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Author Topic: Beware of mumsnet-type spoof questions  (Read 11482 times)

Offline Ali Katt

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Should be a separate site just for mumsnetters to advertise their services.....they know they want to deep down!
I did read a thread on mumsnet which said (paraphrased) "I am a single mother and don't have as much money as I used to as I have to provide for a pram rat and I was thinking of selling my hole. Is that a good idea?"

Offline Stalinator

I did read a thread on mumsnet which said (paraphrased) "I am a single mother and don't have as much money as I used to as I have to provide for a pram rat and I was thinking of selling my hole. Is that a good idea?"
Link?  :D

Offline Ali Katt

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Offline Marmalade

I did read a thread on mumsnet which said (paraphrased) "I am a single mother and don't have as much money as I used to as I have to provide for a pram rat and I was thinking of selling my hole. Is that a good idea?"

Nice paraphrase.

One could add one that said, "I am a single mother and don't have as much money as I used to and my hubby-slave has reduced my pocket money after I sneaked around on his computer and accused him of punting so I am thinking of letting some other men fuck my cunt for money. That way I can afford a private detective as well the box set of Crossroads which I need. Do you think it is a good idea or should I borrow money from the loan shark that murdered my sister? I have no friends or family."

Naturally one would have to put it through the reverse paraphrase, using a UKP to Mumsnet translation device.

Plus a few stories of "how a prostitute saved my marriage" would add a bit of balance on that maudlin shithole of a website.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2016, 07:20:56 pm by Marmalade »

Offline Marmalade

I think it was this External Link/Members Only. I make it sound more interesting than it is.

I read a few pages. If it's a troll, it's a damn good one. She could perhaps be well joining a good agency and explain she just wants a few clients to get back on her feet.

On a serious note I think trouble and misfortune, though unnecessary, best avoided, and definitely  not sought after, can help bring out the best in someone who is truly motivated. It did with me. What doesn't work at that deeper level though is asking friends and family or going on chat forums. You have to go inside yourself, not to 'survive' but to find the backbone and character that can make your life actually mean something.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2016, 07:34:47 pm by Marmalade »

Offline Stalinator

maudlin shithole of a website
Such an apt description of it.

Offline MJ.spritzen

FreudiansSlipper Mon 28-Apr-14 23:17:43

forget the happy whore stories that the media love to talk about

how would you feel about a man who you have only known for a few hours wanting anal sex and talking dirty to you and not caring about your enjoying sex

that is more the reality, it is not a judgement on those that do (that is left for the men that pay)

can you get housing benefit? sickness benefit?

 :lol: :lol: :lol:


In other words, "here is a lovely cake and a knife and fork, now open wide... you ate it?!!! You bastard!!"

Offline Ali Katt

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Not sure if I should stick my head above the parapet here...(and apologies if not welcome!)  But I do post on mumsnet from time to time and yes there are a lot of what I'd call bitter harridans on there whose opinions I vehemently disagree with.  Many of them can't conceive of happy open marriages, etc. Or pretty much anything that falls outside their narrow conservative views...  Why can't people just be a bit more open minded and kinder?!  :blush:   :)
I see it differently. I think people have the right to their opinions close-minded or open-minded. I'm personally opposed to paedophiles adopting children and transgendered males using female toilets and changing rooms. To some of the socialist worker reading parasites that would make me a bigot.

It's mainly cod-feminism on the internet in general I have a problem with nobody with any sense would be opposed to equal pay for women, this third wave of feminism "all men are oppressive rapists" is disparaging.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2016, 01:07:39 am by Ali Katt »

Offline Kinkykate78

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I see it differently. I think people have the right to their opinions close-minded or open-minded. I'm personally opposed to paedophiles adopting children and transgendered males using female toilets and changing rooms. To some of the socialist worker reading parasites that would make me a bigot.

It's mainly cod-feminism on the internet in general I have a problem with nobody with any sense would be opposed to equal pay for women, this third wave of feminism "all men are oppressive rapists" is disparaging.
I forgot to add the caveat: as long as it's legal!

Offline CatBBW

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The husband being forced to wank into a condom is bizarre.

. I'll say, that's bloody odd!  :crazy:

She prolly doesn't want his sticky man-muck spraying all over the place :sarcastic:
« Last Edit: July 13, 2016, 01:27:17 pm by CatBBW »

Offline Baldy

My sentiments exactly, divorced 14 years ago and been pumping anything that is willing with no guilt , ties or sense of loyalty.

I live a single life and the only responsibility I have now is my 16 year old daughter and my mortgage .

Just wish Mr 6 inches was Mr 8  inches

Offline Kinkykate78

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She prolly doesn't want his sticky man-muck spraying all over the place :sarcastic:
:lol: maybe she should knit him a wanksock?

Offline harald hardrada

Mrs Stalin is well aware of my hobby. She has zero interest in sex since the doctors told her she can't have kids. I would say sex is now reserved for Birthdays and Christmas only. She has no qualms about it so long as I don't pick up a disease from any of WGs. I am quite open with her about my exploits.
Stalin would have known what to do with those militant mumsnet types!  :cool:

Offline David1970

Stalin would have known what to do with those militant mumsnet types!  :cool:

Why make this stuiped comment on a thread that has been dead for over 3 years?

Here's an idea, book a WG, fuck her, review her.

Offline Punterperson1971

Why make this stuiped comment on a thread that has been dead for over 3 years?

Here's an idea, book a WG, fuck her, review her.
Or fuck off!!

Offline MrMatrix

I remember this thread. Those mumsnet references were priceless. Why on earth did they get married with that sort of shit attitude :dash:

Offline Jacques Barstarred

+ 1

Men use relationships to get sex, women use sex to get relationships.

Once the man withdraws the relationship --- the sex gets withdrawn

Once the woman withdraws the sex --- the man cuddles her and says honey its ok and cuddles her in bed.

I think this is the reason sex dries up as soon as you get married. The woman knows you can no longer just simply walk away and find someone else.

This is why I choose to be unmarried and free. I can fuck who I want and never suffer from withdrawn sex at home. I could never stand for it. Although for some guys i know it is difficult when you have kids and a big family. It adds so many complications that simply walking away isn't an option.
I hushed a dinner party once pointing this out and using it as the justification for the abolition of all forms of marriage. It was about the time that Homosexuals were were arguing for the right to marry. I argued if we want true equality we should abolish heterosexual marriage, not allow gay marriage, and then gay and straight would be equal.

Offline Bonker

:lol: maybe she should knit him a wanksock?

That's my nickname for my wife.
To be fair, however, it's insulting the sock.
Way more responsive!