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Author Topic: Waste of time reverse booking bids in Manchester  (Read 636 times)

Offline Bobbins1973

Down last weekend with a mate and fancied a few bookings - put out a few reverse booking overnighters and 1 hour slots and apart from the same old suspects wanting to come all the way from Essex for £120 all in had a few new members responding who don't know how it works and were either complete time wasters or scammers - my mate got a result from night 2 (overnight) and I ended up with someone from my old punting list who is happy to visit without me placing the reverse bookings on the system

Not been in Manchester since last year so thought I'd see if things had changed - they seem to have for the worst lol

1st wast of time - Keyceyx External Link/Members Only - limited profile, messaged day she joined but had no intention of accepting my bid - wouldn't respond to any questions, wouldn't give contact details out etc

2md wast e of time - Harperr1992 - bid on overnight - wanted to check was ok with price before she travelled and wouldn't respond to messages, in end contacted by whatsapp (number on profile and shows a pretty face) and her response was she would accept the booking but not for what she initially agreed and wouldn't say what she wanted
next - olivia*** External Link/Members Only - seemed keen but when enquired about accepting her bid she wanted 3 times the amount - geez

Biggest waster and scammer was MeggsJXx  from Skelmersdale - looked stunning and mate agreed price, stupidly sent her advance £20 for transport/deposit and she went dead and either blocked or deleted her profile - sent her a message an hour before planned booking telling her to keep her £20 and too risky to wait for her probably not turning up and wasting an opportunity - mate agreed higher amount with her and I told him not to waste his time and put it down to experience

hot n spicey - External Link/Members Only - don't know if genuine as comms were shocking and was she really willing to travel from Birmingham to Manchester and stay over for £120 ??????
Pictures not my thing and to be honest probably short on patience and blocked her

xAliyahX - External Link/Members Only and scarlettcarrxo External Link/Members Only - double trouble and could visit together for £2000 lol

Arabella Hazeldine - External Link/Members Only - I know bb warnings but spoke when she 1st started and would have accepted her bid, err - according to twitter she had fucked off to Glasgow same night as putting in the bid and wouldn't confirm location

Few other waste of times and can't read booking request or leave number, anyone who is outside of 10 miles of booking location can usually be deleted straight away.

I will continue to use reverse booking as it's good entertainment/banter for the £2 cost each time but would hate to be let down

In the end my mate ended up with Sofiamae External Link/Members Only and had a great night, I've not asked any questions so obviously no review but would see anytime

Offline Hurley

What exactly were you offering for the bookings.


  • Guest
I`ve done a few reverse bookings.
Getting replies from people from the wrong end of the country and girls who don`t read your requirements properly are par for the course.
But if you do it in advance, don`t want to spend time trawling through the profiles and endless messaging, and fancy a lucky dip, it`s a couple of quid well spent, especially if you get a good offer.