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Author Topic: Las Vegas (& US in general) from my own experience - Basically, don't bother  (Read 3215 times)

Offline Ibanez

I’m just posting this because I hope it helps someone researching their options - in short, save your money for the UK, honestly.  I even read that on here somewhere once before. But I thought I knew best. I should have heeded the advice! 

For some personal reasoning, read on (it’s a bit long and a bit rushed so maybe not the most coherent, but anyway...)  Findings from personal experience over several years -

In the US generally, it’s easy to get seduced by the escort listings online, and by the 10/10 Americans you can see in bars, gyms, strippers, porn etc. In reality, my findings of those who actually escort at an even vaguely affordable level hasn’t been very good.

I’ve seen a couple of girls from Backpage site (now shut down I think) that were average to OK (service & honest representation of advert pics) but the actual encounter is just so much more clinical - OW as standard, sometimes phone calls, they all seem to have pimps (don’t know why so few go at it independently, maybe they get messed about?), lots of rules, always discussions on ‘services’ menu (what ‘entertainment’ is on offer for what money - often being vague & unhelpful).

Said vagueness I guess, is often explained away by the fact that in the US, there’s always the threat of vice law enforcement hanging over these meets - manifesting in the secrecy, often the refusal to discuss services until in person, the questions, the checking & verification services (that’ll also cost you).  No one wants to be busted - especially not the American John in case their kids and church finds out they’re really a cunt like everyone else!

The whole thing is nuts really. A nation founded by puritans who wanted a place where they could be more conceited and judgmental - it’s still ongoing!  They made a big deal about banning booze for a while (but obviously everyone was still drinking), and prostitution is banned (but obviously Americans still have their heads in the gutter like everyone else in the world) - just in the US, you go to church, tell everyone about going to church, and that means you’re meant to be believed when judging other people and saying how upstanding you are. So still religion prospers, and links hand in hand in politics. Anyway, I digress.

Eros seems...a step up from Backpage. But from my experience it hasn’t been. The photos are shamelessly old, massively photoshopped, or just not the girl who arrives. Consistently!  This has especially been my experience in Vegas. - When texting, I’ve even asked girls to send me a selfie (nothing sexy just so I can see it is not a bollox profile) and they send one, looks great, turn up at your hotel door and - different story!  The indignation. Then the fee you’ve both discussed over text previously (EG $400 in Vegas) is really just to get them in the room!  If you want any more you have to discuss it all, which I hate, barter (which I also hate, I’m not Jewish) then at times I’ve ended up at $600 and still not getting sex. But then just being so disillusioned by the whole thing, and thinking with your dick, you just think fuck it (or not) and go through with it.

I am sure there are many better men than me on this forum who would have walked or commanded that situation better than me but there you go - I hate that stuff & it doesn’t happen like that in the UK, which works better. Also because in Vegas it’s always outcall, you can’t walk, and who knows if they’d be furious and rob you (and you can’t say anything because the whole situation is illegal) or make a scene at the hotel, tell the hotel staff, or threaten to tell the police about you (because they’ve already demanded your full name etc as some sort of verification that you’re not an undercover cop etc when setting up the meet). So it’s all just so much more COMPLICATED. And, although this is a word overused so much in this day and age of politically correct pussies, STRESSFUL.

Vegas pricing in particular seems insane. Agency pricing is often $150 for the hour, but again, that just gets the girl to the room (not looking like her pics), then it’s all the bartering and discussion of service bullshit as aforementioned. The $150 apparently goes all to the agency so the girl often wants $800 more of a ‘gift’ for full service. Insane.

Pamela Peaks seem legit once you’re verified ($70 or so through an external service). She has great pornstars on her books but prices are high. $1200-1400 minimum. $200 goes to Pam, rest to the model. But who knows if that $1000/1200 + gets you everything. I’m sure you’d need to discuss all that when they arrive!  I honestly don’t know. But at least with that route you know who you’re getting at your door - by following their Instagram or OnlyFans to check what they’re looking like these days.

The last thing I will probably try once things open up again is Sheri’s ranch. Outside Vegas, in NV, prostitution is legal and there are brothels. I really don’t know much about the quality of girls or pricing but at least you can see what’s on offer, and find out what for, before you’re in too deep. The facilities there look amazing online, too. 

To conclude, in the UK you can get some really amazing looking high end girls for much lower pricing (£500 not $1200).  And they’re so much nicer, and better at their job. It’s also just easier, more natural, open, fun and enjoyable.

I’ve also met some amazing girls in London & other UK cities in the £150-250 range. Ads, services & pictures are much more accurate, services are listed with no secrecy, you can often do some independent research and the reviews mean more. I actually think sites like this really keep the UK market in check, so it doesn’t spiral into the punter rip-off world like America - sites like this keep the market more honest, genuine, and customer focussed. The US seems the opposite.

Not sure why that is - at a guess, because Americans are less genuine, less honest, and more obsessed with making money.

Just my 10 cents!

Offline Colston36

Very interesting and I'm not surprised as I go to the US a great deal, and it is all about money there - plus the legal situation. Mind you it's years since I paid there and it was for kinky stuff and not that dear. But then again you don't seem to have had much luck with your one foray here.

