter towards women.

This scene brings to mind those few type of guys: External Link/Members Only     

Offline LLPunting

Don't believe all that they tell you in the room. Go to the Saafe site and see what they think when they are anonymous. :hi:
But I agree there is a % of guys who treat them like pieces of meat.
I know myself I get really pissed off if it's a B&S or significant different from profile photos.

SAAFE participants are not wholly representative of the WG/SP population.  Unless you can identify a SAAFE contributor posting one thing and saying the opposite to clients your point is just your conjecture based on hearsay.

Offline LLPunting

Like bushman pointed out, don't believe what escorts tell you. Most likely they like Older guys as most older blokes either know what they are doing in the bedroom or (more likely) don't have the energy for a marathon fuck (that and most WG would not like to have a marathon fuck with someone they don't find attractive), have more money so more likely to be a regular customer and older guy have more things to talk about (more life experiences than us young guys). That and young WG may know the client.

Yes they are some guys out there who will treat the WG like meat but I doubt it mostly young guys. I seen many young guys (as being one myself) and most are clueless to women nature and 9/10 times treat almost 90% of females like queens. Only young guy who would treat WG's badly won't be a member of UKP or a punter as he will be getting to much sex for free. Personally I think the guys who would treat WG's bad are the very few older guys who are rich, jaded and divorced and bitter towards women.

This scene brings to mind those few type of guys: External Link/Members Only     

Lots of presumption and (un)concious bias in your expressed beliefs. 
Just so we're on the same page I hope you agree a marathon fuck isn't a 30 or 60 min jackhammering.

Offline billybobsmith

Just so we're on the same page I hope you agree a marathon fuck isn't a 30 or 60 min jackhammering.

That would be breaking the 3 minute barrier ;)

Offline winkywanky

I would just like to say at this juncture, that a fit 60-something is fully able to give a good pounding in appropriate circumstances, moreover, he is more likely to last a long time while doing so  :P  :hi:  ;)

Offline Home Alone

Make the most of your good health while you can, then; ww.

[Not encouraging you to break the lockdown; just thinking that none of us knows what's round the corner.]

Offline winkywanky

Exactly what we all must do. Maketh hay while the sun doth shine!  :cool:

Offline Marmalade

I've had a few Escorts tell me that they like older blokes as they tend to treat them as human beings and give them a good time too!

While there is occasionally a sliver of truth in the most remarkable bullshit, it doesn't exactly involve the Royal Academy for P4Ps to learn a level of acting which tells guys what they want to hear. Childishly simple in fact.

One famous cud-munching cow (who was a solid poster on here until her ovaries got to her brain and she started outing people) even had ready-made copious responses on her phone to paste as autoreplies.

At first it seems as if she is amazingly fast at typing well-considered, spontaneous & thoughtful answers to anything a punter texts! Then it clicks that she was just following a well-established routine, oiled by years of lubing her leather lips.

(Think of plumbers who con old ladies out of loadsa dosh. Gift of the gab still goes with street life, low-life, and even in the absence of average amounts of grey matter).

Offline County Militia

gamers are the next sport superstars. It's not always a waste of time especially when you can make millions before you turn 20. Physical sports will be dead in 30 years, you won't see anyone being paid ridiculous money to run around a field people who sit on there asses will be tho

People participating in sports events are improving and developing themselves all the time in the real world. Unlike gamers they aren't pretending that they are something their not. You really think sports like football, rugby, cricket, etc will be dead in 30 years?  Give your head a shake.

Offline County Militia

You live in a bubble. I don't know if you live in london or not but everything you mention to do costs money...a lot of people live paycheck to paycheck, so where will the money come from to do these activities and "opportunities" you speak of?

Want to have a hobby? Costs money.

Go out with friends and socialise? Costs money.

Go on holiday? Costs money.

Join a club? Costs money.

Chase an endeavour? Guess what....Costs money.

I think one can start to get the idea here, everything costs money...far more than one video game.

Why is it hard for you to grasp that people who play video games can have a balanced lifestyle?

I see plenty of people in there 30s and 40s who don't even have time to play video games and do the so called "opportunities" you speak of and they look miserable or look like they are living in quiet desperation. Lets be honest here, adult living is a bunch of shit unless you have money to realise everything you would like to do. You are the one who needs to get a grip and take a look at the life people are living around you, not people playing video games.

I don't live in a bubble. I had very little when I started out my working life and I see people all the time who struggle in life and are willing to IMPROVE themselves and I always offer to help where I can. I respect people who want to be pro active and are willing to better themselves.

Instead of moping around and complaining about having not alot I spent the better part of a decade improving myself, working hard, making sacrifices, learning skills and developing relationships to ensure I and those I care about can be successful in life. I lived in London when I was at Uni and yes of course it's expensive.

