Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: The look of a stereotypical punter, how true is the myth?  (Read 9465 times)

Offline winkywanky

I think she was under age in one state but she also claims to have been trafficked across state lines, which I think make it a Federal case. It could mean he will face the FBI, he might start sweating again.

Yes, I'm pretty sure there was potential illegality on Andrew's part, knowingly or unknowingly.

As for the sweating thing... :lol:. Yes, I think he'll quickly regain the ability to sweat as and when proceedings progress.

That was all a load of old bollocks anyway, the condition of which he spoke is real, but only in a mental stress sense. As a middle-aged, overweight bloke dad-dancing with a hot young girl in a disco, he would indeed be sweating with the physical effort.

His assertion that it couldn't have been him because he 'couldn't sweat' is laughable.

Offline Home Alone

. . .
As for the sweating thing... :lol:. Yes, I think he'll quickly regain the ability to sweat as and when proceedings progress.

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  :D :D :D

Might also loosen his bowels!

Offline scutty brown

I find the whole Prince Andrew thing absurd. She was 17. The age of consent here is 16. She's just on the make.

On the subject, I am extremely old, bald, but not fat. And by the way, the word myth means something that isn't true.

Age of consent in most USA states is 18. Federal offence to take a girl out of country to a place where its legal: remember the USA claims universal jurisdiction
Prostitution is illegal - and it would be easy to prove she was acting as a prostitute.
Biggest issue is the Mann Act - cross-state border trafficking for sexual purposes. That brings Federal charges.

Knowing the way the USA works, I'd expect there to already be a sealed Grand Jury indictment against him.
As long as he's in the UK it will be too political to request a deportation, but the minute he flies to a USA-friendly country he's fucked.
Why do you think he's withdrawn from public life? Makes it easier to avoid overseas trips - and avoid arrest / extradition

Offline king tarzan

Age of consent in most USA states is 18. Federal offence to take a girl out of country to a place where its legal: remember the USA claims universal jurisdiction
Prostitution is illegal - and it would be easy to prove she was acting as a prostitute.
Biggest issue is the Mann Act - cross-state border trafficking for sexual purposes. That brings Federal charges.

Knowing the way the USA works, I'd expect there to already be a sealed Grand Jury indictment against him.
As long as he's in the UK it will be too political to request a deportation, but the minute he flies to a USA-friendly country he's fucked.
Why do you think he's withdrawn from public life? Makes it easier to avoid overseas trips - and avoid arrest / extradition

Sharp teeth of a 🐅🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊points..
Banned reason: Misogynist who gets free bookings from agencies for pos reviews.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline tynetunnel

Unfortunately, apart from the bad publicity for the Royal Family, shagging this bird was illegal in the US I think. In the State in which it took place (one of the shags, anyway), I think she was below the age of consent? So Andrew could indeed go down.

I should hope, given the considerable trouble that he is now in, that if all those years ago he was intimate with the blonde teen, that he took that opportunity at the time!  :lol: :cool: :unknown:

Offline hungrypunt

Ive got a cock, some needs and money so yep, 100%

Offline Mr_Shins

I've been a SP for four years, in that time I have seen a whole range of guys, from the stereotypical punter to totally drop dead gorgeous guys.  When I first started I thought I would just be seeing middle aged fat guys that couldn't get a girlfriend........that is really not the case.  I see a lot of happily married guys who are looking for a bit of excitement, young single professional guys who want an experienced mature lady and older horny gents. It really does take all sorts!

It's not so much the "can't get a girlfriend" so much that real girlfriends come with demands and won't always do what you want or dress the way you like etc. So punting is easier - costs a bit of money but no baggage and if the woman won't go with your request there are plenty of others.

Offline sparkus

It's usually in films that johns are portrayed as 'loser type' or something akin to the dirty mac brigade.

I've had this convo with several WGs who've said that the vast majority of clients are "in some way attractive" enough to keep doing it and the only extremities have been severely obese clients who they've just had to take the rough with the smooth.

Apparently the biggest bane of WGs work outside of abusive clients is poor personal hygeine and looks have no connection there.

Offline Vic69

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It's not so much the "can't get a girlfriend" so much that real girlfriends come with demands and won't always do what you want or dress the way you like etc. So punting is easier - costs a bit of money but no baggage and if the woman won't go with your request there are plenty of others.

Agreed.....and I think if I were a guy I would be a punter!

Offline Throatpunt

Do you get a discount from the WGs for looking like a spartan warrior?  :D

Afraid not my man ha. And my appearance has been commented on maybe 3x of all the punts I’ve done I would say. They are interested in the cash.. the rest is just work for them  :unknown: