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Author Topic: AdultWork paranoia  (Read 3354 times)


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Chaps - Have been offline for personal reasons but am back and really happy to be back in the 'Game'.

I am a bit paranoid about the people running AW after reading this site and really worried that AW might be able to find out who I am / where I live etc.

I have been on AW for quite a few years and know that AW can track IP addresses

Can they actually track an IP address to a physical address?

Can they actually track my IP address to the actual machine that they use or can they identify my machine?

What about my email address - can they track / trace anything from that even if I have never emailed them from the address but have received notifications

I know I sound paranoid but I have heard so many times that it is run by a bunch of spivs now so any thoughts / advice would be well received


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Why on earth would they bother, blackmail is a crime that the police do take very seriously.  For a commercial organisation to become involved in such a crime imho is unheard of. Unless you are a member of MI6 I can see no reason for this to ever happen.  :unknown:

Offline latecomer

I wouldn't worry about this.  Yes in theory an IP address or an email address can be tracked back to you by demanding that the ISP releases your data.  The security services and no doubt the police would have the authority to do this but it's a great deal of work.  Why would they bother?  As vorian says, if someone else tried to get at this information, they're taking a serious risk for really no gain.

Offline Jimmyredcab

Chaps - Have been offline for personal reasons but am back and really happy to be back in the 'Game'.

I am a bit paranoid about the people running AW after reading this site and really worried that AW might be able to find out who I am / where I live etc.

I have been on AW for quite a few years and know that AW can track IP addresses

Can they actually track an IP address to a physical address?

Can they actually track my IP address to the actual machine that they use or can they identify my machine?

What about my email address - can they track / trace anything from that even if I have never emailed them from the address but have received notifications

I know I sound paranoid but I have heard so many times that it is run by a bunch of spivs now so any thoughts / advice would be well received

Worse that paranoid, you sound stark raving bonkers.    :crazy:

Yes, Adultwork is run by a bunch of spivs but they would have no interest in where you live, ISP addresses only give a rough location, not the road or door number ------------ however the police could probably trace you through your internet provider if you were engaged in anything illegal.  :hi:

My concern is not that the people running AW would do anything as it would be too greater risk to their business

My very real worry is that anon or another of the plethora of kiddie scripters somehow get hold of the AW database which for me sadly contains my real name due to a drunken foolhardy move of using my real credit card for a credit purchase, when ever I book now I have to remove my surname from the request  :scare:.

If that ever happens I'm sure I won't be the only one up shit creek though!!

Offline Jimmyredcab

My concern is not that the people running AW would do anything as it would be too greater risk to their business

My very real worry is that anon or another of the plethora of kiddie scripters somehow get hold of the AW database which for me sadly contains my real name due to a drunken foolhardy move of using my real credit card for a credit purchase, when ever I book now I have to remove my surname from the request  :scare:.

If that ever happens I'm sure I won't be the only one up shit creek though!!

It would probably depend on what your name is, they must have hundreds of Fred Smiths ------------ I always use my credit card, never had a problem.    :hi:

It would probably depend on what your name is, they must have hundreds of Fred Smiths ------------ I always use my credit card, never had a problem.    :hi:
Sadly not, my name is not exactly common!!


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I am not concerned about traceability from the authorities...I am more concerned about the data that AW may hold on me although I hear, altoough I hear what you are saying when you say they will not do anything with it.

I got so paranoid after reading the boards that i cancelled my AW profile as it was linked to my unofficial (but real) email address that I use for friends and non-work stuff and set up a new profile linked to a fake email address which I know use so there is no connection with unofficial email address

I am now paranoid that they might be able to link that address to my unofficial email address and back to me

We have talked about punting phones but no need for a punting computer then? :wacko:

#paranoid punter


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I am not concerned about traceability from the authorities...I am more concerned about the data that AW may hold on me although I hear, altoough I hear what you are saying when you say they will not do anything with it.

