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Author Topic: Can you view a disputed AW rating?  (Read 769 times)

Offline whoya.kiddin

This SP has disputed a rating on AW External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only

How does an SP dispute the rating to make it appear hidden? Is it possible to view the disputed rating? Will this rating become visible in due course?


Offline Strawberry

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This SP has disputed a rating on AW External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only

How does an SP dispute the rating to make it appear hidden? Is it possible to view the disputed rating? Will this rating become visible in due course?


As far as I'm aware the dispute is always visible, in this case I suspect either typos or use of emojis on a mobile device have resulted in the gobbledygook entry.

Offline whoya.kiddin

Ah, I see.  Thank you for the explanation.

Offline Strawberry

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Ah, I see.  Thank you for the explanation.

I've seen the same sort of arrangement of characters in forum posts, social media and sometimes in AW profiles.

Offline Vice Admiral

The "disputed" feedback is fully visible.  It's the earliest feedback on Amina Babe's list.

Since the feedback in question is complimentary, Amina Babe must have accidentally clicked on the dispute option when she merely wanted to respond to the feedback.  (Just as she responded to the feedback above it.)

All that generally happens when feedback is disputed is that the feedback remains in place – but ceases to "score".

So in this case, ironically, Amina Babe reduced her feedback score by one by accidentally disputing positive feedback!  She has eight positive feedbacks and no negatives. But her score is only +7.

The "🥰🥰&#129392" gobbledegook occurs when "unsupported" stuff is entered.  Perhaps Amina Babe tried to paste in some emojis.  Something like that.

Offline daviemac

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If you google it this comes up. - External Link/Members Only nothing sinister she's trying to post 3 smiling face emojis.

Offline Moby Dick

If you google it this comes up. - External Link/Members Only nothing sinister she's trying to post 3 smiling face emojis.

Yeah think she/her pimp didn’t now what they were doing.
Trying to respond with emojis, but clicked disputed so that positive rating doesn’t count to her total rating, hence adds up to 7 not 8.

More concerning is that all her positives since have come from members with zero rating.

Offline daviemac

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More concerning is that all her positives since have come from members with zero rating.
Exactly why AW feedback is next to worthless.

Offline Gordon Bennett

Hers is the most garbage fake set of feedback I've ever seen..... wall to wall bollocks!

Offline Vice Admiral

Amina had been on AW for over four months (from 14 July) without any feedback whatsoever – and then on 16 November the floodgates of dodgy feedback opened.

Still, she must be doing something right.  Kamaka saw her three times on the same day (30 November)!

Though it could be argued that it was a bit mean of Amina not to leave him any feedback in return. 

Or indeed any of the others, with the exception of her first "visitor"...

Offline whoya.kiddin

Yes it is not the most skillfully forged set of reviews is it?  Interesting to learn that when feedback is disputed it is deducted from the overall rating.   :hi:

Offline Moby Dick

Yes it is not the most skillfully forged set of reviews is it?  Interesting to learn that when feedback is disputed it is deducted from the overall rating.   :hi:
Yes effectively it becomes a neutral , ie Zero, whereas a Neg would be minus 1.
Easy for the WG to dispute and keep her rating.

But the AW “rating” system is meaningless. As we have said on previous threads ; savvy working girls to keep an unblemished record won’t confirm the meeting until after it has taken place (that is AW definition, confirmation the meeting has happened) and only if they think they will get a positive. Punters will think twice about leaving a neg since they will get a revenge neg and nasty response which could stop them getting bookings with other WG.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2019, 11:21:00 am by Moby Dick »

Offline Vice Admiral

In spite of all the nonsense feedback, I have an odd hunch that Amina Babe might in reality deliver a pretty decent service.  Her one apparently genuine feedbacker – abricky73 – seemed to like her.

So if I lived in the Turnpike Lane, Wood Green, Tottenham and Hornsay [sic] area, I’d be tempted to beat a path to her door.  Any girl who offers “hot Hungarian delicates” and in whose company you “will sure switch off your brain” has got to be worth the £80 she charges for an hour! 

An almost unheard of price these days.

Any takers?  It'd be most interesting to know how she stacks up in the flesh...

(Sorry if I sound like a tout – but I assure you that Amina and the Admiral are in no way connected!)

Offline Moby Dick

(Sorry if I sound like a tout – but I assure you that Amina and the Admiral are in no way connected!)

You are above suspicion..... your spelling is too good :sarcastic:

Let us now if she is another Rom

Offline Vice Admiral

(Thank you, Moby, for your kind words.  I have also sometimes been told that my punctuation differentiates me from the average tout.)

Purely in the interests of scholarly research, the Admiral has just devoted £1-80 of his naval – or should that be navel-gazing? – pension on Amina’s Private gallery.

Nice pictures, to be fair.

I also gave her a ring to ask her if she ever toured to (say) the South Coast.  She sounds friendly enough, but her English is poor.  No surprise.

Oh dear.  Is Amina becoming an unhealthy Yuletide obsession for this salty old sea-dog?

I do hope not. 

If this goes on much longer, I’ll end up having to pay a London-based member of UKP to go and see her and report what he finds!

Offline whoya.kiddin

Vice Admiral, If you click on the link that says service provider beneath my post above it will take you to her reviews.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2019, 02:56:50 pm by whoya.kiddin »

Offline Vice Admiral

Vice Admiral, If you click on the link that says service provider beneath my post above it will take you to her reviews.

Thanks Whoya.  I've just seen your post after 48 hrs away from UKP.

It's unexpected that a girl with so little convincing AW feedback has so much UKP feedback – but I'll study it with interest!