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Author Topic: Battle of Britain - clocks change - CV19 - NHS defending us - 7,000th post  (Read 467 times)

Online webpunter

clocks change
backwards or forwards - who gives a monkeys

i wanted to pick & choose my 7,000th post carefully
it came easily
[most of my previous 6,999 are instantly forgettable - hopefully not the case for this one]

please please support the NHS / those in the community where you are, in whatever way you can

it is the NHS who are the pilots in the spits & hurricanes & all the ground crew

there is jack shit punting going on - unless you are insane - so lets apply some collective positive UKP efforts to help at least make things just a little better in this crisis
criticise me a much as you want - i don't care & if its humorous crack on.  I welcome it  :thumbsup:

there aren't that many UKP'ers who can chalk up 7,000 posts
so i will use this so please just think a little
& do something +ve. thank-you

{& then we can do pitch battle with me being a complete southern massage lovin softie tosspot  :lol:
add words as applicable ....]

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« Last Edit: March 29, 2020, 02:31:55 am by webpunter »

Offline MrMatrix

Clocks go forward this weekend. I always remember it as Spring forward and Autumn falls.

I was most impressed a couple of nights ago when many in my road came out at 8pm and clapped for 5 minutes. It reflects the support we have for our NHS. Also the fact that we now have over 750000 volunteers to help our NHS services is some thing to be proud of.
Many respects we are on an invisible war footing with a relentless enemy and only united can we beat this enemy. Ony by following governmental guidelines will we win.

My best friends daughter works for the NHS, London and has been identified as having CV. She's only 29 and recently passed her masters. She picked it up we think from her flat mate and as soon as she was identied my friends daughter also self isolated. She is a fit young lady, but what I have learnt is that age and good health arent always guarantee to getting better. So yes I'm concerned for her health.

My daughter works for NHS ,not London , she is scared. Shes got 2 children and she cant get them schooled under essential worker status either as she has a partner who isnt NHS. Normally we would help out but she has told us it aint happening as we are vulnerable. She has lost her backup as so many NHS workers have. So these nurses are left to look after their families as well as go into this operation zone. She said you dont want to go to ICU, its awful. There are gym fit 35 year olds on resperators. They are rammed with patients and yet these nurses, male and female go into work or should that be battle. She complains that the PPC isnt as robust as it should be. Masks are good for 20 minutes.
These nurses are heroes in every sense of the word. We are soo lucky to have the NHS and dedicated staff.
I ask myself why does a premiership footballer earn in 1 week as much as a nurse may earn in 5 years or more. Hopefully this crisis will focus on the real heroes in our society, and we can now value them as they should always be.  :hi:

Online paulub45

I am in the same position has you and agree totally God bless all the key workers.

Online advent2016

I've ran my life on Zulu since for ever.
At work it was nearly always referenced to Z(UTC)(GMT).  Even in civvy street I arranged meetings based on Z. There were always clocks showing  these strange variations.

This youtube video shows some of the sillier ones.
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