Alot of my fellow millennials these days act so entitled and expect everything to be handed to them because they aren't motivated or are only willing to put the bare minimum effort into improving themselves when that's never going to cut it. Not me though, I've earned everything I currently have.

Of course everything you listed is going to cost money, we live in a commerical world after all.

Video games are cool when your a kid because you haven't had any real life experiences yet, I had a Playstation growing up but the moment I finished school I realized that continuing to play into adulthood would be immature. It doesn't matter if you only play occasionally as an adult, at the end of the day video games are effectively an illusion and dare I say it, a waste of time. They stroke your ego and make you believe that your something your not. Then when you finish a game what have you accomplished? Absolutely nothing. In my opinion that's very depressing.

Are you one of these "gamers" or people living paycheck to paycheck? Is that why your so offended by my opinion? Try having a positive attitude, work hard, learn a trade, improve your fitness, go develop yourself as a person then you can try and live a good life.

Offline Payyourwaymate

I don't live in a bubble. I had very little when I started out my working life and I see people all the time who struggle in life and are willing to IMPROVE themselves and I always offer to help where I can. I respect people who want to be pro active and are willing to better themselves.

Instead of moping around and complaining about having not alot I spent the better part of a decade improving myself, working hard, making sacrifices, learning skills and developing relationships to ensure I and those I care about can be successful in life. I lived in London when I was at Uni and yes of course it's expensive.

Alot of my fellow millennials these days act so entitled and expect everything to be handed to them because they aren't motivated or are only willing to put the bare minimum effort into improving themselves when that's never going to cut it. Not me though, I've earned everything I currently have.

Of course everything you listed is going to cost money, we live in a commerical world after all.

Video games are cool when your a kid because you haven't had any real life experiences yet, I had a Playstation growing up but the moment I finished school I realized that continuing to play into adulthood would be immature. It doesn't matter if you only play occasionally as an adult, at the end of the day video games are effectively an illusion and dare I say it, a waste of time. They stroke your ego and make you believe that your something your not. Then when you finish a game what have you accomplished? Absolutely nothing. In my opinion that's very depressing.

Are you one of these "gamers" or people living paycheck to paycheck? Is that why your so offended by my opinion? Try having a positive attitude, work hard, learn a trade, improve your fitness, go develop yourself as a person then you can try and live a good life.

Fair enough, you are entilted to your own views. I understand what you mean when you say video games may seem like a waste of time compared to doing something more beneficial to the individual, but it's supposed to be a form entertainment. You can argue that other activities and forms of entertainment are a waste of time going with your line of reasoning. It's not worth it to be serious all the time and seek progression all the time, it will leave you miserable. I play games but I'm not an avid gamer, neither am I someone who lives paycheck to paycheck or I would not punt.  I'm just not sure if your perspective on life really matches what people are experiencing. You remind me of that blogger that created the finance blog monevator who also lives in a bubble but done well for himself and has some skewed views because he and his immediate social circle are doing well. I don't remember life being so clear cut as you are trying to make it seem with your  "Try having a positive attitude, work hard, learn a trade, improve your fitness, go develop yourself as a person then you can try and live a good life." talk. 

Offline daviemac

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Video games are cool when your a kid because you haven't had any real life experiences yet, I had a Playstation growing up but the moment I finished school I realized that continuing to play into adulthood would be immature. It doesn't matter if you only play occasionally as an adult, at the end of the day video games are effectively an illusion and dare I say it, a waste of time. They stroke your ego and make you believe that your something your not. Then when you finish a game what have you accomplished? Absolutely nothing. In my opinion that's very depressing.

Are you one of these "gamers" or people living paycheck to paycheck? Is that why your so offended by my opinion? Try having a positive attitude, work hard, learn a trade, improve your fitness, go develop yourself as a person then you can try and live a good life.
You have a very narrow minded view, it's a good job those who matter have a different view and can see the value in 'playing' games.

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Or have surgeons not achieved anything.    :unknown:
« Last Edit: October 02, 2020, 06:56:23 pm by daviemac »


I have no doubt that esports is a growing niche, but games such as COD and Fortnite are just that, games. Live sport will continue to be highly desired, and despite your premise, in the last few years I've seen nothing to suggest that esports or FPS games have had, or will have an adverse effect or disrupting influnce on live sport. Video games can add a complementary factor, but I doubt it will add anything else.
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There's plenty online about the decline of live sports and the rise of e-sports including a article by forbes on the NFL and children's lack of interest in it now if you just do a quick Google search. Remember chariot racing used to be the most popular sport but wheres that now? Lol and baseball used to be americas number 1 sport and where is that now? 4th right behind college football. My point is things change with the times, just because you can't imagine it ever happening doesn't mean it won't. Mark my previous words, 30 years.