I got so paranoid after reading the boards that i cancelled my AW profile as it was linked to my unofficial (but real) email address that I use for friends and non-work stuff and set up a new profile linked to a fake email address which I know use so there is no connection with unofficial email address

I am now paranoid that they might be able to link that address to my unofficial email address and back to me

We have talked about punting phones but no need for a punting computer then? :wacko:

#paranoid punter

I respect you feel the need to protect yourself but in all honestly I would not worry too much

Tony Montana

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If you look at External Link/Members Only it shows you what your IP address divulges.  In the case of mine it is many miles out.

Offline smiths

Chaps - Have been offline for personal reasons but am back and really happy to be back in the 'Game'.

I am a bit paranoid about the people running AW after reading this site and really worried that AW might be able to find out who I am / where I live etc.

I have been on AW for quite a few years and know that AW can track IP addresses

Can they actually track an IP address to a physical address?

Can they actually track my IP address to the actual machine that they use or can they identify my machine?

What about my email address - can they track / trace anything from that even if I have never emailed them from the address but have received notifications

I know I sound paranoid but I have heard so many times that it is run by a bunch of spivs now so any thoughts / advice would be well received

A/W is run by low lifes in my view but its been rare i have read there has been a problem with them having your personal details. As punting isnt illegal here, at least not as yet there wouldnt be any point in them using your personal info in my opinion.

They have bigger fish to fry where they make big money and dont need to do this. Some punters have reported being diddled out of credits when the punter has paid to view a PG scam, A/W just kept the credits instead of returning them as they should do.

I only locate and punt with WGs with phone numbers so have nothing to do with A/W beyond that, i wouldnt on principle pay one penny in credits to low lifes. Also nothing wrong with being paranoid unless it affects the fun punting can provide, better safe than sorry. But i wouldnt worry about them tracing you and even if they did they are very unlikely to do anything about it. They want to make as much momey as possible and thats what they concentrate on.


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If you look at External Link/Members Only it shows you what your IP address divulges.  In the case of mine it is many miles out.

Wow! That suggested I live in Aberdeen. I actually live in London. Reassuringly crap.


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Wow! That suggested I live in Aberdeen. I actually live in London. Reassuringly crap.

Mine was spot on.


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Complete paranoia,if your worried about nonsense like this how will you cope with the punt itself? :dash:

Offline panther111

I might be missing something but what exactly is there to be paranoid about?
Is there any more cause for paranoia than trading with some of the right dodgy geezers I've traded with on Ebay?

I don't get the blackmail potential angle. So what if they have your IP address. Who cares?

I honestly don't mean to sound dismissive but there's no point searching for reasons to worry in today's digital age.


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I don't think you're paranoid but I'm sure they've got it in for you  :lol: 

Seriously you are worrying too much mate. I use a discrete free email account and never use a payment card etc for private gallery pics etc. also listed punting phone. I also sleep with my head wrapped in tinfoil just in case! I'm sure AW would collapse if they were running a scam. They've too much to lose

I don't think you're paranoid but I'm sure they've got it in for you  :lol: 

Seriously you are worrying too much mate. I use a discrete free email account and never use a payment card etc for private gallery pics etc. also listed punting phone. I also sleep with my head wrapped in tinfoil just in case! I'm sure AW would collapse if they were running a scam. They've too much to lose

Lets say just for shits and giggles that a new government makes prostitution illegal, AW is not exactly the pinnacle of cam sites so the owners start losing money. I for one wouldn't put it past them to sell off the assets (Data included) to the highest bidder.

Definitely the right moves in terms of email and not falling for the fallacy that is a private gallery but sadly some of us are idiots or drunkards and AW have IMO too much personal information on us and I do think that that is a worry.

Offline Strawberry

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Adultwork are too busy running their website and making money. Why on Earth out of the thousands or millions of their members would they want to single out some average bloke living in some average town?

Do you not think they have better things to do?I suppose they could write to everyone of their millions of members and threaten to out them but I can see several flaws in that plan. Biggest two are they are making enough money in legitimate ways and it could end up with them being shut down.