Offline Cambridgy

I tend to resort to paying subs and putting the work in upfront on and/or using rubmaps

Offline Monger2468

Granted I spent a fortune on my recent trip to Vegas, see my detailed review, External Link/Members Only  but fark me, I absolutely loved it. 😂🤣👀. I agree if your on Cheap Charlie mode, don't bother, as it'll eat your funds up quick. 💸 But then I'd argue, what the fark are you even doing in Vegas 😂🤣

In my opinion, Vegas is amazing ... And I can't wait to go farking back 🙏
« Last Edit: July 29, 2020, 10:03:41 pm by Monger2468 »

Offline webpunter

For easy reference my post on your thread as below:

My take is that LV is a well good venue for a 'team' trip
There have been quite a few threads on here
My outlook is that hookering there is hard work, expensive & potentially risky
[have been twice on business for trade shows / conference - there are way worse places to go thats for sure on these]
On the subject of risky situations one of my mates now knows what roofies taste like  :lol: :scare:
Was cleaned out.  Other than that no harm done.  I wasn't on that trip
You don't wanna be out in the early hours in some shite part of the city
Watching the local news when waking up usually shootings reported

On the plus side whilst lap dancing over here is shite at least in the best clubs there - especially on the w/e when its busy - is worth doing it for a few hours
Lots of enhanced FAF dancers who say they luv the english accent - how predictable
Just don't expect to have much change out of $500+ if you wanna have some fun

I did some civvy hunting - unsuccessfully - usually i do OK on trips
But hard to tell whether they are working or not.  And what their end game is
Had some fun over a few drinks then give up

One thing you seem to have missed out - where LV is streets ahead of here is the AMP set-up
Loads of R&T parlours - wall to wall in china town district
Had a few of these to cure the hangover horn after surfacing late morning / early afternoon
Soapy options aplenty
And not too expensive either
My tip is do some research / walk in see what you think of the place & ask to see the rooms & burds.  If the answer is no then its walk & onto the next
Some indie massage burds on various websites including Eros & next time i'm there will give these a whirl

Deffo get a US SIM for the punting phone.  Think you can buy here / pre-order to save pissing around on arrival


Granted I spent a fortune on my recent trip to Vegas, see my detailed review, External Link/Members Only  but fark me, I absolutely loved it. 😂🤣👀. I agree if your on Cheap Charlie mode, don't bother, as it'll eat your funds up quick. 💸 But then I'd argue, what the fark are you even doing in Vegas 😂🤣

In my opinion, Vegas is amazing ... And I can't wait to go farking back 🙏

Edit: the incall indie massage type burds are more expensive than over here
Like twice as much - as with lots of things in LV
But with some research some fitties to be found
If they are well established & check out on [numerous] reviews a better bet IMO
« Last Edit: July 29, 2020, 11:06:18 pm by webpunter »

Offline Marmalade

On U.S.A. generally some people found my intro helpful on another thread so linking it here
The face-to-face stuff takes a bit of work and some street nous but pays off.

Offline Marmalade

On the plus side whilst lap dancing over here is shite at least in the best clubs there - especially on the w/e when its busy - is worth doing it for a few hours

Not sure how far I agree with you there though I’m speaking generally rather than Vegas.

I agree that it incomparably shite beyond the farthest reaches of shiteness in the city centres. They either expect tips for having a pulse or guzzle your money like starving pigs.

But in the outskirts it’s a totally different story. Basically I don’t mind being patted down by door staff, getting a taxi rather than paying someone to see that my hire car stays where I left it, or respecting the fact that I’m a visitor in the hood and keeping a not too obvious eye on my perimeter. I don’t take the first offer once in the club, check with a local what going rate I should pay, only buy one drink (my own) and have a set limit on how much I’ll pay for bj of fss (never more than I would at home). Once in the cubicle those are the usual options and a price jump between the two but peanuts by American standards and a lot more enthusiasm than the cash machine seekers downtown.

I’d need to check to see how much I paid last time for bjs but not much, about £30 I think. Or probably 50 on more recent trips. ps usa guide I mentioned was down when I posted this but was up yesterday so should be back up soon. Check with guys there on current prices for gentlemen's clubs in the stix.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2020, 09:14:03 am by Marmalade »

Offline webpunter

I've never been brave enough other than to stay central
Ref lappy stuff in Vegas more about being in a club when there are loads of super fit burds & a good vibe
Its good fun being approached by enhanced 'valley girls' who luurve the english accent
Had a few relatively expensive [$150-200] full on private grindy dances with some absolute stunners
Didn't get to xtras over & above this [didn't even bother asking how much]
Knowing full well that i'd been drinking all evening & was in the last hour / two before i died on my feet, so unlikely to be able to shoot anyways
Well not in whatever time available it was with the clock ticking
And that a late brunch followed by AMP R&T to cure the hangover horn was in the diary for when i surfaced

Not sure how far I agree with you there though I’m speaking generally rather than Vegas.

I agree that it incomparably shite beyond the farthest reaches of shiteness in the city centres. They either expect tips for having a pulse or guzzle your money like starving pigs.

But in the outskirts it’s a totally different story. Basically I don’t mind being patted down by door staff, getting a taxi rather than paying someone to see that my hire car stays where I left it, or respecting the fact that I’m a visitor in the hood and keeping a not too obvious eye on my perimeter. I don’t take the first offer once in the club, check with a local what going rate I should pay, only buy one drink (my own) and have a set limit on how much I’ll pay for bj of fss (never more than I would at home). Once in the cubicle those are the usual options and a price jump between the two but peanuts by American standards and a lot more enthusiasm than the cash machine seekers downtown.

I’d need to check to see how much I paid last time for bjs but not much, about £30 I think. Or probably 50 on more recent trips. ps usa guide I mentioned was down when I posted this but was up yesterday so should be back up soon. Check with guys there on current prices for gentlemen's clubs in the stix.