Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: AW Reviews/Reviewers  (Read 611 times)

Offline LudoHarty

I tend to be pretty cynical about AW reviews notwithstanding that I've left a few myself. I do however look at those pertaining to potential bookings, and then tend to cross reference the reviewers with other girls who I may have seen to try and build up a more nuanced a reliable testimony.
One reviewer's name keeps popping up with the girls I look at; either we have similar taste in women (possible) or he's an inordinately prolific punter (less probable but still possible) or he's just a fake id used by the girls amongst themselves (eminently possible - see; natural cynic, me).

I'd like to clear this up once and for all so can anyone, and I'm not asking anyone to out themselves or their AW id, can anyone please vouch for "Freaky G The Sex God"? And what are your general thoughts on AW Reviews? How do you approach them?

Offline Wood2017

OP i would take AW reviews/ratings with a massive pinch of salt particularly if a girl/punter have multiple feedback from each other.

That's not to say there can't be a little bit of chemistry and of course mutual pleasure within a booking but far too often i suspect it's simply a case of if neither punter/girl were particularly bad then something nice will be said simply so as to ensure there's no retaliation comments/feedback.

It's probably a case of you scratch my back and i'll scratch yours in terms of saying something positive so as to ensure both are able to secure future bookings with other people.

Offline winkywanky

I tend to be pretty cynical about AW reviews notwithstanding that I've left a few myself.

One reviewer's name keeps popping up with the girls I look at; either we have similar taste in women (possible) or he's an inordinately prolific punter (less probable but still possible) or he's just a fake id used by the girls amongst themselves.

I'd like to clear this up once and for all so can anyone...please vouch for "Freaky G The Sex God"?

I'll give you three guesses  :rolleyes:  :D

Offline HailWood

Never come across Freaky. But I do cross reference reviews of certain AW punters who have seen the same girls that I have (maybe similar tastes); if these punters have returned to see an escort that I see that as pretty positive sign.


  • Guest
I tend to be pretty cynical about AW reviews notwithstanding that I've left a few myself. I do however look at those pertaining to potential bookings, and then tend to cross reference the reviewers with other girls who I may have seen to try and build up a more nuanced a reliable testimony.
One reviewer's name keeps popping up with the girls I look at; either we have similar taste in women (possible) or he's an inordinately prolific punter (less probable but still possible) or he's just a fake id used by the girls amongst themselves (eminently possible - see; natural cynic, me).

I'd like to clear this up once and for all so can anyone, and I'm not asking anyone to out themselves or their AW id, can anyone please vouch for "Freaky G The Sex God"? And what are your general thoughts on AW Reviews? How do you approach them?

Which girls has he left feedback for?

Offline NervousJ

Which girls has he left feedback for?

Or which girls do you want to see, we might be able to guide you in the right direction, or save you some dosh more importantly..

Offline Picti

There are certain punters on AW where I have a higher level of trust and reassurance regarding their feedback, beyond those I view the feedback / reviews with varying degrees of suspicion as we know the AW system is highly flawed and vulnerable to manipulation.

There are certain patterns, timings, etc to interrogate AW feedback a bit more closely, but my advice to you is to become more involved on here and to base your decisions on UKP reviews and punters' comments that have more security and scrutiny associated with them.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2019, 07:25:42 pm by pictisunum »

Offline Space Invader

As already pointed out -AW reviews are to be taken lightly, but to me they do show certain things which are useful - in particular that the girl actually exists , depending on the reviewer as well, I get an idea if she is a potential visit , and I also cross reference reviews to other girls that have been made, and this has proved beneficial on a number of occasions when I have come across girls that for some reason i have never noticed on AW before .
Another useful one for me is if a girl advertisers BB ( I would never visit her )I check who has reviewed her, and then who that reviewer has visited ( Im sure the girls do this anyway, but if not they should ) all of this purely to try to avoid some pox / aids carrying suicide jockey - its not foolproof but its a start .
So in my mind , take with pinch of salt, but can be useful - I am a guilty party in leaving reviews and have over 150+ positive feedback's on my profile , no that doesn't mean Im a stud, but it does mean that girls will at least reply to me and accept my bookings, whereas someone with Zero may struggle !
here endeth today's lesson fellow members  -lol 

Offline The Highwayman

I think you're right to take AW feedbacks and even field reports with a pinch of salt, mainly I think because the AW feedback system is tilted towards leaving very positive reviews and field reports. That said I believe you can also read things between the lines about what is said and what isn't actually said.

For example I have used the word "expert" when I couldn't fault the technique but I didn't make a real connection.(Which I want to do)

Also SP's leave different types of feedback which may sound similar but aren't, eg "Would meet again" v "Would gladly meet again and again"

Like MTB I look to see which SS's who may have similar tastes to me have seen which SP's and cross reference whether they have met them more than once. Mind you I did check out one profile where about 10 guys had all seen this SP multiple times and then when I checked all 10 had virtually never seen anyone else. When the FB's look too good like this then that sends an alarm out as for me it suggests that all the feedbacks may be fake.

The other thing to bear in mind is we're also all different and to coin someone's name on here YMMV (Your Mileage May Vary) meaning that I might have a fantastic meet with SP 'A' and not necessarily with SP 'B' meanwhile another SS might think SP 'B' was great and not like SP 'A'.

So it all can be a useful guide but isn't a certainty.

TBH I'm probably a bit nerdy and read profiles in depth, as well as FB and FR's to try to gauge how I think a SP might be, mostly I think I do okay, however, I also know that I've still been hopelessly wrong.

Online scutty brown

AW feedback is bollocks.
How many fake reports would you like? Dead easy to forge