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Author Topic: How long do you find is best to refrain from wanking/civvie sex before a punt?  (Read 2241 times)

Offline WARSZAWA16

Two days seems to be the optimum time for me to get the best out of a punt. It's all about different strokes for different folks I suppose but just wondering what works best for you?

Offline Dipper

I like to clear the pipes either one or two days before, to lessen the chances of early blow.

Offline WARSZAWA16

we have had this thread

Thanks for pointing out. Sorry though as I really should have remembered that. Particularly as I contributed to it too. That thread answers my question.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2019, 11:51:00 am by WARSZAWA16 »

Offline fallentrees1321

surely gonna vary from person to person , probably related to age as well .

I can wank once a day no problem when ive got the time , sometimes even twice a day . Most the time its two or three times a week because of work and other stuff .

Generally if ive got a punt lined up ill leave it 12-24 hours , so say im punting 9am in the morning , i wont have a wank tonight before bed whereas usually i probably would do . If i wasn't punting till tomorrow evening say 7pm I probably would .

Offline JonasG

I wank everyday anyway.

So if I have a punt in the afternoon, I would've wanked the night before.

Online Colston36

When you get to be as senile as me you hardly ever wank for fear of losing whatever enthusiasm you have. So I never wank more than three days before.

Offline Happylad

I found it best not to wank on the morning of a meet, whatever time of day it was arranged for.  This allowed me to keep going for a good half hour or so before losing control.

Offline Georgejetson

Am I the only one here limited by blue balls? 2 to 3 days max and the sperm backlog ball ache in my groin is too much to handle. Anyone else get this?

Offline Plan R

At least 3 days,
I currently regard 7 days as perfect as by then I'm foaming at the mouth very enthusiastic for sex.
Would like to push this out to 9 days next..

Really sick of porn and wanking, hence the mission I'm on. Starting by increasing the gaps between pops..

Offline itk

A couple of days usually for myself, sometimes the day before. One way for me to get around the temptation of seeing a WG is having a wank. Never can be bothered chasing around for business for the rest of the day if I’ve had a wank in the morning

Offline notcalledchris

Am I the only one here limited by blue balls? 2 to 3 days max and the sperm backlog ball ache in my groin is too much to handle. Anyone else get this?
I'm the same.  A regular wanker me.  But if I have a punt arranged I will hold off for 24 to build up a decent load for her face.

Offline bobby1973

i can have a wank on the same day if i'm in the mood  :thumbsup: